Killer Hit Range

If a survivor has already successfully vaulted and is on the other side, there’s no reason they should still be able to hit them. Fix it.
If the survivor is close enough to the window, it is intentional. The killers can hit through windows and over small barriers (like some fences) but only if the Survivor is very close.
So, if you're getting hit as you're still close to the window then it is intentional and they don't need to "fix it."
But if your far away from the window, it is a hit validation/dedicated server problem and should be fixed, yes.
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For the last time, it's latency and lag, not the hitbox's.
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Given that it's a latency issue, how would you fix it? Make it so that the killer cannot hit you once you've started the vault? Give survivors hit priority? How is that even fair?
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You know,there are just certain things here that people complain about over and over again no matter how often you explain it to them 🤷♂️
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Seriously.... same crap with freddy's lunge.
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It's so common for me to get hit like 5m away from window or pallet that I've stopped caring about it. Only 100ms or less usually
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When did someone explain this to me prior?
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In general, its stated many times for the same complaint.
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Freddy has been the only killer that has a reach I just can never tell. There have been plenty of times I thought I was far away ro avoid a hit but then I'm wrong. Other than that hits seem okay outside of possibly some vaults
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Just make everyone live in the same house and play over LAN, 4head
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On the killers screen you haven't vaulted yet. It looks like a completely valid hit to them. This is caused by latency. You and the killer and the other survivors aren't all seeing the exact same thing at the exact same time. When you've vaulted already the killer is seeing you begin to vault or is the midst of the vault animation.
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What is with his lunge?
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Same complaint as always. His small frame makes him look farther away than he is.
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How is it fair that killer have hit priority?
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See my reply here: Freddy's lunge is way to long — Dead By Daylight
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Because their main objective is hitting people, as opposed to the survivors main objective of doing generators?
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*flashbacks of huntress hatchets phasing clearly through people at point blank range*
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That makes sense, but it’s also the survivor’s objective to survive! Either way, we all know that we should be seeing the same thing at the same time and the fact that we don’t is a huge issue.
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I feel like a lunge attack should impact the window and nothing past but a basic m1 should pass the window and hit the other side.
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You think the lunge attack should go further than the basic attack?
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.... Because killers are the only role that can hit...
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Incorrect. Survivors can hit killers with pallets. Come to think of it: Why don't survivors have hit priority at pallets if killers have hit priority everywhere else?
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Not at all. I think if a killer is lunging and the survivor gets through the window the lunge attack should not go through the window at all and bounce off it. Lunges shouldn't go through a window is what I was getting at. A killer should make the decision of chancing a lunge and hit them while vaulting through the window or run up and m1 them instead to hit someone on the other side of the window if they're still close enough.
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Since killers basically Dead Hard when lunging, not a single sane killer player would instead opt to walk up to the window and try a quick attack, since that would take longer and the survivor would be long past the window.
Your suggestion makes no practical sense in DbD.
And just to reiterate: windows are open space and one can reach through them. That's not an abstract concept.
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Any potential lag issues with window/vault hits are more than balanced by the fact that you can rarely grab survivors.
I have wandered up to a survivor on gen stood there for a full second and went for the quick attack only to either freeze or actually hit them instead of grabbing. That's a HUGE swing in the game - instead of a hook it's a chase. The lag definitely benefits survivors over the killer.
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Most of the time they drop it after the lunge, in a reaction to not get hit. Due to the killer doing an action first it gets priority.
Want to stop it? Throw pallets down when the killer is not near you.
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Clearly you've never played survivor and been hit through a dropped pallet.
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Honestly, they're yet to fix Dump Truck Huntress and yet with Deathslinger I know I'm hitting square in the chest or face but still doesnt sometimes latch anyways. Now that's just projectiles. I'm still getting hit in the middle of a reasonable Sprint Burst distance away. If I'm falling and my head is at the ledge height where the killers feet currently are, I get hit... despite when people say "Its not hitbox, its latency".... it's actually both.
I've had so many situations, even tested it with friends where I'm completely behind a wall standing for 5 seconds, we throw a hatchet that breezes past the wall but still hits fresh air. You're covered by 3 different trees and it still magically hits. Nit to mention how Deathslinger can shoot through 3 different debris in Hawkins and a little crack in Killer shack if your foot is there... again tested.
Not to mention I had a bug where I was unhooking a teamate and the Huntress hit both of us at once with an M1. I know cause I got injured and my teamate got the mend bar from BT. It's both latency and hitbox. But the devs are in denial and dont want to admit it's not fixed so they'll just say "Its nothing we can do. Its latency. If you dont like it, play something else. Pretty good job so far."
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Not sure why you're getting so heated up over a thought my dude. I was just thinking of a way to reward fast vaulting and punishing a medium or slow vault. It's super simple in my mind. "Dead Hard" lunge should not go through windows. M1 attacks Should. Just like pallet dropping. If a survivor interacts with a pallet they should become invulnerable for the whole action of dropping the pallet. No more of this dropping a pallet and stunning while getting downed. Although that is more server related and I feel like I'm rambling at this point. XD
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Did you read what I said in that comment?
"Most of the time they drop it after the lunge, in a reaction to not get hit. Due to the killer doing an action first it gets priority.
Want to stop it? Throw pallets down when the killer is not near you."
Incase you haven't watched the video linked above, because the killer hit R2/M1 first and you reacted by throwing down the pallet the killer gets the hit as the server got that data first. Peer to Peer is worse, the killer acts as the server so gets priority on everything.
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There should be a way to at least even out the fairness even if it is lag. Now i just played up against a myers that could magically spin around a pallet n hit me even tho he wasnt insight n shouldnot of been able to do that. The availability to drop pallet was took away so he could hit me. That is ridiculous and stupid.
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But this game will always baby the killers and every one of their complaints while leaving survivor mains high n dry. Its a toxic game built for the killers. Theyve decreased their recover time, decreased amount of pallets, increased amounts of hooks, increased their hit radius, lets them pretty much be faster, see us at all times and took away most of our coverage and still god forbid we say something at all about our survivor issues. Lol. They cry more and tell us to grow up. Its called narcissism n most killer mains are exactly that. Lol.