Killers and Survivors: What is your least favourite DBD mechanic?

I'll go first!
As a killer my least favourite DBD mechanic is pallets and the length of some killer animations, like vaulting, is slower than survivors' animations.
I can't think of anything off the top of my head as survivor right now; I play killer about twice as much as survivor.
What are your least favourite game mechanics?
Can I use a mechanism that I don't understand rather than dislike the most?
The structure of the trapper's trap is such that the trap closes by a mechanism that detects gravity at its center.
However, while the survivor is holding his/her hand above the trap, the trap is not activated even if gravity is detected. How?
The structure should finally be powered by lowering the gate lever. By releasing your hand before the animation of the full lowering plays, you effectively build up the gauge and supply power without lowering the lever. 99% of the gates open without lowering the lever by simply tapping it. How?
If you mean just tap, you can stop the spark by simply touching a malfunctioning generator for 0.01 seconds. How?
H O W ? ? ?
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Medium vaults.
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Collision detection in general. Just the strange number of ways all sorts of charging or bounding powers can clip against small bits of rock or stuck out scenery or something.
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This is gonna be VERY unpopular but: Looping.
on both sides actually. I might survive more often if the game would resolve around more hiding and have less looping tiles, more evading possibillitys.
And as a killer i would enjoy it more chasing someone around the map and through paths than in circles. Would be more immersive i think.
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"oh look we're at a rock and there's nothing that can be done to speed up this interaction as we go round it".
At least play Yakety Sax in this situation not tense dramatic music.
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LMAO i made the exakt same connection in another post, i see im not the only one having that music playing in my head whilst running around in circles XD
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What do you mean paths? Because looping and chase is the only skillful thing survivor's can do. You just want to chase them as they drop every pallet on the map and nothing else? I mean I guess if you play m1 killers you might hate it, but they lack the ability to express too much skill in general.
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What if they were somehow able to compromise? A part of me wants to say this is a literal skill issue if you're having trouble with looping and whatnot. I REALLY DON'T WANT TO SEEM RUDE, THOUGH.
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Hatch. Takes away a hard-fought kill from killer with the touch of a button. Takes away any semblance of teamwork or motivation from your solo teammates the moment things start going south.
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I remember us thinking of this game as like horror movie tropes and how one escapes in the end to tell the story or something. Isn't that what a lot of good horror films do?
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We're far past the point of this being a hide and seek game. It still can happen... at the bottom. So you can either smurf to get there, or employ and evolved form of stealth getaways with Distortion, Quick & Quiet, Shadowstep, Off The Record, Lucky Break, Parental Guidance, etc. Those kinds of perks also help players with non-stealth playstyles, and I wish they'd try using them before they complain, "There's nothing I can do different."
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I assumed the looping meant is the kind where there's no real thought or counterplay (although tbh that seems to even cover complicated loops, since they're always the same damn tiles), just... running round because hold W is the only thing either of you can do in that situation.
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Not via the touch of a button for no work put in. I don't buy the "Killer is faster, so they find hatch first way more" argument either. Good horror films make all the characters fear the threat, not just 3/4.
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The matchmaking. It's become steadily worse since SBMM launched. We're at the point where it's basically old red ranks again. Really disappointing system. Teammates are all over the place while the killer has a ridiculous build, and killer games are back to being a sleepwalk 3k/4k 90% of the time. It's a boring game when there's no challenge or the challenge is contrived due to bad matchmaking.
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I agree about pallets. The issue is it’s too easy and not punishing enough for survivors to either pre-drop or waste them. Maps shouldn’t be like shelter woods with hardly any resources but dropping a pallet and having it destroyed should actually matter way more than it currently does. To add to this, god pallets should simply not exist.
For survivor, healthy hook grabs should not be a thing.
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i mean i would find it more interesting to be outplayed because they have some trigger actions aviable, like jumping over fallen trees or throwing crates and other stuff than only pallets in your way, the "paths" could be various ways to go, which are followed up by several areas where its somehwat easy to evade because of high grass or deep foggy woods or something. Chases would be cooler if they were more linear, its hard to explain.
Lets take mcmillian estate for example. Instead of a bunch of loopy tiles there could be another 2 or 3 areas with thick dark woods, with several hiding spots for the killer to search. The skill could be about being smart by knowing when to move position and when to stick to it. The main building could have underground tunnels and mines, like a labyrinth and maybe a Chute who was used for transporting coal but now survivors can slide it down to buy some seconds of time in chase. THAT would make me enjoy chases WAY more. Maybe my inner action junkie is showing, idk. Would be better than running in circles imo.
(also looping aint the only skillful thing to do. Knowing how to unhook safely, knowing how to not get yourself 3-genned and knowing how to hide around tiles whithout getting seen all though the killer searches the exact spot is not skillfull? Not to mention pallet/flashlight saves and tanking hits.)
I mean im really not very good at loops, as a killer i can do my skilllevel just and dont completely get destroyed at loops, but as a survivor alredy simple mindgames can sometimes get me. Sometimes i mindgame the killer but thats mostly when i leave the loop super early, i break line of sight and hot tail it outta there, so the killer wastes some few seconds to loop until he realizes ive gone alredy, making me just reach another tile which im more comfortable with.
If i can play full gen and ninja, then im way better. Im that one that the killer hardly sees, who unhooks and heals and all but also hides like 2 feet from the killer away without getting noticed. But i also have a feeling im not that good at looping because it always feels so dull to me, the whole looping concept.
(oh and yeah, i know hide&seek was a thing in this game WAY before i got into dbd. years before XD a man can still have dreams though. Its not that i dont enjoy the game otherwise, its just the looping i cant really take any enjoyment from)
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You can call it skill issiue, maybe it is. But i can assure you, if i would invest more in loops, maybe watch some education vids how to take the various looping tiles, i could get just as good as the regular survivor that has alredy reached softcap. But because i really find looping boring, i have built myself some other ways around to be skillful. I can hide from the killer mid chase with quick&quiet and dance with me or paired with lithe even and i can just pull as much weight. Ofc i get caught fast sometimes, but if im not the first one being chased the gens will get done asap and you have someone to save you not in the killers face.
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Deathgarden was all about hiding and evasion with little looping, on account of the killer having a gun.
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i have just watched some random video from deathgarden, just a slight peek. Aside from the shooter aspect, i absolutely adore the maps and the fast paced movement. Imagine there was more objectives than just gens in dbd! I mean we have totems but you know.
What DBD does way better though is unique characters, even the survivors. A mix of those 2 games i think would be THE perfect game for me 😏
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Looping for both survivor and killer. It can get so boring at times. Also the matchmaking system.
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Dark map is for me the worse to play in like autohaven, room upstairs from Haddonfield or the not so beautifull map garden of joy. . The dredge makes it really unpleasant as well . Please keep the light on :)
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I mean... when I'm the last one and the hatch spawned, I'm still pretty cautious. I feel like I can't buy your argument either. At least your other reason was reasonable. This one seems more subjective since these aren't actors PAID to fear the killer in a film.
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addons (and items too i guess)
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As Survivor: Generators. I actually never disliked being a Gen jockey myself, but the fact that it's been the only MAIN way forward (so not counting Hatch) for 6+ years now is mundane asf.
As Killer: Looping, especially ones with low walls. I don't care how balanced they could make it: Nothing takes away the feeling of being a supernatural and/or powerful Killer more for me than being unable to just kick some of those barrels and trash aside to nullify the loop, or be unable to just hop over a Haddonfield fence.
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Nah Trappers trap are pressure and spring activated like most bear traps, the center plate is conected to a stop which makes the jaws stay in place, once you press the plate the stop loose and the side springs close the jaws.
What the Survivor does to deactivate the trap is pressing the plate with their hand and retiring it before the jaws close, this is VERY dangerous and it should never be done, this video shows essentially what Survivors do and I repeat myself DO NOT TRY THIS, a bear trap will crush your bones, lacerate your muscles and it can puncture veins or arteries, if I were there I wouldnt let the guy attempt it even if I knew he had lightening reflexes, if you want to set off a trap just use a log or a broom stick.
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god pallets for both sides
just "oh now i dont get my hit because its physically impossible to hit the survivor at this pallet, better break it and go pressure gens" or as survivor "oh now i just pre drop this and hold w, man i feel skillful"
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The core fun feature in DBD for me is chases so…
As a survivor, it’s a tie for zoning and hit-and-run, because both involve either taking away or ignoring the potential for chases.
As a killer, stealth and immersion because when survivors avoid chases the game literally just becomes a walking sim. I would genuinely rather they predrop and W key me for 5 gens than be stealthy.
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As killer I HATE boons as they are currently. Yeah I said it .
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I just thought of a mechanic I absolutely HATE as the killer and that is getting blinded. It gets my goat every time, so if I see even one flashlight in the lobby I equip Lightborn.
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Yes, that is how the trap works. It is activated by pressing the central plate.
Then, don't you think there is no physical logic to prevent the trap from being activated if another survivor steps freely on the trap while the survivor holds his/her hand over the trap?
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For survivor: not necessarily a core gameplay mechanic, but I wish Luck did a little more than increase the chances of a self-unhook. I'm surprised it doesn't affect item rarity in chests. What if Luck also affected how far the Hatch spawns from the last remaining Survivor? Hatch spawn is already pretty random anyway.
For killer: Breakable walls. Kind of a chore to break some of these down to make certain loops less effective
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You're the one who brought up horror movies. Don't act like what I said was stupid when it's literally building off your own analogy. I didn't say people in a video game were paid real money either.
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True, there isnt logic to that interaction, if someone were to step on the trap during that time it would trap both people. But this is a game where a burn victim is able to float through the air and teleport short distances and people get healed after some pats on the back after getting hung from a hook, lack of realism is expected.
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Pentimento or Eruption builds in solo queue.
Going down 1 meter behind a window or in a pallet.
Self unhooks.
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My brother in christ, that is what this game goes off of. Movie shtick. I chose that analogy since it fits in this game.
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Yes, that is correct. I have told the same thing in the past and have been told that I can quibble about anything if I say so.
The boundaries of reality in DbD are difficult.
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Only Coh is the problem, because other Boons supposed to have setting them up in chase range to make it work, which I believe its the principal for Boons. Only Coh works good if set in a corner.
I missed the day of hunting Ruin & Undying. Today with the dead of Hex perks, 50sec Gen added and 4 slowndown still meta, the only thing I have to (and must) do is Gen.
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This is why I always think disarm beartrap should come with skill checks. Failure will get trapped.
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Wiggling off because of the various reasons seem the most dissatisfying thing about the game, beams, boiled over in 3rd floor of smth or just no hook around. Just really makes you want to play something else.
Cos you won a chase, you got your prey. Its just bad design in turns of how it feels.
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Dedicated Servers.
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try and use hex perks and they all explode within a minute anyway
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Escape challenges, only with specific perk , I am so desperate right now that I consider begging 3 people on steam to help me for 1 match to escape
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Holding shift+w because you can't do anything better in the current situation. I hate it.
I want mind-games. Give me my mind-games!
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OP sabo toolboxes. items should only do 1 action. Devs should add another item if they want to sabo hooks, but they won't be able to fast repair the generators.
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Hillbilly's Overheat.
It brought nothing interesting or fun to the game, all it did was actively take away from what used to be a very fun and rewarding character.
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As of now my least favorite mechanic is incapacitated status effect
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Hm, I had to think about it for a few minutes. I would say:
The whole winning/loosing concept.
What I mean? In my opinion the game gives you more negative feedback about your gameplay then positive.
For example:
- You loop the killer for the whole match and at the end of the trial you die and get less bloodpoints then your teammates also you mmr decreases which is important for some players.
- Although you are left in the game with only 1 other survivor you manage it to repair all generators. At the end you both die and it feels that it was just a waste of time.
- You try to play a fair and fun match as a killer. At the end you have 8 hooks but everyone escaped. Instead of telling you that this was a amazing job, because it is much harder to fight the whole game against 4 survivor, the entity is displeased.
Just a few examples.
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Depends on maps and RNG, sometimes it gone in a min, sometime it last life time. They were strong and its why every killers use Ruin/Un.
I really think Hex perks should work like Plaything. Having a requirement to activate the perk, turning a Dull into Hex that only apply on a survivor (4 Dulls to 4 Hexes for 4 survivors).
Hex that gives no benefit like 3rd seal, Lullaby at the beginning but able to cleanse isnt good. They should be lit only when you gain a benefit (a stack)