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Was tunneled hard by a Nurse with only one gen done. This was the reason why.



  • Member Posts: 1,914

    It's funny, how killers like Trapper or Hag, feel completely ok and don't give a single SH even being with 1 gen left.

    While Nurse, after survivors did 1 gen: - "Oh no, OH NO! What do I do?! *Panic mode* Oh man I need to tunnel! I need to tunnel someone out NOW! I'm about to lose!"

    Thats golden.=)

  • Member Posts: 810

    i tunnel when it makes sense to do, when it gives me an advantage. You can tunnel someone and absolutly give survivors free time, which is the wrong way to tunnel.

    if you found the weak link of the team however? i dont see any reason why to not tunnel if they go down. But still i got flamed often enough for it, all though it is not personal, its just me taking advantage. Like survivors should take advantage of mistakes the killer makes. Thats just... playing the game.

    so yeah, feeling entitled to an explanation why someone just plays the game strategicly, is toxic. The killer doesnt have to have a morality compass you know?

  • Member Posts: 696

    This same player five minutes later:


  • Member Posts: 1,410

    Sounds like the average Nurse player lol, that sad cat tho lmao

    Dwight players still exist? Damn, I miss them (and Jake's) ๐Ÿ˜”

  • Member Posts: 810

    im a jake main! when i play survivor though, i play a bit more killer. But jake along with yui is on P6 which is the highest prestige ive reached so far. Across the board on all characters, on both sides. So yeah, Jake sure is my main survivor ^^

  • Member Posts: 828

    I'm pretty sure that this discussion is pointless, but anyway:

    Where did I say that the Killer needs to follow the survivors morality compass? That they are only allowed to tunnel for the "right" reasons?

    Yes, there are people who tunnel strategically like you, but there are also people who tunnel for personal reasons (like the Killer I mentioned but also when I play Killer and tunnel it's usually because that survivor pissed me off), so why is it wrong to ask?

    Especially in situations when the killer tunnels one surv but not the others, sure, your szenario could be a possible reason, but it's also possible that the surv did something to piss the Killer off and did not realize it, so why not ask to know what to avoid in the future?

    And even in your szenario, if a survivor is constantly tunneled because they are the weak link, telling them so might make them realize that they need to change their playstyle. Not that you as a Killer are bound the help the survivors, but if they are just asking without any insults I really don't see the problem. And as long as they are not harassing you when you don't answer them (which is obviously your right) I really don't think that they are acting entitled for an explanation if they ask one time and that's it.

    Maybe you mean that that question "What did I do to make you tunnel me? " has the subtext "You are only allowed to tunnel me if I did something to you" and therefore you think it is entitled and pushing the survivors morality views on the Killer, but that is just an Interpretation. I can assure you that atleast in my case that is not my intention, of course I don't know OP's intention but considering that they apparently did not say more than the question (no insults or anything) I think that they atleast deserve the benefit of the doubt.

    Different topic: If you have that much of a problem with questions, what is your opinion on the Killer asking the survs if they are swf? I mean, playing swf is allowed so technically it's not the Killers business if the survs play swf or not. Also that question can be read with a subtext like "You only won because you played swf", "you shouldn't play swf it gives you an unfair advantage" etc. Also, most people would say that playing in an swf makes you more likely to win, so wouldn't it be the strategic thing to play swf all the time when you want to win? So if Killers ask that question, are they toxic by your definition?

  • Member Posts: 325

    I mean you didn't fully believe me with one screenshot and I provided a video showing I was indeed targeted. You didn't say I was lying out right, but you implied it because I didn't have a video of it. Even though the screenshot showed the killer saying that they did in fact target me. Was it rude of me to be salty about nurse mains to you, yeah, and I apologize for that. I don't mean to be salty in here and start aggressive arguments. I get this negative aggressive vibe on this forum sometimes and I feed off of that. Anyways, I'm more upset this game allows it than anything. I mean, you have to wonder why survivor queues are less than a minute and sometimes within 5 seconds but killer queues can take 5 minutes or more during peak gaming hours.

    And anyone who is saying "that's how it is, get over it. Take the L and move on". yeah, I'm not doing that. I really enjoy this game when it's all said and done. Where else can I play as Freddy in Haddonfield, IL chasing Leon Kennedy, Nancy Wheeler, Bill from L4D, and Ash Williams. I don't think it's unreasonable for me to want to see the best this game can be. There are ways to improve it and to stop game plays that are just awful for certain survivors or killers. I mainly play killer now because I dread playing survivor. I don't want to be tunneled out or camped on hook. How is that solved? I don't fully know, I'm not a game designer. I just know I'm starting to dread playing this game, and I don't want to. I also know I'm not alone.

  • Member Posts: 871

    The problem, often, with the forums, is that sometimes, it takes several messages to completely understand the meaning of what someone wants to say; orally, it would have been understood in a few seconds ๐Ÿ˜”

    I always remain neutral until I get more information; but it's completely true that, on the other hand, just with the screen, you could see that the excuse "I'm tunneling because they're hiding" wasn't convincing ๐Ÿคจ

    That being said, when you refer to the queues, I've noticed that for some time now, whether it's in Killer, or Survivor (I play in Voice SWF), I always have very little waiting, no matter the time of day; maybe I'm just lucky but ... I can clearly see the difference with the times when I could wait several minutes before finding a lobby ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Players that main low tier killer is already play the game for fun not to win. You can easily note that you will see Trapper without slowdown more than Nurse without slowdown

  • Member Posts: 3,271

    Late to the party but when do people like OP think killers are allowed to start playing the game? Apparantly survivors need a 2 gens handicap now.

  • Member Posts: 1,410

    DUDE! We need more Jake mains. I haven't seen them in so long that I forgot his name.....

  • Member Posts: 170

    Iโ€™m not trying to be too critical, but you could have played that better. Your movement was very predictable. And if your other players had been on gens, it would have been a 1 gen left by the time you died.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Did I say I was upset that I started getting chased after one gen? Nah, I was talking about because one gen was completed, the killer wanted to make it a 3 vs 1 so they targeted me. My game ended quickly, I lost a pip, barely got any BP, and wasn't able to do my tome challenge. All because this killer was triggered by one gen being done. Games like that discourage people from wanting to play. But like I said before I wouldn't be that upset if they tunneled and proxy camped everyone else.

  • Member Posts: 325

    Oh I'll admit I'm an OK survivor and I'm learning to play better. With that said, that has nothing to do with my original issue with how this game went. It's hard to try and "get gud" when you get a bunch of matches like these and dread playing as survivor - but I want to get my challenges done for the tome pass I paid for.

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