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COH and Dead hard still being issiues. Your thoughts?



  • Member Posts: 4,692

    How does it do that exactly? CoH doesn't do anything to Hexes, does it?

    That said, if CoH were to get nerfed again, I think it should be a shake-up to overall Boon functionality. There's a lot of untapped design space in how boons work and I think the devs should open that up. I'll reiterate my idea: Each boon perk should have its own Boon parameters (IE: Bless speed, aura radius, CD if it gets taken down) and having multiple boon perks means ALL of them take the worst parameter in each category.

    This means weaker boons can have bigger radii, more situational ones can be quicker to deploy, stronger ones can have longer downtimes, etc. I think that's a good way to nerf CoH too: Reduce the radius, maybe slow bless speed by ~25%, and add a 60/50/40 second downtime if it get snuffed.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    By proxy. Semi-common boon usage means more people going for totems straight away. And the side effect that was 'now all totem spots must be more accessible to the killer'.

  • Member Posts: 658

    What I love is these ppl won't give a real answer to my question bc there isn't one. All they can say is "just bait it out." That tells me there isn't any counter play to DH in a loop and they just want to attack my skill as a killer instead of giving me useful info so I could get better. If you think it's a skillful perk and has counterplay then tell me, teach me what you do to deal with it. But no all these ppl can say is "bait it out forehead"

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It just goes to show how broken those perks are. They still need nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    So I just have to commit to downing every person after I hit them, even if it's a bad chase to take, because CoH exists?

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's funny how all these people come out of the woodworks to agree, "Yeah, Dead Hard and CoH need nerfs!" when someone else brings it up. But when I bring it up, crickets. I've seen this on many many issues I've addressed.

  • Member Posts: 266

    DH is fine or need to add 0.2 secs to balance server lag issue in EU between western EU and Eastern EU there is a lot of Ping around 0.7- 0.9 secs. can be Baited . ATM, we , killers cant complain for this perk

    COH may cause issues when multiple players use it . depends of killer , i would make something -2.5% heal each totems when there is more than 1 . will go like : 1 totem 25% heal -> 2 - 22.5% -> 3 - 20% -> 4 - 17.5% but i rarely see more than 2 IG. in the game i'm not sure its a game changer for mosts games

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I guess they're scared to associate with me, as if everyone's gonna remember who agrees with everyone else. Few people care about the killer side as brazenly as I do. But I've never baited. DH and CoH are overpowered, and that's that.

  • Member Posts: 1,188

    DH is in a good state now. CoH is more or less okay, you can always bring Shattered Hope if they annoy you so much. A lot of killers do ignore them.

    The only thing I agree with you on is auto DH scripts need to be addressed.

    Now...should we actually talk about perks that deserve nerfs, like Eruption in solo que? Probably don't want to talk about that, huh. 😁

    (kidding, I know Eruption already gets talked about here enough, haha).

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    I find what you say a little strange. I rarely look at names and certainly don't remember them.

    If i remember a name it will usually be from positive interactions rather then a "stay away reputation"

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    No it doesn't. Auto Dead Hard is a flat out cheat. It's not something that requires balancing, it's something that requires removal of.

    It's not relevant because OP is asking for a balance adjustment, something which does not apply to Auto-DH. Auto Dead Hard exists because people who cheat exist.

  • Member Posts: 141

    If we're back to having to wait out dead hard on every survivor with an unconfirmed exhaustion perk then it's an issue, especially in regards to M1 killers who cannot lunge at a tight loop for fear of giving the survivor a third health state.

    Boons are weird, I personally think they should all be buffed for both sides making the effects stronger but giving the killer more ways to stop them (like base kit breaking the totem, or downing the survivor ends the effect). Hopefully they're working on Boons to make them more engaging.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Nerf it one more time and it's gonna reach self care speed at this point ,what else do you want?

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    It's still infinite heals plus the boost for team heals. Boons just need to go.

  • Member Posts: 828

    Lmao u're funny,, boons aint goin anywhere and u're only gonna get disappointed if you think circle is gettin touched ever again

  • Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2022
    1. Dead hard doesnt work half the time
    2. Bad ping, dead hard timing extremely difficult
    3. No endurance while in deep wound
    4. Takes more skill than previous DH
  • Member Posts: 810

    let me just have you know, i like your posts and wouldnt care to distance myself from you. I dont really care what people think, i may be slightly killer biased, entitled survivors will see me as highly killer biased. Truth must be somewhere in the middle.

    i didnt come out of the woods with this though, i was upset how eruption would get so much attention while DH and COH who are aswell issiues dont, so i made this post to point at those 2 aswell.

  • Member Posts: 1,586

    Both were extremely problematic before their nerfs and now I think they are mostly fine. I don’t have major issues with either when I play killer. With CoH I find that survivors waste an awful lot of time setting up boons and self-healing. I can bait out Dead Hard at least half the time

  • Member Posts: 9,039

    Dead hard is completely fine

    circle of healing is fine as well just boon effects shouldn’t go through floors in my opinion

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I've seen you pushing the issue lately, for sure. But before that, there was like nobody. And even still these people are like, "Watchu mean those are OP? They've already been nerfed!" If I see something OP on the survivor side, I'm gonna keep giving my thoughts on it without shame. Call me killer biased. And if I see something OP on the killer side... well, I'll let you know if that EVER happens.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    So a survivor goes for shack pallet, if the killer swings he gets Dead Harded and they don't have to use the pallet, but if he doesn't swing he gets pallet stunned and they don't have to use Dead Hard. And that's "fine?"

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    I am pretty proud if myself, for today I so outplayed a Vittorio on the new map. I hit him, he drops a pallet, we dance around it, he circles back to the pallet in striking distance and I ... don't swing. He DHs against the pallet and I down him when the DH runs out.

    This kinda gaming sense IS possible, but its hard earned through rivers of tears and mountains of salt. And its still a mind game that you can easily lose.

  • Member Posts: 464

    EXACTLY, dead hard at pallet is braindead and very easy. I am not being ironic. People say that nerfed dead need skill but on a loop the killer is in a lose-lose situation.

  • Member Posts: 173

    Killers when survivors bring perks into a trial:

  • Member Posts: 93

    You don’t want to do a poll because you already know what the result would be.

  • Member Posts: 810

    im sorry but some 4% scenarios are not really saying too much. At one point you have to see that there is inbalance at the skill-level required for both sides. In your scenario, your YEARS of experience made you have enough sense for the game to bait it out in a situation like this, you managed to hold back the trigger, not fall for thinking they would vault the pallet and wait for the DH animation to finish. Many of us come to loose loose situations, judging by others posts here im not the only one at that.

    meanwhile the survivor runs at a pallet, presses E and gets either hit (but not downed) or dont, which is a skill requirement like none.

  • Member Posts: 810

    judgin by the posts? 50/50.

    which would say like nothing without people explaining why theyve choosen either option, so i rather have it a discussion.

  • Member Posts: 5,502

    Oh yes, definitely. It was the first time that this worked as intended, because I could basically see that Vittorios plan and even then it was a gamble. So in essence, I just wanted to brag.

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    No offense intended, but you are very killer biased indeed.

    I mean, you clearly are saying that you always find things on the survivors side OP but NEVER on the killer side. That's as biased as you can get.

    I am a survivor main, i can be biased too but even i knew day one that perks like Dead Hard and pre nerf COH were broken and needed to change.

    Yet in the likes of things like


    PR + DMS

    Blight's Alc.Ring/Crow/C.33

    Spirit mother daughter ring

    Nurse Double Recharge/ Recharge + Range

    The Gen regressing no cap stacking Meta.

    Can you really non-biased say that you cant find anything OP on the killer side?

  • Member Posts: 27

    I've seen your old thread and I honestly think DH is in an alright space atm.

    With DH the survivor has more to consider than "when will the killer strike" there is also input delay and latency that interferes with perk use. I can't even begin to tell you the amount of times I've pressed the button only to be downed cuz it was registered too late.

    Another thing I'm seeing is the complaint of how it wastes killer time regardless while they try bait it out. While it's true a few seconds are wasted, it's not much and shouldn't be too detrimental in comparison to the 16 seconds it takes for someone to reboon COH (I saw someone else talk about how that's nothing for survivors when it's literally 16 seconds of someone off gens so if that's nothing then your DH baits are nothing). So really you're not wasting much time and, if you're relying on those few seconds for something magical in your gameplay, you might want to reconsider your strategy.

    Last complaint I see is how Survivors could theoretically camp pallets or windows with DH saving them. From experience on both sides this rarely happens and is punished most of the time. In fact I've failed DHing at a window far more than succeeded because the killer was patient and I was skittish (like most DH users). As for pallets the general advice I have is either fake it or attempt the lunge. Survivors can panic and either waste their DH or the pallet and some survivors are caught off guard when you attempt (especially if you stop before doing so) and will genuinely go down.

    I know this is a giant wall of text but I genuinely think DH is in a healthy place atm. It's less punishing for killers and more challenging for survivors to use. It's a high risk, high reward perk and I can respect it way more than its old counterpart.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    They have to time it extremely well in the awful latency economy. So yes it’s fine, time your swings better.

    They can’t drop the pallet if they DH and the killer waits it out. I’ve seen people who do this and get hit as they drop the pallet, because it registered the killer swinging before their pallet drop.

  • Member Posts: 131

    Hello everyone. Vlad is my name,I am full killer main. Glad to meet you all.

    As person, that plays 99% of all my games as killer, I'd like to say that I actually don't have so much trouble with CoH and DH after nerfs.

    DH - from my killer perspective it's now perfectly balanced. It requires reaction and skill to give survivors profit, have visible frames so it can be baited out, and it punish for mistake. + Killers like my favourite Legion or also favourite Wesker can in some cases ignore this perk by their powers.

    CoH - well...this is sometimes tricky. It can be placed somewhere where you as killer won't go during all game. And I think I'll agree with that CoH maybe needs limited uses. But in general it's also waste of time for survivors to get to totem and heal. +Don't forget about broken status that can be used in game.

    Aaaaand...I think I finished. See ya.

  • Member Posts: 10,286

    I can't. My swings' timing is fine. It's the lose-lose perk that's the problem. You can wait til you're through the pallet and they'll still successfully DH. The perk can't continue to exist as is.

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