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Knight super speed bug
Xbox one series X player
Was playing the knight and was stunned while using my power on the shattered square map. Unsure if map or specific pallet matter. And after being stunned while using the knights power I gained super speed when going forward but all other movements were incredibly slow.
Just had this in a match.
Super speed movement Knight - on PC - shattered square.
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Tested with my gf and it's reproducible. It's almost frame perfect so it'll be rare but still possible.
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Just happened to me in Ormond, got pallet stunned when charging my power and got super speed until I used my power again.
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https://youtu.be/Nt4yflHNYeg?t=25 This is a video recording of me getting the bug, it only ended after I used his power again. But in this case I didn't get pallet stunned
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Just had this on Grim Pantry. I got super speed (not sure if I got stunned, I was in chase though), and it didn't go away until I summoned a guard. Steam version of the game.
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This happened to me on the salon, but I was not stunned, I used his power in a declive of stairs, I tried to "fix" the bug with the other 2 survs alive, when I figured that using the power again "fix" the bug.
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I just had the same thing happen to me when using the knight and it was on the game map!
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ive encountered this in ormond so it dosent seem to be map spesific.