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Knight speed bug

Xbox one player
This happened to me on the salon, but I was not stunned, I used his power in a declive of stairs, I tried to "fix" the bug with the other 2 survs alive, when I figured that using the power again "fix" the bug.
If you use his power when being stunned by a pallet you can reproduce this bug too.
With practice become more easily to reproduce, so maybe he need to be kill switch.
Edit: https://youtu.be/loBqi1ntbTM
Is not my clip but, this is the bug
this has happened to me as well
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Just had this bug too
On the game map with add-ons tatered tabard and dried horsemeat
Did not get stunned, it just suddenly happened after summoning the jailer
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I seen a Knight with this bug too.
I wanted to ride the ride.
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Someone reported me for hacking for this. i don't want to get banned, chance of you doing this without knowing is extremely high
I spent over 400$+ on skins alone, I hope I don't get banned for it.
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@Someissues Same here, but not about the $400 on skins, I did this without knowing the bug, so I let them all out because I felt bad and they still said reported for hacking lmao and I know how stubborn the devs are when it comes to reversing bans.
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I have that fear, you are not alone, when I get this bug, like I said, I stopped to play and tried to "fix" with the survivors.
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Same here and aswell i tried to fix it using the power again
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I was so scared that let all survivors free. ha
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Happened in my game yesterday as well, playing on the new map. Our Knight wasn't as nice to try and fix it, but instead just slugged and ran across the map. I thought he was speed hacking, before I learned this was a bug. This should absolutely be killswitched. Gives him a huge unfair advantage.
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Yeah, I like to play with the knight, but this bug is unfair and is a exploit of a bug to take advantage on the survivors, I don't like to use a bug and ruining the game for everyone also, I don't want to get banned.
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I ran into this bug when I was playing the Knight. I didn't get it first so I hooked a survivor, but as soon as I realized that I was exploiting a bug I let escape that survivor. I have the recording of this situation so I expect not been banned for this. I will stop playing with the Knight until this bug is fixed. It's a shame because I wanted to do the expert challenge.
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Had this happen to me too when playing against The Knight.
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Made a backpack build to try it out with it lol
I zoomed everywhere on the map jousting other survivors lol
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I dont think they can ban you for a bug thats in their game, especially since they decided not to killswitch him