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General Discussions

Anyone figured out how to counter "hold w" as knight?

Member Posts: 5,878
edited November 2022 in General Discussions

His power seems pointless, because survivors can just outrun it, even the assassin. They just hold w and by the time the ghost sees them, moves to the spot, and drops the banner, it'll never catch them.

You can't use it as it was "designed" because survivors can see the damn orb.

You can't just "#########" the guard out at a loop as scott jund and others said because you telegraph your power use so much that the survivor can just run to another loop.

And if the guard ever actually sees you, you can just hold w and run away.

They should make the guards move faster and require the survivor to actually get the banner to escape them, rather than just being able to hold w.

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  • Member Posts: 1,105

    They say you are not supposed to play him like Artist but win with "macro strategy" and hold a 3 gen or camp / proxy camp 🤷🏻‍♂️ Any m1 can do that with STBFL…

    Or that you are supposed to zone survivors into corner, and then he will be good…like all m1 killers…

  • Member Posts: 4,883
    edited November 2022

    No, I don't think there is one. I tried stridor and that helped a little, but the result wasn't worth the perk slot

  • Member Posts: 5,878

    Even that doesn't work though, because by the time you catch up to them, if they just hold W, the guard goes away because they outrun it.

  • Member Posts: 5,498

    That's simple... You run after them.

    Naw man, im serious. The Knight does not counter 'hold w' except in indoor hallways.

    In this way Knight functions a lot like Hag, once a trap is down, a Survivor MUST run. And we run after them.

  • Member Posts: 6,492

    YEah but in many cases you just get an M1 against the survivor. Because they are forced to run away from the loop

  • Member Posts: 5,878

    Meanwhile, it took you 30+ seconds to land that hit, then another 30+ to do it again, then another 15 to hook them, so by the time you down them you lose 3 gens.

  • Member Posts: 333

    nope, and it's just as many expected. what really matters in this game is speed, in the context of both moving around the map and how fast you can finish chases from healthy. there's no wonder why the best killers (wesker, blight, spirit, nurse) are the fastest and have ways to end a chase fast. the knight is literally just a 115% killer with no extra features and his "power" is a temporary AI killer with worse stats than the killer itself...

    something that also deserves to be mentioned is that these top killers don't have any counters (like free endurance and sprint burst) in their powers.

  • Member Posts: 219

    Hold W more than, ive no clue.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Here's the deal BHVR, either they let us see survivors when casting a path, or make the orb invisible to survivors. Also, give us a button to cancel patrols, not make us travel to the damn guard to cancel it. Waste of time.

    Do this, and the community will be happy. This isn't going to make him OP / oppressive, it's just QoL changes (which are very so needed).

    Excuse my tone, but the devs sometimes blow my mind with their design choices. Listen to your community.

  • Member Posts: 8,589
    edited November 2022

    Not sure. Right now his power in chase is just a wildly inefficient Artist. I only see him being effective at controlling an area and making games take 5ever, which this game super doesn't need more of. He's the worst killer on release day since Trickster, where they're at the point of needing massive buffs/reworks out of the box. Issue being, a super buffed version of this power would be horrible to play against. Give me 10 Nurse/Spirit/Blights in a row over an AI killer power.

  • Member Posts: 2,976

    Thing is, he kinda needs to be. Not because survivors are 4x as many as killers in general, but because he is very good at camping and tunneling.

    He barely needs to stand still to activate his power and he can get a double hit off 1 survivor before they can unhook. If his power is like it was promoted to be, he will need to be gutted around hooked survivors. Not even talking about window drops and pallets being absolutely useless to use against his AI. So if you're hooked next to a drop, get unhooked and the knight is close? He just gives you the AI to chase you and he goes the shortest route himself.

    Personally, I rather have the opposite. Especially considering the devs didnt want killers to be able to easily camp someone out

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited November 2022

    I find his power semi useless in most situations, even bots were outrunning the Assassin pretty consistantly when placed in close proximity on some maps. Even his addons are useless now, so there's no saving grace there. Definitely needs a rework, because this concept clearly doesn't work.

    They should take inspiration from Noob Saibot from the Mortal Kombat series as far as his power goes with summons. Like Noob saibots shadow clones attacks.

    Assassin - Projectile trajectory akin to Wesker's dash, Direct hit damages and applies deep wounds, end of dash location start patroling if no contact.

    Jailer - Place a Trap radius, if triggered, Survivor is held in chains but takes no damage, can attempt to break free, once free, be hindered for 5 seconds. Can't be placed within 6-8m of a hooked survivor

    Brute - Applies sloppy and broken on hit, get's a stacking haste buff every 1.5 seconds, lasts 25 seconds. Can be stunned, but still phases through dropped pallets. Retains Brutal strength utility. Increased Circle radius, Patrol's jailor's length of time.

    Ability to cycle between guards manually, each with a cooldown, can cancel patrols but suffer a cooldown, Flag mechanic the same but no endurance or sprint burst, must uproot the planted flag for 1 second.

    Rework addons accordingly.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    I can't believe he has a Rare addon that gives his Guards Hemo on hit, like what? To be fair all his status effect addons are pretty meh looking.

  • Member Posts: 939

    I expect no to be stomped. Thats how low its the bar.

  • Member Posts: 118

    You can't counter 'hold W' with this killer unlike Artist, simply because you can't see the survivors while using your power.

    Meanwhile, survivors can see every single of your movements.

    This killer already needs a lot of help from day one of release, but we have to wait next year for that to happen :(

  • Member Posts: 5,500

    What if we did away with the whole orb thing and made the power work in a different way? Hear me out, with my proposed change we had 4 ways to activate the power:

    1) highlight a survivor in sight to summon a Guard and chase them, freeing yourself to do something else or attempt a pincer attack

    2) highlight a gen or breakable object to summon a Guard and kick/break it

    3) this is the big one: highlight an entire house, building or structure and have a Guard search the thing and patrol around it

    4) highlight nothing and just plonk down a standart and have the guard patrol around it.

    This would allow the knight to do his thing on the fly, without stopping too much and still allow for some map pressure and not just closing up the loop at hand.

  • Member Posts: 679

    It's literally going to be the new face camping Bubba that's about all he's good for lol

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    I like this idea. As it stands, it's so ridiculously inefficient to stand there and draw a patrol path for what it usually amounts to (nothing). Your idea at least makes him somewhat time-efficient.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I have the same thought, I would also add highlight a pallet to make a Guard patrols around it, but its kind of free Zanshin tactic.

    Make each guard highlight something different

    • Jailer with Hook
    • Carniflex with Gen & Pallet
    • Assassin with Survivor

    And only requires Knight just slam sword down and summon them instead of drawing a path.

    You have Assassin and in chase, M2 to slam sword, Assassin spawns, done.

  • Member Posts: 5,500

    I like this idea. The Knights downfall is really hoe time consuming and inefficient the orb thing is. Patrols sound cool and fun on paper, but even if everything was silent and invisible to survivors, you waste so much time for something that's only effective in your direct vicinity. It's really baffling.

    With my idea it would only work with objects in your line of sight, but that would still have much more utility then the current state.

    Your rework has the free pseudo Zenshin tactics, which some people might object. Maybe the vision only becomes active when your activate your power and look around, much like hooks only become visible after you pick a survivor up.

    I would take any of this reworks over the current rather clunky way. I really like the Knight in concept and how they BHVR tweaks his power in a good way so that he becomes viable and fun to play.

  • Member Posts: 1,096

    I think the problem is that survivors see the patrol path that the Knight is placing, making it easier to just run in another direction and making the Knight lose more distance since the Knight cannot see the survivor. I wish they had buffed his patrol potential and commands rather than his chase potential as it'd be more fun and make him more of a macro management killer.

    This is exactly what I would have wanted as it makes the guards easier to command and wastes less time setting up the guards.

  • Member Posts: 162

    his counterplay is shift + W, take that away and what counters would survivors have?

    Same with killers like Artist, dredge etc. zone them properly and check the map so u know what tiles are and arent linked

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Anti Loop is fine, just no "Hold W" for counter play BS.

  • Member Posts: 493

    pretty sure he expected a killer that's decent rather than bad lol

    not to mention, you don't have to pay for this killer. you could say wesker is "p2w" though, if you want, but still nobody seems to outclass the Nurse, who is free

  • Member Posts: 9,513
    edited November 2022

    what. he is worst camper in the entire game. you realize that performing unhooking action cancels the guard chase. You can hook-bomb hooks with a guard chasing you and the guard will not hit you. somewhat silly that the guard does not at least injure you for rushing unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 13,671
    edited November 2022

    What makes his design even worse is that the vast majority of his addons are all built around the way the devs wanted you to play him which is non viable. So not only is he terrible but most his addons are useless as well. He needs rework level fixes, not just number tweaking.

  • Member Posts: 763

    Playing a survivor vs the Knight is meh as well, if you're going for achievements or tome entries. Even though the guards are in a chase with you, including chase music, they don't seem to count towards things involving chases. I've tried tome entries for throw pallets in a chase, vault windows/pallets in a chase, escape chases, nothing works with them. But if they catch you or corner you they can certainly hit you and down you if injured, and aren't so slow and dim-witted as the Nemesis zombies, so I don't see why they wouldn't count.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 3,106

    He's better if you can get a survivor into a place with only 2-3 exits, or by using it to force them to run parallel to you as you pincer them

  • Member Posts: 1,616

    Keep running until you can zone the survivor, the same as artist.

  • Member Posts: 1,227

    If anti-loop is fine then why then why are they all effectively countered by W-keying? Like I said earlier, BHVR needs to stop dropping killers like these and think of something completely different like the Blight.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    Wesker is anti loop, but holding W isn't all that good against him because he's fast. It might even get you killed because you are out of position once he catches up.

  • Member Posts: 265

    walls and map edges are knights best friend using a buddy you can pin them at loops but yes in the middle of the map gl cause hold W is good against power

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