How can you guys tell if its an SWF team? After matches the only way I think I can tell is if they have similar perks? Like this was a match I just had. Im on Console if that matters 🤷♂️
I would say that's probably not a 4 person SWF as there's no need to double up on CoH. Perks are hard to determine if it is a SWF though.
Normally if the players have similar names then they are probably a SWF. If the cosmetics are identical then they might be a SWF but if two people randomly queue up with the same character occasionally the other randoms will switch to match just for fun.
If there's a TTV and the other three are acting as if they would sacrifice their newborn to save the TTV it's definitely a SWF.
It's hard to tell from coordination. I've seen and participated in plays that, if I had been watching it from the outside, I would have thought it was a SWF.
It's hard to tell to be honest.
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I can't.
But since most often one survivor doesn't ready up, i get bored and check their profiles. Sometimes they are hidden sometimes not and the most ironically funny thing (IN MY EYES) is when 2 or 3 have their profile hidden but the last guy has all the others on their friendliest making the hidden profiles completely useless, at least in terms of being an obvious swf in DBD.
And if they either are all hidden or all console then i can't estimate in the first place.
And most importantly, I DONT CARE IN THE FIRST PLACE. I just played my non kill playstyle and the only goal is as many BP as possible without blatant and boring farming. Swf doesn't really make a difference there if they aren't a bully squad. And if they are, then they can have fun with a killer standing still and maybe looking at the chest in basement while I do something productive on my second screen or aside of the computer for the duration of the match.
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Probably not a SWF, double CoH and the other two have Self Care.
Also, sometimes you'll go against solos who all use at least some meta perks, and it will be similar builds but not swf.
There's no way to tell for sure, but I'll assume it's a duo/trio if someone I killed a long time ago is in the chat at the end. They probably waited for their friend to die/escape. =)
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And that's why solo and SWFs icons (post game!) are a good idea.
Welp, maybe in 2024.
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You can't. There's no indicator, for some reason.
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You can absolutely bring 2 CoH as a SWF. Covers the whole map instead of half the map. Of course, SWF is SWF, so they can afford to bring dumb perks as well and still win.
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This is good. Im gonna start doing this lol
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Best way to tell is in the initial lobby
If they load in at the same time. Probably a swf.
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man i need you as my anger management teacher XD
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Doesn't work too well for console. Usually everyone is Crossplay to me, plus they all load in randomly at different times, and have since ded servers came out.
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There is no way to tell if they are SWF unless is Steam and u can see their profiles... sometimes u can potentially tell by the way they play with lots of body blocks, sabo plays and in general a ton of coordination... but even then is just a guess.
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Which part of my block of text? The part about bully squads? If yes, yeah, it helps keeping chill. Also when their goal is to have fun at the killers expense then they can waste their own time.
Btw i do the same for survivor hanging out in the exit gate: Either get as many BP as possible out of those two minute or use them constructively for something else.
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That usually means they are a SWF. or someone has just dodged their lobby.
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If you lose then it was a swf
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By the way they play and how fast gens pop, usually. A SWF always knows the killers location. So they will get things done faster.
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I know its swf when more than 3 have dead hards, coh and prove thyself or built to last. And in the match they always know I'm coming even when playing stealth killer. And extra where there will be 1-2 people always there where the teammate last fell and ready for flashlight or pallet save...
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I believe OP was talking about clues just in the lobby indicating a possible SWF, not during the trial.
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This is a good idea!
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Just what I was thinking. Two COH for that exact reason
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Most killers have the logic that if they lose it was a 4 man if that helps!
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Not all SWFs play highly coordinated but for the ones that do, you can tell.