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Are the Survivors okay?

Read this post from the Dead by Daylight subreddit

Basically the op explains how he got stomped as Killer by a SWF Feng team, he decides to give up by going afk and taking his dog out for a walk to avoid any penalties. Except when he got back, the SWF was still there and when OP went to go see, they open the gates just to T-Bag and leave. According to op, he says they spent 30 minutes waiting just to make fun of him at the end. Now as someone who has been stomped and tackled by toxic Survivors every time I play Killer, this has to be the most confusing toxic method I've seen. Like, waiting 30 minutes game time just to T-Bag at someone you beat to show how better you are? Like are the Survivors okay or something?

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  • Member Posts: 11

    I think he thought the Survivors would just go and open the gates already to leave, maybe get bored after op didn't seem to respond at anything they do (Assuming they must've been clicking flashlights or something). But still, never would I think of Survivors spending 30 minutes of their time just waiting for the Killer to come and show how better they are

  • Member Posts: 810

    Now reader of this post, whoever you may be. Whenever YOU feel bad about tunneling/camping/slugging/existing as a killer player... i want you to remember this post ;)

    All your guilt will flush away, believe me XD

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Edge cases happen, I guess.

    The only time I've felt overwhelmed by a possible SWF (duo) to the point of going into a corner and alt tabbing, some of the survivors must have felt bad because they stayed behind to die with me.

    Every team that stomped me afterwards, I've tried to see in a positive light, focusing on what they did well and I found interesting, like if they looped me really well or managed to get some nice FOV techs in, and debriefing that in endgame chat. They're usually very encouraging when they see I'm not salty about it, some of them offering advices or wishes of good luck. Most notable case being a now very dear friend, a killer main who was playing SWF, who offered to coach me after a pretty pitiful game where I didn't manage to get many hooks or a kill. <3

    There are so many good elements in this community... I hope someday cases like the the Reddit OP's experience get rarer and no longer feeds into the fearmongering cycle of "all [opposite side] are griefers". =)

  • Member Posts: 3,389

    Well, yes. This sort of thing absolutely happens. I've done the same thing and gone and cooked a full pesto panini and poured a fresh beer and came back(20? Mins) and they still hadn't left. This has happened to me a handful of times. It's absurd. Laughable.

  • Member Posts: 3,140
  • Member Posts: 3,389

    I wasn't mad or anything when I got back. Just confused. Like aren't they bored? What are they getting out of this scenario?

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Oh I do hope they're bored out of their mind ! =D

    Dwight : Guys.. It's been 20 minutes, should we maybe just leave ?

    Meg : No ! We have to stay !

    Dwight : Killer hasn't even moved for 15 minutes...

    Meg : Wallowing in their misery ! We're wasting their time ! They're clearly ...*yawn* mad right now.

    Dwight : ...

    Meg : ...

    Dwight : ...

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Well, technically all parties are deciding to stay in the game, the killer also has the power to start EGC, so it's on everyone for why the game us taking so long to end

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    Depends on the situation I guess, I wouldn't be surprised (unfortunately) if in some cases they don't even bother to do the last gen, and only do it when they get bored after some time waiting for a reaction from the afk killer.

    Fortunately, it's isolated cases that are few and far between =)

  • Member Posts: 1,839

    I'm fine, how are you?

    And the kids?

    Did you get that thing done?

  • Member Posts: 1,251

    they might stay to videoproof the afk killer. just saying

  • Member Posts: 1,704

    Back when i still played dbd (little over a year now) i have faced such squad once.

    I uad enough and just went into the basement afk, didn't feel like to humour this bully squad.

    10 minutes later they were still not out and were behind me t bagging.

    Now when i stopped and went away they needed 1 gen, so they didn't have any intention to just leave.

    I hit 2 of them and just went afk again thinking they would leave this time.

    Nope a little over 10 minutes and they were back at it again.

    So i did humour them and suddenly the last gen popped.

    But they had 20 minutes to leave so when i went full try hard on them i got them all down after 2 of them used their unbreakable.

    No exits opened, and i went away and do stuff in home.

    They did bleed out eventually plus got some angry messages 😂

    Long story short, i happens very rarely.

    I couldn't care less and just moved on to the next match.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Then you still have a chance to win the game, like I know where you are coming from, but I just don't get why we make such a big deal, like yes it'll happen, people are people, but I mean if they don't pop the last gen, you can at least consider it practice

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    That's what I do, because I don't mind a few Ls. They're learning experience. That being said, I don't face nearly as much bm from survivors as lots of killers here seem to experience.

    I think most killers who go afk mid game do so for mental health reason, maybe their bm threshold was met and they just had to leave the game to clear their mind for a little bit. Which I'd understand =)

  • Member Posts: 533
    edited November 2022

    This is 100% truth. I had a SWF do this to me this morning. They did all the gens as fast as they could and then came and found me when there were two left..all four of use their heads ons, flashlights, body blocks etc it was lots of fun. I even stopped playing cause it was a lost cause, but they just kept on until I just dc’d. I’d rather wait out a ban, instead of getting bullied for however long.

  • Member Posts: 949

    I do this thing where I play Ayesha Erotica and transport my mind to a state where literally nothing bugs me. They want to waste doing this so I'm gonna play Big Juicy and just 💃

  • Member Posts: 810

    it has nothing to do with punishement, just saying in a world where stuff like that happens, using a normal viable ingame strat is not a question of moral, which it shouldnt be in the first place. But behavior from people like them kinda makes the "bruh tunnel" arguments ridicilous, when there is REAL toxicy.

    If i slugg, tunnel, or camp you its not because its YOU as a person, its because i can take advantage of it and turn the game to my favor.

  • Member Posts: 696

    Pretty easy solution here.

    Open the gate before you go walk your dog.

    Problem solved.

    You're welcome.

  • Member Posts: 1,148
    edited November 2022

    So he went AFK for 30 mins and when he came back they'd only then chosen to open the doors? I dunno, Steve. Sounds fake to me..

  • Member Posts: 810

    yes there is need. Because per se, as i just said, those tactics are not toxic. So by toxic players existing, like for real, you dont need to feel any bad for tunneling, camping and slugging. <- as that stuff is way less toxic than what they did to OP.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    I feel like the game should automatically open both gates and initiate the EGC if the killer is AFK for a certain amount of time.

  • Member Posts: 1,782

    I've had that happen to me I think once, though it was with a single survivor and not that long. I killed the third guy and decided to just let the other guy have hatch as I wanted to get something to eat. I come back maybe 10 minutes later and see the game is still on. I walk around and find them sitting on hatch and then they hop in. No tbags, no nothing, just gone.

    No idea what that was about.

  • Member Posts: 2,410

    Not gonna lie...actually I dont need to lie, I HAVE VIDEO PROOF

    There is this Freddy game that was hopeless and everybody was going to die. We were in the basement and I got downed. I think I was the last one still alive. I don't remember exactly what happened, but I left my PC to do other things since the game was already over. When I return to the game, he was still carrying me on his shoulder, completely still. I decided to wait and see how long that would last. I think it lasted about 15 minutes until he hooked me.

    What happens is that we both went AFK. I did because I thought I was already dead, he did because maybe he wanted me to struggle out and get the hatch.

    Maybe I will find the video and post here. I record and upload all my games on youtube as "non listed"

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 580

    Got killer who tried to bm me that way. He was slugging my teammate. Then was trying to pick her up, let her go and down again to prolong her life (and make her work with him probably). She didn't argee. He killed her finally. Then he found me, downed me, noded at me and left me to bleed out. I get the thought and went to make a tea. When I came back he was standing with me on the shoulder in front of hook. I was surprised and decided to see how long can it take. After couple minutes he went to find the hatch, dropped me here, closed hatch, picked me up again and stood infronf of another hook nodding. He hooked me last second before EGC ends.

    I saved it and checked it. The whole process took near 15 minutes from the teammate's first down of slugging xD I don't know what was wrong. Probably, couple sabo plays but I am the one who was repairing gens so I wasn't even there to annoy him. He got 4k with one gen left. Don't think he was sweat about us, bravery and stupidity is our credo especially when my friend brings sabo tools.

    Anyway, I want to believe he was happy with his revenge if it was one because we definetely got big laughs out of that peformance.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    I think that the killer should have the power to open the gate whenever he wants. Even before the required gens are finished. Sorta like giving the match up.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    That's a good idea, but I'm afraid BHVR doesn't want killers to give up too easily. Maybe have some conditions behind it?

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Why have conditions attached to it? Survivors give up all the time.

    Having a hook/gen condition would just invalidate the whole concept of giving up as killer.

  • Member Posts: 219

    After "close inspection" I can confirm my survivor are completely fine.

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    We both know BHVR, they won't just let killers quit a fresh game and there's already controversy about it bypassing DC penalties.

  • Member Posts: 15,095

    Then they should remove the struggle phase. Its supposed to give survivors a "anxiety feeling" but honestly, everyone was annoyed by spamming the button and now hitting the skill checks is also just... meh. But giving anxiety?

    Let survivors spend the whole 60 seconds of the second phase on the hook. If they feel like doing skill checks for bonus points cool, if they don´t feel like doing skill checks then thats also cool, but don´t kill them for failing the skill checks.

    A survivor can leave the match in the first minute. Why doesn´t the killer get the same chance? Like for example, a match where everyone last second switches to flashlights and on top you get a map/hook offering that gives a preview of how sweaty the match is about to get. Sometimes i don´t feel like sweating after a long day.

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