What improvements would you give for the new killer?

Since he's already declared worse than trapper and sadako, what would you do to make the knight a better killer? from F tier to A or B tier?


  • Meako
    Meako Member Posts: 14

    Make it so the guards put down their flags faster. It's so slow. Survivors are easily just W shifting from one loop to another and it's boring AF. Literally artist 2.0 in my opinion.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    I would definitely not say he's worse than Trapper or Sadako and people really need to relax a bit. He's definitely not straightforward and his chase isn't as fast, but people need to chill a bit and try out different things for more than a day.

    I'd probably say the number 1 thing that could be done to improve him is make dried horsemeat basekit in some amount. Maybe only for assassin/jailer. The chases feel slightly too short to make use of them.

    I'd also like to see killer instinct for a bit when a survivor is spotted. There's so many times when I use my power, the guard aggros onto the survivor, and I just lose them because I lose all vision and the guard doesn't really clearly tell you where they currently are and so I run the wrong direction. If you could see where the survivor aggroed the guard earlier I think it would be easier to follow up with the power.

  • Hex_Llama
    Hex_Llama Member Posts: 1,818

    I played a few matches tonight and tried to use the power in different ways, but:

    a) it feels like the most useful thing to do with the guards is camp, which is boring

    b) the second most useful thing is to send them to chase survivors off gens, which feels like a chore

    I almost feel like it would be better if each guard had a unique power, and you could just tap to deploy them on the go instead of drawing out a path for them to follow or specifically selecting the object you want them to break. So, if it's Break Stuff's turn, you tap to deploy and he starts breaking stuff in a given area until his timer runs out. If it's Assassin's turn, you tap to deploy and he starts chasing whoever's in the area until his timer runs out. If it's Guard's turn, he can patrol a given area until his timer runs out.

    That way you don't have to micromanage them so much but you also can't just spam them all on guarding the hook or whatever.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640
    edited November 2022

    I’d like him to have a secondary attack. Like Demi.

    edit: I actually change my answer. I’d like him to tell guards to break things with his LT or LB so he doesn’t have to go into his stance for something like that. I’d also give one of his guards a faster moving through objects speed.

  • TatsuiChiyo
    TatsuiChiyo Member Posts: 700

    Id change it so that during a chase the timer is removed and the guard increases in speed until they hit the Survivor. In return, make it so that the guards can no longer go through vaults and pallets, and if hit by a pallet are downed

  • HellDescent
    HellDescent Member Posts: 4,883

    Increase assassin's speed to 115% when he's outside 20 m range from the knight, increase jailer's patrol range by 15 m and increase active patrol time, after carnifex performs a break action he'll resume patrol. Remove the survivor's ability to see green circles when knight using his power. Let him cycle through the guards with a press of a button instead of summoning and hitting them with his weapon.

  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    Instead of going where they originally saw the survivor the guards should go to the actual location of the survivor.

    Makes it easier to balance cause the distance the survivor is able to make will always be the same, unlike now where the survivor can run through the ghost and make massive distance while the ghost is going away from the survivor for a bit

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    Survivors can't see the green orb

    Survivors can't see the green circle around the guards

    Flag doesn't give a speed boost or Endurance.

    Guards apply breaking/kicking perks.

    Buff guard move speed and how fast they initiate chase even more.

  • Ghouled_Mojo
    Ghouled_Mojo Member Posts: 2,287

    I was thinking along the same lines. The ability to self cycle his guards would be nice. The orb needs to go. More reliable ability to hit a survivor would be ok but long hunts for sure.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    - Survivors cannot see the green orbs and the Guards pathing.

    - Survivors cannot see the Guards detection radius (The green circle around them)

    - Flag does not give the survivors any benefits aside from deactivating the Guards

    - Have the Guards movement speed buffed while in a chase and have them chase for longer.

    - Allow The Knight to spawn at least 2 guards

    - Allow The Guards to use gen related perks when damaging them.

    - Reduce Knight's power cooldown (again)

    - Allow The Knight to select which Guard to spawn.

    - Let The Knight gain the Undetectable status effect when he is within 20 meters of a Guard chasing a survivor, for as long as The Guard's chase is active.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,209
    edited November 2022

    Full rework. There's no way an AI power is both strong and fun. A strong version of this power will just lead to an awful playstyle (omega 3 gen and camp).

    The entire way his power is used needs to change for him to viable. He can't come to a complete stop and also draw a path. It's an absurd amount of wasted time for the payoff. It's not responsive at all either. The power doesn't even activate half the time when I click M2 because I haven't been stopped long enough or I'm too close to something. It just feels awful. I'm sorry. I'm trying to be constructive. Give players the ability to channel and set a guard while moving with the CTRL button like a Freddy snare. I don't always want to draw a path and it absolutely kills what little chase ability he has when you have to come to a dead stop at a tile and briefly draw a path to deploy a guard.

    The killer essentially has no power currently. Let's use Oni, just as an example. I collect blood orbs and then I gain the ability to traverse the map at high speeds and 1 hit down the survivors. The Knight comes to a complete stop, draws a telegraphed path, spawns a guard that might-but-maybe-doesn't yell "ARGGGGGGHHH" and trots slowly in the direction of a survivor. 2 of the 3 guards are literally incapable of catching up to the survivor before the power runs out if the survivor simply runs in a straight line. Again, just as an example, the Oni downs survivors in 1 hit with direct control over the power. The Knight spends a lot of time to summon guards that yell at the survivors and usually do nothing to injure them.

    Should the guards be faster? Probably. Should everything the Knight does with his power be faster and more fluid? Probably. Will it even matter? Probably not. I just don't think this power will ever work. I think it's already in rework territory.

  • Witchubtet
    Witchubtet Member Posts: 640

    I feel like if it worked kinda like the Twins it’d feel better. The Knight stops to use his power but he has a different vision and gets a few seconds of Killer Instinct when drawing his path. The guards should also be a more persistent threat. Like a mix of Hag and Nemies zombies, give them Lightborn but have the current patrolling guard stay there until he is taken away in a hunt or flash lighted.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    If BHVR wants to maintain the "set guards on patrols" part of the power, I think instead of the Knight basically going to bed to summon someone 5 seconds later, you should be able to channel it while moving and it shows a little marker of where your cursor is, and you can move it around to draw a patrol path, like Nurse (with the brown addon that shows where she'll blink) or Pinhead.

  • mischiefmanaged
    mischiefmanaged Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Tbf the reason why they go to the place they saw the survivor is so the distance is constant. It seems strange but moving to where they saw the survivor means the survivor makes the same distance no matter where they run.

  • Kedasa
    Kedasa Member Posts: 42

    I played the Knight the last two days until i got him Prestige 3 and yeah, there is some stuff, i would love to be changed.

    1. The Pathing: It feels like The Guards are just brainless KI, even worse than Nemesis' Zombies. Everytime i watch my guards following survivors, it feels like the Survivors are drawing an invisible Path (like the Knight does with his ability) and the Guards are following this path..slow and steady. And this feels just bad. Of course you can sometimes manage to sandwich the survivor and with some good timing you can get two hits, but its very rare. The guards can walk through obstacles, so make them using this ability so they try to walk the shortest path towards the survivor. They are slow enough, so the survivor can react.
    2. Ability Activation: Its just bad how much time you waste to use your ability at a loop. To place my guard at a loop and get the survivor to leave it, i need to stop, find a place to use my ability (which isnt working everywhere...i dont understand why) and spawn him. In fact this takes just 2 Seconds, but the survs, i am going against, just use this 2 seconds and are just gone. I would love to have some kind of quick spawn ability. For example if the survivor is within a radius of 5-8m, the survivor is highlighted, like the gens and you can press the ability Button to spawn a guard, who is chasing the survivor for a shorter amount of time than the hunttime out of patrole.
    3. Callback of Guards: Its great to have the possibility to call the guard back, but its stupid i have to hit the guard...its just another waste of time. If i manage to get a survivor leaving the loop, i have to wait for my guard to despawn and for the next guard to be available, if i want to keep chasing him...why isnt it possible to just press the Ability Button to call my guard back?
    4. Ability itself: As we know the Survivors are able to see the green orb. i dont get it? Why is the survivor able to see my orb, but i lose the ability to see the survivors, so i can maybe react to their movements? If i cant see the Survivors, they shouldnt be able to see my orb...it just improves the quality of mindgames...where is the guard spawning? Is the Knight really using his ability to create a path or just to lure me into a different direction? And yeah of course the knight could spawn the guards right next to a gen with some survs on it, but as i can tell after the past barely 2 days, you can just outrun the guard, especially because they have to get to the point, where they've spotted the survivor.

    So yeah, these are my first thoughts about some improvements.

  • Kedasa
    Kedasa Member Posts: 42
    edited November 2022

    Of course i guess all changes at one could be to much, but at least some of them would improve the gameplay i guess. I like the idea and the design of the Knight, so its sad to see him losing so bad

  • smappdooda
    smappdooda Member Posts: 544

    One thing I noticed that would also help is when he goes into his power he has a MASSIVE slowdown. Remove that like they did for the plague and it's a step in a better direction.

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I agree with posts above, but I want him to have secondary power on top of it. Like Demo has portals and shred. He is very simple killer and it would made him more skill based, stronger and complex

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    I really don’t feel li,e there is a way to make him strong and fair since his power is reliant on AI.

    I’d remove the insane amount of info survivors get and give the knight himself a move speed buff if he’s chasing the same survivor his guard is

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,162

    What if we did away with the whole orb thing and made the power work in a different way? Hear me out, with my proposed change we had 4 ways to activate the power:

    1) highlight a survivor in sight to summon a Guard and chase them, freeing yourself to do something else or attempt a pincer attack

    2) highlight a gen or breakable object to summon a Guard and kick/break it

    3) this is the big one: highlight an entire house, building or structure and have a Guard search the thing and patrol around it

    4) highlight nothing and just plonk down a standard and have the guard patrol around it.

    This would allow the knight to do his thing on the fly, without stopping too much and still allow for some map pressure and not just closing up the loop at hand.

    His perks are mostly ok, but Hubris really needs to be buffed to at least 30s. 20s is barely enough to close to a survivor if you are running Spirit Fury and they get to a vault, without it you got no chance to use it at all besides a once in a blue moon missplay on the survivors side.

  • GrimoireWeiss
    GrimoireWeiss Member Posts: 1,452
    edited November 2022

    Survivors should not be able to see the orb and the range of the patrol, it's stupid. It's like if survivors saw a red line trajectory to where Huntress is aiming her hatchets. You can't make skillful plays at all with this killer, because if you try and make a creative patrol path the survivor will just hold W to the other side of the universe while you do it. All you're left to do is insta-dropping the power at a pallet/safe loop to make the survivor go away and hope he doesn't get to another loop.

    This is by far the less fun killer I've played on release since, idk, Twins. And funnily enough, just like Charlotte and Victor, this killer has a good idea but the execution is terrible. Not even mentioning the amount of game breaking bugs.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    I feel each of them should have complete different jobs than just modified numbers to "fit" their job, like Carni with breaking pallet, Assa with chasing, Jailer with camping.

    • I would make when you have Carni, M2 with him will show dropped pallets / progressing Gens / walls in 32m range, release and he will instantly spawn there to kick, after that he will patrol around that area, or/and start chasing survivors after kick action.
    • Jailer would let you pick a title in 32m around you and he will patrol around it, though I dont think Devs can make such path finding.
    • Assassin will let you draw path like current game. Since he should be the only one that help you in chase.
  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    remove flags, have minions start chase immediately, have minions move faster, remove the green radius and green orb from survivors perspective, have minions be manually cycled through, add the ability to delete an active minion from existance instead of having to punch them, make it so pallet stuns kill minions, minions kicking gens should apply killers perks, have it so you can see survivors while making a patrol path

  • UnknownKiller
    UnknownKiller Member Posts: 3,024
    edited November 2022

    The knight can summon his pawns like nurse use to teleport ( with the add on that appear where u gonna tp) so instead the pawn will spawn in that location.

    Can move at survivor speed while holding power (maybe a little slower).

    It wont lose the sight of the survivor.

    Can cancel power any time.

    Can change between jailor,assasin and carnifex.

    Just tweak numbers and we got a killer for high mmr to play and actually rewarding

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,302

    Another issue is having to let the guard hit first, if not, he disappears. I've seen players running alongside the survivor just waiting for the guard instead of attacking themselves.