I think the "Bug-fix update" must happen quicker this time.

I'm not gonna list every single bug I found myself... To put it shortly - this update is a buggy hell-hole right now.

New map is a "pallet-heaven", the Knight currently have 4 bugs and 2 with his AI, the tiles are insanely bugged (there is A LOT of things lie on a ground), Oni is bugged, Hag is bugged, killers (randomly) don't get stunned by a pallet (even if you heard a noise), downed survivors can't be picked up when they close to a walls, Artist's power (crows) randomly dissapearing close to pallets... etc (there is 20 more pretty irritating bugs and server issues)

Sorry, but this is a mess.

Dear Developers, push the bug-fix update, check the Bug-report section, it must happen asap this time.

I'm gonna play a Nurse for now before the bug-fix. Because of a new map (I don't want to deal with so many pallets as a different killer) and I didn't notice similar bugs with her so...

Sorry for being "pushie", but I feel like I can't play something else aside from Nurse right now...

Cheers guys! I hope "everything" (at least important bugs) will be fixed soon.=)


  • LSE
    LSE Member Posts: 6

    Also there is a game breaking bug on consoles that (as it seems) affects at least PS4, PS5 and Xbox One and renders DbD completely unplayable. Once you load into a match you have no control over your character, you can only open the options menu to DC if you're so inclined but you can't play until you fully close and restart the game (the bug persists even if you queue up for another match). I don't think it's "pushy" to ask for a quick for something like that honestly...

  • GeneralV
    GeneralV Member Posts: 10,443


  • Grigerbest
    Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,412

    There is actually many game-breaking bugs with many killers and maps.

    Like junk lie all over the loops, "fat-shaming" tiles, game-breaking bugs with killers, etc...

    A lot going on right now.