Let see what are the strength of The Knight killer....

Very strategic and multi tasking playstyle:
- Avoid Flashlight save, drop the guard before pick up, required 2 or more survivor to get a chance
- can one shot survivors, if you time right with your guards
- Slug playstyle is op, one survivor down, guard chase another one, while you chase another one
- the conifex's long chasing duration, make survivor waste time while you go for another gens or survivor
- Patrol 3 Gen, range kick from afar
- Zoning and camp hook for information
Based on my opinion, he is stronger than The dredge by abit. I think you should try to use "Map of the realm'' brown add on for consistency guard chasing.
I don't think he's stronger than Dredge.
I need more time but I'm leaning towards him being the worst Killer.
Freddy has better anti-loop but his addons suck.
Trapper has better 3-gen potential and his addons are good. But he takes forever to set up.
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Ive found the fact the guard spawns at the end of the patrol path furthest from you, makes it really good for pushing people off of gens from a distance
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Wouldn’t say he’s that bad. He definitely sucks but trappers early game setup and Myers slow start just kill them unless they get lucky in the mid game
At least knight can start the match and immediately chase even if his chase is pretty weak. He’s basically just a budget artist tbh
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My exact thoughts! He's worse than Sadako and Pig and they're by far the worst. Its simply that he just does NOTHING special that survivors can't counter. I've gotten hit/gone down once today by a guard, other than that everytime I've faced Knight he's just an M1 killer with literally no ability and no slowdown even
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You forgot:
- giving survivors as much information as possible about whats going on.
Like, thats something i don´t understand. The Knight can´t see survivors while using his power, but survivors can see where the glowing disco ball goes and even what pathway its marking. Its like Spirits phase walk but survivors can actually see where shes moving and avoid her.
Btw. the hook camping isn´t really a thing for him. As the guards despawn the moment a survivor is unhooked.
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1. Yes, it helps with flashlight saves a bit
2. Very rarely tho, I would put this into a bonus rather than his consistent strenght. It's hard to do that and more about luck.
3. Word "OP" and "Knight" don't work together hah. No.
4. True, he is only good for kicking or wasting someone time.
5 + 6. He can be decent camper at things but there are better killers who can do his job better. Guards more work like a info rather then consistent damage apply (maybe other than Assasin if close to a Survivor).
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The knight's design is just way too safe.
-There's no reason for survivors to see guard circles on the ground or when the knight channels.
-The flag system to reward with endurance and speed boost is insane.
The only remotely interesting thing about the knight is the borderline exploit that you can go watch on a streamer's channel.
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He is definitely not the worst killer Trapper and Sadako exist
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The Knights biggest problem is hands down how telegraphed his power is:
Green Orb showing where he's gonna place his Guard
Visible Detection Radius Rings around the Guards as they move
Visibly stops in place and stabs his sword into the ground when initiating his power
Very Loud noises from him as soon as he initiates his power, and from the guards as they move around
Even if they took away the Visual information for the survivors, the Green Orb and the Detection Rings, A survivor would still know precisely when he initiates his power, and where the guards he places are due to the sound design. TBH, since he already has such loud sound queues, the visual stuff is just overkill (I don't even think the Hard of Hearing would have trouble hearing them due to how loud they are).
It's like playing a sad game of Chess against the survivors, wherein they know every move you're gonna make before you make them, and immediately move counter, resulting in a very 1 sided experience solely dependent on them making the wrong decision when countering you. New players may make more mistakes, sure, but honestly, anyone with 50+ hours as survivor will trounce The Knight unless he plays really scummy. At Least with Dredge, as noisy as he is, there's still some elements of surprise and unpredictability allowed by his kit. The Knight however has no such luxury, and to me, that makes him the most asinine killer to play as or face.