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Dbd "steam labor of love award" fail

The devs made a post asking people to vote them for the labor of love award and obviously got clowned on.

What are you guys thoughts on this?

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  • Member Posts: 11,534

    My vote went to deep rock galactic. That game really deserves it tbh

    Dbd has done great recently but this chapter kinda sours the rest of a great year

  • Member Posts: 3,140

    While it is some very bad timing, I do believe that the devs are trying to make the game better. They're made steps this year to try and listen to the community and address problems and unpleasant things that had been in the game for many years.

    And I don't think the community clowning on them is a very fair reaction to their efforts. No one wants to help a whiny, rude and entitled kid. If those commenters wants BHVR to care less about the game, they're on the right path.

  • Member Posts: 2,512

    My vote went to deep rock galactic. That game really deserves it tbh



  • Member Posts: 1,065

    Is it good deep rock galactic?

    I have seen it on discount in steam like a hundred times.

  • Member Posts: 76
    edited November 2022

    Facecamping still not addressed. Nurse still unchanged. Maps unbalanced. No perk search bar. Bloodweb still boring. No real in game report system. No transparency towards reports. No new game mode. More than half the perks are still useless garbage. And so on...

    Actual good changes they made: bot in custom, perk rework, incencitives, prestige, loadouts, 2 tome challenges at once, streamer mode, BT

    Bad changes: Perk reworks (yes, here too, since there were a lot of undeserved nerfs), Mori rework (basekit Cypress would have been enough), streamer mode (mostly used by hackers and griefers than actual streamers)

    "Yes, I might have forgotten some stuff"

    A lot of issue fixes and missing QOL changes have been requested for years but still not addressed.

    It feels like they didn't put priority to the big issues, but that they rather worked on what they felt like working on.

    (At least this year it feels like they are actually trying)

  • Member Posts: 2,511
    edited November 2022

    I think they should expect the same response they got for last years, and the year prior.

  • Member Posts: 3,110
    edited November 2022

    All their steam posts has the comment section locked after set amount of time has passed, it's not exclusive to just the labor of love posts.

  • Member Posts: 3,250


  • Member Posts: 1,586
    edited November 2022

    I don’t think it’s great to keep crapping on the BHVR team, but it often seems like they are out of touch with the community and focus more on changes that they think are great rather than what the community are asking for. Sometimes they do and make positive changes that most players seem to be happy with, but they also do a lot of really frustrating things like 1) rarely admitting and fixing mistakes/bugs quickly; 2) spending lots of time and resources on making (often bad) changes that nobody was asking for; and 3) not prioritizing, changes that are being frequently requested by the community (e.g. solo queue improvements, reworking the bloodweb/item/offering system, buffing very weak killers, etc)

  • Member Posts: 3,025

    I have the same issues and it's why i personally didn't nominate them for this award.

  • Member Posts: 11,534

    If you like co-op shooters it’s a must have. Great gameplay and amazing community

  • Member Posts: 2,512


    Do you know how it's a noteworthy event when someone in Dbd is nice? In DRG it's a noteworthy event when someone is not.

    Make a mistake as a Survivor in Dbd? People will tell you to uninstall in the best case and spam your Steam profile (if you haven't made it private yet).

    Make a mistake in DRG? Three other players whose levels (which are almost entirely purely-cosmetic) are probably hundreds of times higher than yours will destroy every enemy around you, revive you and then spam a laser pointer at a mushroom to make their character say "Mushroom!".

    Dbd is the anti-DRG. Everything that sucks in Dbd is great in DRG.


  • Member Posts: 416

    the game is fun, but it's a no for me cause of face camping, slugging and tunneling for the survivor side

    and bad maps, too much pallets and broken loops for the killer side

  • Member Posts: 3,024

    Surely deserved in much things but not on others.I still think the skin,art and music team to do it pretty well

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    This reminds me I have to update my review of the game from years ago. The game is much better now.

    Yet, there are other games I play that are better contenders (e.g. NMS would be one of them)

    I don't even consider the last DLC to be an issue against this nomination. I expect they'll fix it at some point.

  • Member Posts: 5,249

    I nominated rimworld

    much more deserving i think

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    Since terraria and there awesome community won labor of love dbd is just not allowed to win this.

  • Member Posts: 2,617
    edited November 2022

    I think the devs are doing their best and doing well overall. Patch 6.1 was a huge step forward and showed the devs aren't afraid to change things and tackle sacred cows if the changes could help the game. While I would like to hammer some more on my refrain of I want status icons for solos and a buff to Reassurance and I sometimes get frustrated I think the devs are good at being objective and get things right more than they get wrong. And also there's only a small handful of video games where I've spent as much time on them as I have DbD. As I'm not the only one like that I think that helps show the devs are doing something right.

    Post edited by TheSubstitute on
  • Member Posts: 3,742

    It's a two-edged sword (HAH!):

    on one hand, it doesn't feel as if a lot of love and care goes into the game at all:

    • Bugs coming back after being fixed seem to stem from updates being done on older versions and not much care is given into fixing what would still be broken there.
    • PTB being much too short for it to bring good results + it doesn't seem as if most people actually test things to breaking point (like, from the top of your head, can you name stuff that was only 'discovered' after something went live despite it should have been found on PTB but wasn't because no one seemed to care to actually test the new stuff? Also there's no real encouragement to test stuff to breaking point.
    • With the most money being made through cosmetics at the end of the day, these are often very underwhelming and rarely worth 5-15 bucks (community outfits not withstanding, those are usually awesome.)
    • An overall feeling that the game is MADE to be as frustrating as possible.

    However, on the other hand a game like DbD is hard to balance and manage.

    You have a broad variety of players that will like/dislike various things, and separating the wheat from the chafe is taxing, tricky and time-consuming.

    For every good suggestion for an issue there'll be heaven knows how many bad ones, not even yet counting comments on a good suggestion that seem to boil down to 'no if we do this I would not be able to get an unfair advantage over others anymore! you MUST not do that!'

    Dbd does a lot wrong, but it also does quite a number of vital things right, so, it's really a bizarre equilibrium between 'labor of love' and 'labor of loathe', from an outside point of view.

  • Member Posts: 1,243
  • Member Posts: 1,070

    Besides all trash that we have in DbD, I still wanted to vote for DbD. But I couldnt because game is not available in store in my country. And my vote go to Hunt: Showdown.

    But, looking back, it's fine. Playing survivor again, I remembered how miserable gameplay is. Camping, tunneling, camping, tunneling, again, again and again. We can have another dozen of very nice characters and chapters, but it's like embelish garbage can with flowers. No matter how many flowers, garbage is still a garbage. When trash will be cleaned (unfun and detrimental mechanics cleaned), then flowers would be appropriate and welcome. No amount of new super awesome killers will help frustration of constant camp/tunnel fest.

  • Member Posts: 4,883

    You get what you give

  • Member Posts: 5,509

    Dead by Daylight is still a labour of Love despite bad chapters.

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Eh they'll still get my vote

    It's easy to nitpick about the bad things but they done a lot of good things this year too

    Added bots which was something a lot of people asked

    Worked on accessibility with the flashlight change

    Added team adjusted to mmr

    Did a lot of anti cheat stuff including force match endings to ensure people can't be taken hostage for too long

    Reduced the grind by a ton

    All of these are things the community asked for.

    That's the biggest problem with this community, so compelled to focus on the negative that they become blind to any good changes

    Games like deep space rock are like parents of children who get straight A's, play the piano cause they enjoy it and help around the house on their own volition

    While DbD is parent of spoiled brats who never get along, get jealous whenever the other kid gets something, when they get a gift complain about the gift wrapping it was in and who's main form of communication is screeching at the top of their lungs

    It's obvious who gets the parent of the year award and it's also obvious who has it the hardest and actually deserves it.

    BHVR will never get lavour of love, not because they don't deserve it. But because this community doesn't know what love is

  • Member Posts: 320

    To anybody that thinks this game deserves the labor of love award, remember that it took 3 years since the introduction of the rift to add the ability to accept both a Survivor and Killer challenge at the same time.

    The only thing the they love is the money you give them

  • Member Posts: 320

    Everybody seems to love to give Deep Rock Galactic the Labor of Love award.

    I wonder why that is...

  • Member Posts: 7,976

    Cause it's way easier to please a pve crowd then a pvp crowd.

    The game isn't going to complain when you nerf it's best stuff

    Not going to say that BHVR doesn't miss the ball sometimes but i do feel that a lot of people are very focussed on the negative and turning a blind eye to the positive

    Also not saying Deep Rock doesn't deserve it, just that people are a bit too harsh towards bhvr

    Disliking a couple of chapters for instance is not really a reason to say they don't love their game

  • Member Posts: 61


  • Member Posts: 539

    It's a lot of fun if you like co-op shooters and the community is amazing. I haven't experienced one toxic player during my time playing and everyone is so friendly!

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    I disagree on that. Patch 6.1 did some good things, but it buffed killer and let solo survivors pay the price for that, while swf is next to not affected. I used to be a solo survivor main, now i play about 50/50%. However, i play a lot less overall, because the game has turned bad for me.

    Most matches are simply not thrilling, either the survivors steamroll the killer, or the killer steamrolls the survivors. There are just very few matches without a clear skill difference.

  • Member Posts: 413

    It's nice that the game continues to get new content, especially content that can be experienced for free. But the fact is they really haven't been putting their best foot forward. Instead of implementing features and changes everyone wants they release buggy, sometimes weak poorly designed killers.

    I'd nominate them if by now they had added some kind of soloq help (hud icons showing what survivors are doing maybe), removed healthy hook grabs (at least during mid match, end game collapse might not be so bad) and make power charges decrease upon long proximity to hook, buffs for the weaker more fun to face killers and for god's sake nurse nerfs/rework.

    I'm not going to be so entitled to claim anything like "There's NO excuse for this". I'm sure they're very busy with what they ARE working on but I mean come on. I really hope that after the killer we get early next year they spend the next 2 chapter cycles on just QOL.

  • Member Posts: 22,856

    I genuinely forgot about Darkness Amogus. Repressed the memory from my mind

  • Member Posts: 436

    I downloaded this game recently but deleted it after a match or two out of frustration with confusion as to where I was supposed to do next and what role the camp plays in the overall scheme of the game. I might have to give it another shot, Ive seen a lot of praise for it on other gaming sites.

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