I would love to see more added to the bots

I'm having a lot of fun with the bots. It allows me a chance to practice with killers I've never played with, not to mention it's a great way to blow off steam after having a rough match. LOL
Having said that, I'd love to be able to equip them with perks and items. They already search through chests so I don't see why they can't be given items to start the match with, and I know it was already revealed that equippable perks will be coming when the killer bots are added, but will you be able to add them to the survivors when you're playing as killer? Custom matches is essentially one big testing toy box, and I would love to be able to run everything that can be ran in a live match!
Hi there! Love to hear that you're enjoying the bots! π
It is a hope to have perks/loadouts for bots in the future (though likely not all due to the complexity and volume of perks). Not ETA for this, though!
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Given how things are right now, how difficult would it be to add prioritization settings to practice different scenarios? By that I mean survivors that would be dead set to do gens or try to keep the killer busy or see tiles as unsafe and not use them?
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Interesting question! I'm afraid I've no details on that, and we will just have to wait and see how the bots develop over time. π
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That's great to hear! I can certainly understand not being able to equip every perk, but so long as the most highly used ones pass the test, that would be beneficial.
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bots dodge ranged killers like gods.. i think they would just auto DH which would be horrible.
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If they ever do do add this stuff I hope we can also have a randomize loadout for the bots
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Yeah I've been pleasantly surprised just how good the bots can be. Not only have they juked my line of sight at times, but one match I was playing as Pinhead, and they would run opposite of where I'm throwing the chain out. Not to mention they would wait to solve the box until I had picked up a survivor. Every time!
Even if dead hard is used incredibly well, imo it'll still be a more chill match than anything found on live servers. I love the bots, and I'm perfectly content playing against them unless I truly need bp or shards.
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bots are chill ye ^^ but ive been running 0 perks on some killers and not kicking gens, just to see how far they come and somehow their progress loweres at 2 gens left, idk why.
And they defenitly can do some sick manouvers XD had a Feng bot running AT me to pallet stunn me mid chase XD like litteraly stopped looping, turned back around and threw the pallett XD
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I've noticed that too. LOL They're efficient as hell on gens, but once they get down to one or two left, it's like they go slower on purpose so as to give you more time to "practice".
In another match as Wesker, I had a bot blind me within the cool down after using my rushes. They're not always on point like that, but in that moment I was very impressed. π
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yeah most of the time they try to use a flashlight mid-chase and click it over your head XD
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In the two bot games I've tried, they all just hold W the moment you come within 30m of them. The most annoying playstyle to go against as an M1 killer.
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Honestly I'm glad to see that. Holding W is the most powerful thing players can do, and to see the bots mimic that playstyle is a nice touch as it gives me a chance to test more things out for when I eventually play in a live setting.
The bots are definitely better than I thought they would be, and considering that they're going to continue to be fine tuned over time makes me eager to see what comes next.