The Decline of the Basement

The basement used to be the scariest and most iconic place in Dead by Daylight.
The first time I saw Dead by Daylight in early 2018 it was thanks to a string of twitch raids that brought me to Cocojobro's channel I remember him playing in a SWF and he and his team always called out the location of the basement as soon as possible because back then the basement was a place of certain death. A foggy, claustrophobic place with only one entrance/exit which was a narrow staircase that the killer could bodyblock. It was a foggy, damp place with a floor slick with a gratuitous amount of blood from freshly killed victims and was to be avoided at all costs. The basement was truly a terrifying place and only the very brave or the very foolish ventured down there to loot the chest... as long as you were in that basement you were nervous for the sound of bells, or worse a chainsaw which could herald a swift and painful end to you adventures.
Yeah, slide that couch over there, put the TV on that wall there and popcorn's in that chest there. Let's watch Armageddon! Come on down Chief Wiggum, we widened the stairs just for you! What you brought friends? Don't worry there's lots of room! Let's hang out for a bit.
Get rid of it.
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The basement was never scary. It has only ever been an annoyance and one you can very easily avoid with map knowledge.
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Needs more blood and maybe a chair
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The basement is like be last place the killer looks for you, literally. If you need to go AFK for 2min because of RL issues, chances are that you will stay unmolested if you park your boots down here.
It's also a good place to heal some sloppy wounds, if you happen to be in the vicinity. Though the lockers down there seldom see real play.
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This is less of a "basement" issue and more of a "lighting / ambience" issue.
Since the graphical reworks started, DBD seems to have abandoned those aspects in favor of... well, whatever the hell those new maps are.
That is just my opinion, but that is how I feel.
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I get exactly what you mean, when I started playing back in 2017 the basement felt so ominous and scary to me.
Now its a little to open, empty and brighter it seems. Part of me likes the killer can no longer body block the stairs but part of me doesn't.
I felt that was part of the dread of the basement it was cramped and just rescuing someone from it could be your death and now meh.
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its just less foggy...thats literally it. Maybe increase the blood on the floor and the sunbeams coming from wherever and its the same but higher fidelity.
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Except that's not "literally it."
Several factors have changed making securing a hook in the basement much more difficult. Wiggle skill checks make it possible for survivors to shave a second off the wiggle out timer. Boil Over got buffed. Breakout was introduced. 6.4.0 moved the hooks a metre or more farther from the stairs. Hooking in basements in the Thompson House or the Badham Preschool were difficult before are made even worse now.
The stairs are also much wider making it much easier for survivors to slip past the killer while escaping. In 2019 the killer could stand on the stairs and go AFK and no survivor could slip past him to save a person hooked in the basement.
Since 6.1.0 survivors always have BT coming off the hook so they always have a chance to escape.
The basement is now a pale shadow of its former glory. It's more than just a fresh coat of paint.
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The game is never going to be as scary as when you first started playing. Anything "scary" after 500 odd hours becomes "annoying"
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The stairs should be bodyblockable.
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A thousand hours more than 500, and some things never became annoying...
You are right about one thing though, the game will never feel exactly the same as it felt when you first started, but there is a very clear difference between having a scary atmosphere and having none at all.
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"The stairs are also much wider making it much easier for survivors to slip past the killer while escaping. In 2019 the killer could stand on the stairs and go AFK and no survivor could slip past him to save a person hooked in the basement."
That's not a good thing. Removing easy to cause hostage situations which prevents anyone from actively playing the game because you just stopped pressing things on your keyboard isn't a good thing.
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It's funny how the basement is the safest place in the maps as long as the killer doesn't know you are there, the place which is supposedly the most scary and dangerous. xD
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Yeah the whole lightening up of everything has really shat on the ambience the realms used to have.
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I thought this would be about how scourge hooks made the basement useless
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What happened to our maps was tragic, to say the least.
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Unless the Killer is Dredge with Darkness Revealed. The Dredge is quite fun for that.
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For the killer, yeah.
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The basement may have been scary to me the first couple months of playing, but it inevitably wore off. Everything scary about the game eventually wears off
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Exactly bubbas legs hurt after standing for years