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Hooks > Kills = More healthy game for both sides

If MMR and overall mentality would be focused on "get as many hooks as possible" it would be better for both sides. If Killer is rewarded more for hooking as many people as possible it would be good for everyone.

Killers would focus more towards getting as many hooks and Survivors would have more time to play each game. It would be less frustraiting. Killers wouldn't have to tryhard to get 4K everygame and Survivors would be less tunneled at 5 gens, etc.

Now, I am not saying this would FIX camping, tunneling, gen rush, etc. But it could help to reduce it. However in order to do it the MMR would have to be changed towards each point for unique hooks, etc. Rather than single kills. Also maybe some extra reward for Killers for hooking everyone once, etc.

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  • Member Posts: 2,573

    That only works if people can see MMR and therefore work towards it. The thing is, nobody's going to work towards hook-based MMR if it's invisible. In fact, if working to kills over hooks gets you easier games, that's going to encourage people to minimise hooks.

    On top of which, focusing on spreading hooks out makes games more difficult for killers. So, you make the game harder for yourself, which then gets you higher MMR and harder games...? Not a winning combo.

  • Member Posts: 5,735

    Yea it is harder to win if you "play fair" and go for hooks mainly. Maybe the game would have to be rebalanced a bit (nerf overall gen speed, again...) or something. However then we enter thin ice territory, since anyone can still camp and tunnel unless these both are punished and nerfed as a base game mechanic, etc. Many things would have to be reworked or re-look into but maybe the overall outcome could be worth it. More healthy game.

  • Member Posts: 1,774

    The game definitely would nee rebalancing then because atm going for hooks is not the way to win a game. And even if it would be the way to get better mmr I still would go for kills cause that's what feels rewarding as a killer. I don't think we can ever change that mindset cause even when I have a perfect fair game and at the end I have every at death hook I would feel like it is a total loss if I go out there with no kills

  • Member Posts: 1,667

    nothing would change for the simple fact that tunneling and camping will be the best tactics to use even in that scenario: it's always better having 3 survivors to deal with than 4, no matter what... this is a flawed game mechanic that will never change (you should find the way to make those tactics not viable at all, but in the meantime you should also give "viability" to do mixed hooks, same matter for the survivors with the generators). You know why i've a grudge aganist the devs? Because they tried to do this, but only for 1 side (10 seconds to gens is a FAKE QoL change since they also added perks that will DRASTICALLY INCREASE genspeed, even more than before) and they did it poorly by adding perks as basekit instead of resolving the issue in the 1st place

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    What are the reward for 4K can I ask? Increase MMR to vs sweat squad and complaining on forum?

    The only rewarding for going for 8 hook and 0 kill I can think of

    • More BP
    • Drop MMR and matched with easier team
    • No stress
    • Everyone has fun

    I admit some players just tbag in the end. But its on the players, they would still be toxic if they play killer. I dont let these players affect me and ruin the game for others in later match.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Going for hooks over kills would require chases to end faster and to gut looping. Which would cause Survivor mains to throw an unholy fit. They demand "counterplay" for everything. If he can't loop you for three minutes, game must be broken. As long as Survivors have that mentality, Killer mentality is going to be to camp and tunnel to remove people from the game.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    sacrifice BP?

    Honestly, the thing is that focusing on kills is snowbally, right? So if you go for an easier game (i.e. get someone out early), you're more likely to snowball into the 3k or 4k.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    You may 4K team A with similar skill by tunneling.

    Then you 2K team B with higher skill than you. You need to try harder, proxy camp, 4 slowdown to 4K team B.

    Now you vs team C that has even higher skill than you, you try everything and noway you can pull 4K on them. You can only 2K them, keep your MMR being high to vs only team C and stress out.

    Me at lower MMR keep 2K vs team A, chill game and everyone has fun.

    I only start killing after 8 hooks, the number of kill doesnt matter. Im not going to put my MMR where I should not be

    In the end, both you and me still have 2K on average, when you're at your peak MMR of course.

  • Member Posts: 1,959
    edited November 2022

    This isn't even a viable suggestion because of how janked the MMR system is. Sounds like you're just smurfing and intentionally performing worse to keep your MMR lower. Anyone just gets matched with anyone due to queue times. I've legit gone like 7 to 8 games in a row getting 0k to 1k and still getting matched with teams 40+ prestige and running all meta perks. The queues are too long for me to just dodge every lobby that looks hard. I'm console and can't look at profiles etc. Smurfing to lower your MMR doesn't work because of how wide people can get matched. You basically need to just play fair, do your best, and enjoy getting teabagged and trash talked or do what it takes to win

  • Member Posts: 21,210

    Respectfully my man, if you're getting looped for 3 minutes that MAY be a skill issue.

    Unless it's BURGER KING

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    Maybe, but that assumes that possibilities are evenly distributed across various MMRs, and that MMR actually works correctly all the time.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    I admit that I went rampage and be toxic as possible on later survivor teams far back then, the very first time I vs toxic Head On squad. But to think, tbaggers are minority, I dont take those BM and put on later team nowaday. As Killer I make a match as fun as I want to have fun as Survivor.

    4K doesnt matter when I have these post game chat.

  • Member Posts: 8,266

    Well, I mean if I have my MMR at 1800 and get 1600-2000 players, is still better than being at 2200 and get 2000-2400 players. We both still get 2000 MMR players at some point.

  • Member Posts: 2,638

    Or it's a Killer issue. Top MMR Survivor gameplay has proven that a ton of Killers, particularly M1 Killers, can be made absolute fools out of by skilled Survivors that know how to loop.

  • Member Posts: 2,267

    It is a shame that we cant have more of the fun aspects of the game as killers feel time pressured to kill any/everyone asap and survivors the need to rush gens. The recent trend towards anti loop killers further removes the game from the fun interactions between killers and survivors too.

    Anything that encourages more of the fun aspects (chases in particular) would be very welcome for me as no doubt others. Though recently I see a lot more hard camping and tunnelling off hook and the people who do this are unlikely to play in a fun way no matter what happens, so I really don't know how you solve that.

    But I am happy to see anything tried as the fun is being sucked out of the game again

  • Member Posts: 278
    edited November 2022

    Why do you say killers are rewarded for kills? Kills = higher MMR? How is that a reward? I could give a crap about high MMR, but hooks gets more BP’s so it’s like you’re already getting the reward. Even if hooks were the goal, killer players would still take it as a personal offense if survivors escaped. It’s weird that way.

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