Fogwise Query

Fogwise only triggers on great skill checks while repairing gens, why not while healing as well? There are only two actions in the game that trigger great skill checks, why not make the perk a bit more usable (even if it means a slight nerf to the aura reading duration).
People are already calling it OP as is.. i don’t think it’s needed for it to provide enough value but wouldn’t be against it myself
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I think that would be too much imo. I think having it work with only gens are fine
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I cant see how it would be OP. It requires being on a gen, hitting a skill check and not having an undetectable killer.
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Well.. don’t ask me 🤷♂️
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I agree it should have an additional effect, people complain about anything I'm not surprised it's like this every chapter, people seem to forget if they're not undetectable then you can hear them from a mile away coming with their WWE entrance theme jamming
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Good players hit great skillchecks all the time, meaning they have info all the time. Meaning they have the same amount of info SWF have. Its good for soloQ, its bad for killer.
i havent run in enough as a killer to call it "overpowered" in theory it sux from a killers PoV but it also sux to have to go against an swf in general. But then again, people say always if soloQ was equal to swf, balancing would be easyer. So you have 2 sides and not 3. I for one love that there is actually a perk that ONLY benefits soloQ.
i find quick gambit and potential energy more problematic.
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I think it is important to note that the bulk of the survivor base is SoloQ and are not overly experienced. In my experience, survivore are missing skill checks at all levels of experience as well. Would take an aura reveal nerf for a healing skill check buff for sure.
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being in SoloQ doesnt mean there are no good players there.
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No I get that, i have had some amazing teammates in SoloQ. But there are some super derpy or nooby solo survivors out there.
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It's already a very strong perk if you can do great skill checks. It doesn't need a buff
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I wonder how can this be... Like ok, I really tried. I even brought Tapp's perk to make some skill checks great.
And I just don't know what's wrong here. I get those skill checks sitting on a gen with value not so great (I get more value more consistently with Spine Chill [and that's only one perk] or looking on the HUD). And what am I supposed to do with that information to make this perk OP for solo? Yay, I brought two perks and one item (toolbox) to see killer for 20 seconds while they are on the other side of the map, just like iri-key with addons, too bad I can't be in chase now. Yay, my toolbox ran out and now I got 2 skill checks per gen max, what a lucky guy. Yay, I am chased, healing and chased again, I'm dead or no more gens in game to get any value. Yaaaay.
Like, I don't say it can't be OP but what so crazy about this? I've heard about Coconuts's video but he gave up whole build and... still was attached to the gen to see anything. How can anyone compare this to old OoO?
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sigh i didnt say fogwise is OP on solo... i said, FINALLY a perk that benefits solo without buffing swf into oblivion. Kinda sick of people trying to put words in my posts i didnt write.
even litteraly said i havent run in that perk as a killer enough to say it is "op" smh!
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You get me wrong. I wasn't trying to put any words in your mouth. It's my pure question because that's the topic. You said yourself that good survivors can hit great every time so they have info all the time. How is that "all the time" really? Again, I'm not trying to debate you or anyone, I just can't understand what the crazy value everyone talks about is. Maybe I'm missing smth or idk I just can't understand how can this be "survs now have too much info rip trapper yada yada". It is not your words too, it just seems you may be understanding this at least in theory.
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oh i really got you wrong sorry for that. And while yes skillchecks are random, they appear very often. If people always hit greats then they see the aura of the killer every time. The only thing missing to be on SWF level is the fact they have communication, but someone who can hit greats in their sleep will have enough intel where the killer is at and be able to move and make decisions just the right time.
a killer however needs the unawareness, not knowing where he is so he can reach survivors before they change their spot and sneak past him. There is a couple of other aura reading perks, but afaik the ones are way more situational. Fogwise is basicly free aura just for hitting great skillchecks.
if i would hit greats more then i would run it too, it can be busted. But again i myself as killer didnt run into it enough to really tell how it is in praxis. Maybe i overestimate how people hit great skillchecks and its not as much as i think. Overcharge is a good example though. I stopped running it because they hit the skillcheck almost every time. yes it applies regression but other than call of brine it doesnt give you intel when they are back at it again. But thats a diffrent story.
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Well. Spine chill gives me more and without any conditions, and with fogwise in some crucial situations you just don't get skill checks so don't have info you need. As for overcharge it's a nightmare for me because every game I need at least two skill checks (probably missed) to adjust my reaction (my ping isn't bad and yet apparently it matters for overcharge). Sometimes I can hit it pretty ok and sometimes I have to hit it too early to get it. And even after that I can't do it super consistent.
I guess I am just wrong person to speak about it and don't belong to those discussions :/ more interesting to see the outcome of those then... Thanks for your answer and opinion!