Grab must be changed

When you unhook survivor its not failr when its 100% and you dont save and killer grabs you.I think system that killer can grab you while you are saving must be deleted hit will be enough .
Nah, doesn't need to be changed. If you're silly enough to try a hook save with the killer right there, with no distraction, then it's certainly at least partially deserved.
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Grabs have been broken for years
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It must be changed because its broken and if they cannot manage proper server validations and etc so it must be removed
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I can count the number of times I've been grabbed while unhooking on one hand. Honestly, it's easy to not get grabbed, even when the killer is right there. I don't recommend unhooking when the killer is close enough for a grab, but it's super easy to do.... Just fake the unhook, the killer hits you, then you unhook while the killer is on cooldown. Sure, he'll then hit you and down you immediately, but at least your friend got away...
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If killer is still there while you try to unhook, you are playing the game incorrectly in 90% of cases and should be on a disadvantage.
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Happens both ways. You grab someone while they're unhooking and they still unhook. Really needs to be fixed up at this point.
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Some grabs only occur when a survivor is in the injured state. Personally, I think all grabs should work this way.
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Bro, grabbing someone while they attempt to vault or are on a gen is more common than being grabbed while unhooking. In my six months of playing killer, I've grabbed maybe one person while they went for an unsafe unhook.
In my other six months as a survivor, just do gens. Only go for a save if you know the killer is engaged elsewhere on the map, that way you won't get grabbed while going for a save.
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Healthy grabs on survivors trying to unhook is a terrible mechanic. People who think it is fine don't understand what a healthy game would look like.
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I have basically never grabbed someone going for an unhook unless they were being 100% potato about it. Like, grabs of people exiting lockers? Slightly more common (ignoring open-locker-find-survivor grabs).
The only reasonably normal grab in the game is running into someone who doesn't pay attention, has oblivious from plaything, and tries to do the totem in your face. Anyone else just cancels their animation, whatever it is, and only gets a hit. Grabbing people as a Killer is super hard.
Also? It's meant to work from safety because it's there to discourage recklessly doing actions in the Killer's face and then speedboosting off.
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It is actually super easy to grab as killer.
What the people defending hook grabs on healthy don't seem to understand is that a large percentage of killer players try to force the next stage on a hooked survivor. It is a skilless 'strategy', but it works.
'just do gens'... Um, how about lets make it fun for both sides without skilless things like healthy hook grabs.
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you do realise that the grab can be baited?
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ah yes, let me unhook infront of the killer while they are not able to do anything about, and i have a basekit barrowed time how fortunate