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A confession from someone who plays too much Nurse

Member Posts: 531
edited February 2019 in General Discussions

I used to convince myself that I only played Nurse from the way she looks and how interesting she is compared to other killers.

Recently, I've been thinking that this was just a big fat delusion of me. In fact, I do play Nurse mainly because I possess the power to be actually respected. How so? Well... I've been playing a lot of Pig and Hag recently and I've sincerely felt like #########. Playing anything else than nurse made me felt powerless, bad... veeery mad. I absolutely couldn't understand how one could cope with this, to be honest.

You see... when you're playing Nurse. Nobody dares to stand behind a pallet and teabag, flashlight-click you in a chase or just be a jerk in general. Simply because of Nurse is one simple thing: THREATENING, like something you want to escape no matter what...

Some may say "Ew git gud and stop getting mad!1". That's not the point, the thing is Nurse make me actually enjoy playing killer, simply because: I am not under pressure when playing her, I can punish survivors being unjust to their brethren (farming, bodyblock, griefing and whatnot), I can turn the tables from one second to another if someone dares to be too cocky. The feeling is addictive, to the point that no other killer satisfy you enough because of how easily abusable they are. Both in victory and in loss.

This isn't propaganda against survivors, a plea for buffs to killers or anything else, just a thought dedicated to the killer mains (the nice one, that is.) that made me think a lot and that I wanted to share it with you. Change... is very much needed, more now than ever.

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  • Member Posts: 10,200

    Nurse is the only killer that actually makes you feel like playing the powerrole in a horror game.'Of course it will be quite irritating to play other killers that can be bullied by survivors after only playing nurse....

    I dont understand the design philosophy of having unviable killers, but I guess thats up to BHVR.

  • Member Posts: 3,104
    Yea you will get games like that as any killer until they realise they underestimated you. You said you played hag? She is a good example of this. Most games I have played with hag has t baggers and fl clickers until I'm hitting and downing them left and right. I actually had a game like this a few days ago were I ran into a toxic swf group. I set up all my traps in the half of the map were the majority of gens were and they did just one gen before they started t bagging and chasing me. Later on I ate their faces with devore hope and myc combo just 4 minutes later into that game. They only completed that one gen.
  • Member Posts: 1,948
    edited February 2019
    Two things I want to say:

    1. Billy? He still exists. Ofc, he is not that strong like nurse. But honestly, he comes really close to her. Can he get looped? Yes, but after mastering curving it's less painful and survivors will ######### their pants. Give him spirit fury and enduring with some good addons and he's absolutly crazy and really fun.

    2. Survivors don't jerk versing a nurse? Let me tell you from a game I just recently had:
    Waiting in my lobby for survivors. ObviousSWFwithKey.mp4 
    Picking nurse.
    Offeringscreen: They used THE GAME map lmao 
    One flashlight clicked at me the whole time, ignored him just for fun, cuz I know getting ignored hurts their feelings more.
    4 slugs in 1 minute.

    But yeah, usually survivors respect nurse unless they notice you suck. These guys however had some huge balls clicking at a P3 nurse on this map. Maybe they knew it's already over anyway? Who knows 
  • Member Posts: 3,688
    I've started using her too recently. She's fun to play and yeah if tou can hit your attacks you get respect.

    If I try to use Pig I always seem to get tbagged at every single pallet. Literally they'll drop the first pallet and immediately go to tbagging.

    Spirit gets respect too. Clown as well. With spirit they're too busy wondering if you're phasing or not to tbag, and with clown you throw a bottle and they know they dont have time to tbag anymore due to the speed debuff.
  • Member Posts: 24

    When rank resets happens, i play a lot more different killers before i get to rank 1. When at some point of ranking up my Freddy and Trapper just get bullied constantly, i know it's time to start play the Nurse again.
    It's not that i won't get any kills as someone else than the Nurse, but that t-bagging and flashlight BS is just frustrating.
    I remember one time when i tried to play as Wraith just for fun and at the lobby 3 guys last second change to claudettes with flashlights. I got bullied so hard… One guy even put me DM after the game "ez noob killer".
    Well i got these guys later in the same lobby and i took the Nurse with try hard build. They did again last second change lol. Oh boy i just destroyed them. 5 gens left and 2 of them dc'd before the end. So satisfying feeling after that.
    So like OP said, it's the power of the nurse what makes you wanna play with her. And you will get games where no one bully you.

  • Member Posts: 2,552

    That is why I didn't dedicate myself to her honestly.

    I thought that if I got used to her, I wouldn't be able to play with any other killer. I also agree with @The_Crusader on that spirit and clown gets a bit respect too. Survivors are not as cocky as they are against other killers.

    Playing other killers is just painful imo.

  • Member Posts: 1,154

    I agree with you, I mained Nurse during whole 2017 but when they temporarily messed her up with double stun, I tried Billy (for the first time) and instantly fell in love.

    Nurse always felt very hectic and you gotta stay concentrated and focused for the entire match. Every mistake gets punished hard and I got almost traumatized from her past-blink recovery stun. I never switched back, even after her vertical blink buff. While I sometimes still get rekt as Billy by certain map layouts or skilled SWF, the overall matches are a lot more relaxing and chill with almost the same results as I had with Nurse.

  • Member Posts: 7

    after well over 1100 hours on nurse alone (i've kept counting) nurse is a fun killer, and as you say, nurse is threatening for survivors, you can actually be a killer that survivors fear and not just joke around with

    great post btw :D

  • Member Posts: 3,786
    edited February 2019

    @NurseMainBTW said:
    You see... when you're playing Nurse. Nobody dares to stand behind a pallet and teabag

    So you don't know the joyful feeling of being tbagged behind a pallet only for the survivor to step on your trap the second after.
    Jokes aside, what you say is the reason I stopped playing Nurse after a period in which I mained her. She makes things too plain and boring, with little variation between matches.

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