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Tips to use knight

Hello. How's it going? I hope you have a good weekend.

I have been trying knight for some matches but I am struggling to understand his power or how to use it. Any tips and advices?

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  • Member Posts: 339

    The quick and dirty is to run the 4m increased detection radius addon, and drop it instantly at a loop. Otherwise if they are zoned a bit, drop it and then run it through as many nearby loops as you can.

    Ideally you want to drop knights right on top of people but it can be hard to land.

    Once they are being chased, it's pretty simple. Just zone them to death

    MidEast93 - Twitch

    Around 12 hours 7 minutes 30 seconds into that video is some pretty damn good knight play, with the ttv raging that he wanted to be killed and let out of the game it was so oppressive

  • Member Posts: 293
    edited November 2022

    I feel like the biggest tips would probably be:

    1. Dont try to use his power in chases or the set up a real patrol path. Try to just instaspawn a guard to block an exit of a loop and get immidately back to chasing the survivior. Should a guard catch on to a survivor try to outmaneuver them or get in front of them so that either u or the guard can get a hit in.
    2. Use ur guards mainly to break stuff for u while u are chasing someone or are on ur way to somewhere else. Most survivors will leave the loop instantly when the guard starts breaking the pallet. So when u set up the breaking instantly try to outmaneuver the survivors so u get a hit in.
    3. I play a 3 gen regression perks together with stbfl atm and I'm feeling that this build actually works quite well. He seems a lot like legion in that u try to drag the game out until most resources are gone and then try to finish fast and create pressure. Ur guards breaking stuff for u while u are applying pressure really helps with that.
    4. If u should get lucky and u get the game u will literary shred survivors there since those loops are long with one exit and one entrance. This is the only map that the guards are actually very decent in.
    5. If u are sure that a survivor is nearby instaspawn a guard on u. They aren't great chasers but at least they are decent at detecting survivors.
  • Member Posts: 293

    The biggest tip would probably be something like:

    1. Use mainly the guards to break stuff for you while you are chasing survivors or doing something else. Setting the guards up to break a pallet or a gen mostly takes around 1 second and is faster than you doing it urself.
    2. Dont try to use them in actual chases or to set up real patrol paths. Just try to instaspawn a guard to block an exit to a loop and then try to outmaneuver the survivor in the loop. If they leave u have time to catch up until the next loop, if they don't leave and the guard actually spots them try to block them off, so that either you or the guard get a hit in.
    3. He feels a lot like a drag out killer so you should prio gens and resource destruction rather than actually downing people. When most pallets are gone survivors will be forced to loop or just run and this is where u can either use ur guards to defeat the loop or just chase them and down them.
    4. For perks I would mostly go gen regression so you have time to shape the map and stbfl to make u super strong in chases if it gets close to endgame.
    5. Ur guards aren't that stron in chases but they are great detection tools. If u are sure theres a survivor hiding nearby (for example bushes in dead Dawg) setting up a patrol path by these bushes is pretty worth it.
  • Member Posts: 11,534


  • Member Posts: 699

    he is a pretty tough killer to play, dont expect an easy time

    you can defend gens by placing guards on them, perks like call of brine and overcharge are recommended, with them you can kick a gen, leave a guard and force the gen to lose some progress

    you can also suprise survivors on gens who do not know you are targeting them by spawning a guard on top of the gen they are working on, do know that there is a pretty visible orb while you create a path so try to hide with map geometry, perk like discordance help to pull that off

    in loops: the best decision is to immediately place a guard on a loop, if they leave the loop, simply try to go for an m1, to try to counter that, you can try to follow the survivor instead and place the guard on them so it will cause a hunt, if you do immediately place a guard and they leave the loop

    guard hunt: when your guard is hunting a survivor, try going the opposite path that will lead you to overtake the survivor's route so they'll backoff to your guard chasing them

    if you got a survivor cornered, make the most out of it, knight absolutely dominates in a corner, place a guard and wait for them to get hit by the guard or just attack them if they try to run out of your death zone

    if you are at a risk of a flashlight/pallet save, place a guard on top of the downed survivor so the survivors who are trying to get a save will be hunted and be forced off of the save attempt

  • Member Posts: 266

    Use someone else instead would probably be the best tip. I've only played 3 games as him and none of them have been fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    A good tip is to stop using guards at hooks. They disappear when the survivor is unhooked. Use the guards in chase and to deny gens and totems.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Well, I am getting better at it even if I don't have the adept yet. Thank you so much for the suggestion guys!

  • Member Posts: 21,211

    I can't give many tips yet.

    He's extremely difficult and not very rewarding.

    I'm still trying to learn him myself.

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    Some tips I'd give that I haven't seen mentioned very frequently.

    First tip, run Map of the Realm and Dried Horsemeat. You can replace Map of the Realm but Dried Horsemeat is kind of required right now to get any value from the guards during chase.

    For placing your power, you should understand that your power, for the most part, cannot be used long range. You'll lose too much distance, your guards can't really chase solo, and you won't be able to zone them.

    For the most part, his power isn't really that effective at being dropped without any kind of path. That's how everyone keeps saying to play him, but the moment a survivor sees you do that they can just run and they'll escape the detection radius. You're then an M1 killer and have a very punishing cooldown. But, you also don't want to draw any kind of complex path as it takes too long and isn't really worth it. Just draw some squiggles both in your current tile and in the tile you don't want the survivor to go. They'll either have to run towards the stronger tile where there's a guard or a weaker tile where you can M1.

    Use sound to also help place paths. He requires a lot of map knowledge so that you can place effective paths. And if you mess up placing a path, it is very punishing.

    Understanding how the hunt starts is important and is probably the thing I've seen people do wrong the most. Once a guard spots a survivor, they will always go to EXACTLY where that survivor is in 2.5 seconds and cannot harm or body block a survivor until that time. If you see your guard moving left at the start of the hunt, don't just assume this means you can go left to flank the survivor. They may run through the guard. Wait until the hunt actually starts. You want to force the survivor to choose a direction before you start to flank.

    Your guards ARE different from each other and you actually do need to use them for different purposes to get the full value.

    Carnifex's differentiator is the longer hunts. He won't get a hit during it, but you can use it to harass a survivor on top of just the normal usage. It takes so long for the flag to spawn most survivors will just run forwards blindly. He breaks things faster but this practically doesn't really matter.

    Assassin is faster in chase. The other two you can hold W and just run away and never get caught. Assassin will catch you if you hold W but he won't really catch you if you loop due to his larger hitbox.

    Jailer has a larger detection radius which makes him more useful for just dropping quickly at a loop. Be careful with Jailer. His longer patrol path is very punishing.

    If you want to cycle guards, breaking pallets and generators is a good way to cycle through them. Although you should prefer kicking generators as your guards don't get to use any perks or even get the 2.5% regression from kicking.

    Understand you'll get most of your hits with the Knight himself. That's fine!

    Also, don't be afraid of sticking to a 3 gen. He's not very mobile and he can defend areas very well.

  • Member Posts: 21,211

    I am very close to just saying don't play him at all.

    So far, the best thing I've been able to use his Guards for is to deny unhooks and force bad situations around the hook.

    And other than getting some horrific messages and some nasty TTV's saying some appalling #########, he really hasn't done much well.

  • Member Posts: 1,623

    Thanks, it seems very helpful. Specially to know how to use better the power of the guards!

  • Member Posts: 679

    Run him with Eruption, Overcharge, Oppression & nowhere to hide. Use double jailer & 4m increased range add-ons. Look for 4-5 of the closest gens and pressure those. Don't get caught up in long chases, just use minions to push them off gens and keep your regression up. You'll slowly wear them down and if you get them down to 3 Survivors with a 3 gen it's very hard for them to win at that point.

    I find with decent teams is basically a game of attrition, due to the fact that they usually easily outplay the minion range, that's why the 4m and jailer add-on is so good. It really helps when you drop a minion straight away to get him on the chase.

  • Member Posts: 618

    I'm seeing alot of great tips on chases with guards, but no one is really giving pointers on set-up.

    When you're approaching a location you assume or know a survivor is nearby, path a guard not directly in the tile they sit in, but around it. Corral the potential survivor from the opposite side as they are alert of the guard's position. From here, you can pinch a free hit/down as the survivor is forced into a chase by both you and the guard you cornered them with.

  • Member Posts: 505

    so before readying up make sure you go to the killer menu and choose nurse, its really helped me

  • Member Posts: 49

    That's great tips. To go even further, what you should think about is that the survivor will want to leave the loop if you trap it. So, as the Knight you want to be able to follow them if they do so. The guard must be the One running the loop, you use it's aura and sounds to know where to cut off survivor since they'll follow their exact pathing.

    Be carefull tho because good survivor will try to leave the loop early or run around something to get back at the banner. You need to protect those paths.

    Also, against good players, you need to be unpredictable. Make them question if you're gonna drop the guard instantly or follow them a bit. Once they need to guess you should have more opportunity to antiloop.

  • Member Posts: 905

    tip 1: wait until its bugs get removed and until it gets buffed.

    So far it's fun, but WAY too bugged and WAAAAY too weak

  • Member Posts: 333

    do not chase survivors who are already a long distance from you and being chased by a guard. you're literally just holding W and the guard will not get a hit so he's pretty much useless. instead, let the guard chase that survivor and annoy them; go do something else more productive unless you really have nothing else to do.

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