rage quit dcing, it needs to stop!

I will not stop complaining about it unless the old penaltys are back.
Oh did they remove penalties again? Noticed loads of DCs friday.
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Don't think it's fair to say that right now, there's a lot of bug's and glitches around. I tried 4 Twins games and i got stuck in at least 3 of them after Victor pounced on a healthy survivor. Only thing you can do from that point is just DC because you cannot see at level height, move or attack.
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Penalty should be 15 minutes and double every time. Over the past week, I've seen SO MANY pointless dc, even in games where the survivors' game was going very well, that I no longer even understand why this is happening at all, except as a huge inflated ego in the child's ass of these survivors.
If you don't want to play, you go to another game. Besides yourself, you are responsible for the result of the game of 4 other players, because this is a TEAM game. The game is about survival, but most of the survivors just want to sleep neat the monitor with the m1 button pressed so that no one interferes with them. It's disgusting to watch. Go play tetris, please, if you have enough ability, of course. I don't want to see you either in my games for killer, or in my team for survivors. You are the worst thing in this game right now after cheaters, nurse, coh and dh.
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lowered them to 1 minute. Heaps of people will come in this post and talk about how on console there is some bug that lets them not move, however all i see is rage quitting after so many various reasons..
It might be actually the coffin nail for me for this game not gonna lie, maybe i just need a break but honestly i cant enjoy the game with so many dcing going on.
oh bugs and glitches, thats a new one. I have people seen dc after:
- -They saw a killer they didnt like
- -got downed/hooked early on
- -havent been able to use wiggle builds
- -couldnt finish their gens when it was almost done
- -got baited out DH
- -got grabbed off gens/out of lockers/off pallets
- and so on. This i experience both as soloQ survivor and as a killer too. We had a 3man swf going on today which got screwed 3 times by dcing randoms IN A ROW. All because penaltys are shorter.
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1000% agree. Honestly im really fighting with my mood to play this game at all, i played it today because my friends was on. I thought start of the week i would totally juke the 1,5 times bloodpoint event but i have leveld knight from p2 to p3 and gave jake and yui some more perks/items out their bloodwebs. That is like 1 and a half prestige, because i didnt play enough. Its really sad how that has to drain my fun when finally bots arrived which i wished for a long time.
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The DC penalties are confirmed off? That would certainly explain the slew of DCs today as both killer and survivor.
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not off, but first penalty lasts only 1 minute. it got reduced.
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Just pointing it out, that it's not only rage DCing. There's actual problems.
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With the current instability of the game, it's hard to fault players wanting to yeet on out of wonky matches.
Our PlayStation cousins are loading into matches as killer just to have their cursor fail. What exactly should they do then? Can't even farm properly, let alone kill.
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these are not the examples im talking about. Its the fact people abuse the 1 minute reduced to quit whenever they please for the most dumbest reasons. They dont quit when they load into a match and didnt move. I litteraly just provided examples, see above.
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Annoyingly, I got DC'd the moment I was hooked for the first time in one match today. It must have looked like a ragequit to the other players, but I had an active Renewal ready so I was more than prepared for the hook.
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No, they aren't off.
OP is just unhappy about the length of the penalties.
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More evidence to move forward with my idea for a bot system, it'd make everyone happy.
Turn off DC penalties. Have a bot replace the player who DC'd. Survivors aren't completely screwed over, people aren't held in games that they don't want to be in and Killers aren't screwed out of BP. Everybody's happy. Except for toxic people who try to get people to DC.
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It'd be nice if players like the OP would just take a break or quit already. No need to be a Felicia about it. No one cared before, they're not caring now, they're not going to care on the next post. Be the statistic, don't just talk about it.
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i never said otherwise though. And i cant believe you actually would think DC penalties off could be a great idea, you must be trolling at that point. But its not funny at all in fact its extremely annoying. What is the point if people gonna dc about every little inconvienience, killers would only play against bots at one point. Well at least they aint flaming for stupid things i guess.
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For Playstation players they are off, I guess they're still on for PC players?
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oh great so its worse than i even thought....
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that is a 1 out of 10 situation
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They're on for everybody else.
I assume they aren't on because of, you know, Playstation players aren't able to play.
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then bhvr should maybe get their stuff together and fix it
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On that we agree
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If you get full BP and the bots are competent who cares.
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Yeah im sorry if im a bit harsh rn but im sitting here with my calculator on how much money i have lost into this game, its litteraly unplayable since over a week. Cause if i never know if next round people gonna DC what is the point in trying at all.
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well amen to that.
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There's that bug i was talking about, replicated in a custom bot match, after pouncing on a healthy survivor which forces a switch back into Charlotte. It's not the cursor one, afaik but that's also present at times. Believe Hag has some bugs too.
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You know who never disconnects?
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i understand dcing because of unplayable bugs, but i have seen nothing else than ragequits still, it gets abused and BHVR needs to get to fix those things ASAP so they can give us back the old penaltys. Im just mad i wasted so much money into this game rn, if i could refund, i would.
yeah but i also want bloodpoints, i need to level up stuff. And bots are rn always the same, no variety. Also i cant play against killer bots rn. But if this is gonna be like that all the time i wont be a dbd player until next year.
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Bots can only get better over time.
Other players? They get worse with every passing week.
Reject Bloodpoints. Embrace the automation.
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Yeah for sure, I was just unaware they did platform specific ######### like that.
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exactly, it just kinda destroys all the fun in the game, now you worry even if people gonna stick to it or not. It becomes super annoying while playing as killer happening that much. But as survivor its even way worse.
We had a trickster game a friend and me, with 2 solos. One of em dced after I got downed early, it wasnt even them. And my friend was also all like "oh great, weve lost. Lets just give him the kills" and we did. He let me have hatch and even showed me a halloween medkit to escape with.
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Something has really shifted in survivors heads and it isn't just "I can't win". There is a defeatist attitude among survivors, especially solo queue that they are already dead or tunneled or camped before it even happens. Yesterday I played a game with a Zarina that killed herself on her first hook against a Wesker and we were 4 gens complete with only one on death hook. Completely baffling. She tilted that game all the way in the killers favor for nothing even though he was a tunneler. And another game where a Vittorio dc'd on his death hook circumvented Ruin which is supposed to extinguish upon the death of a player. His DC didn't register as a death and ruin carried the 3 gen Doc who played Gideons to victory at 1 gen left.
On the other hand had 3 killers DC when they were losing or couldn't catch a survivor yesterday and that is a MAJOR uptick from the norm.
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At least if a survivor DC's you can still get a lot of BP. When Killers DC, it's over and a waste of time.
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Well there is a reason for that attitude. Playing solo I can tell you what is expected, you go down first and you'll be tunneled out, you go down last and you'll be facecamped, you run the killer for 3-4 gens you'll be facecamped and quite often left to die while your team escapes. I'm not excusing the behavior, but playing solo is just an awful experience most of the time.
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In all fairness I have had that glitch on Twins thought it was just me lol. But the solution for that is to killswitch the twins until the issue is fixed. Not remove/mitigate the DC penalties, because that makes the game worse than one killer not being playable. Especially twins lol hardly anyone plays them anyway. Has this glitch happened on any other killers?
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Then they should just killswitch twins until they fix the issue. It hurts the game less to have one unusable killer than to have swathes of people rage quit like scrubs at the slightest hint of the game not going their way.
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aint it more harsh atm? like its 45 sec, 5 min, 45 - seven hours.
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It's not just killer, it's survivor too.
My swf teammate and I have both had similar games where one of us gets DC'd and it probably looks like we ragequit but it's the game itself kicking us. It's happened to him a few times recently and each time end game screen says the killer DC'd too and he can see the killers load out even though the match is still going.
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If they fixed the balance issues, maybe people wouldn't dc so much. The game is miserable to play right now. But people keep playing hoping to feel just a sliver of the joy they felt playing the game a year ago.
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People are quitting so much because the game sucks, it was better years ago. If the game was more fun, people would stay in the match and actually try. The reason they quit so much for you, is probably because you are a trash killer or survivor. There is no incentive for a player to stay in a game that doesn’t reward players for a win or punish them for a loss. They are only playing for fun, if you were perceived to be trash player/players, then there is little chance for fun in this game. The people who complained about ranks and got them removed, the babies who cried about the old matchmaking, congratulations this game is what you asked for. RIP
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Penance. I have now dc'd due to an inoperable bug with the cursor display on the console.
I am so sorry to the other 4 players. I do not want my DC for the bug during this period to be recorded and to be perceived as the selfish and self-serving player I am... But I did not want to wait AFK over and over again. I felt selfish. I hope you will forgive me. What a thing I have done.
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i can go to the next game and hope to have a FULL lobby in the next game, while when survs DC all the time it becomes so annoying even as killer, more so as soloQ survivor. Dont make a killer v. survivor thing out of this. DCing sux. period.
I plas solo quite often, hardly get tunneled out let alone facecamped, despite probably being a weak link. But even then, i dont DC. What if i would DC any time i have a bad game as killer? DCing and not sticking to it ruins the whole game for anyone, also if my team can escape then good for them, no need to be so pity and feel entitled to an escape. Also you can just move on after you died, next round maybe is gonna play out better.
Oh look, there we have it! I for one enjoy the game on both sides.. Or i was until they reduced the penaltys. How about all you players that find the 6.0.1 THAT bad. How about yall just search some other game then instead of ruining it for all of us others??
@Stealthdoorknob way to judge what kind of killer/survivor i am "if they dc on you, your probably trash" i sent a report, enjoy it.
no before i think first penalty was 5 minutes no? it was more for sure.
im saying it AGAIN. natural disconnects is NOT what im complaining about. They dont happen as much as you want to make it look. I have seen 1 or 2 the past few weeks that indeed were natural, the rest? all ragequits. Obvious ragequits.
And even if all of them were natural than BHVR has a server issiue, one way or the other game is unplayable like that.
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you can stick your attitude somewhere else, i feel i have to explain it over and over and over again with you guys and still you dont understand..
im not talking about someone being unable to move from the start and then dcing.. Im talking about RAGEQUITS!!! can we finally understand this please????
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I was Killer in a match earlier and had 2 survivors DC. Both had been downed and were being transported to hook for second stage of sacrifice.
I just find it (in this type of instance) selfish and childish. Its leaving the remaining survivors with an uphill struggle to hope to complete the gens and/or find the hatch.
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I want to know if you work on it, because rn i just feel like i would want my money back if i could. Players abuse the reduced DC penalty like nothing else.
This is what you understand by customer service? im very disappointed, unseemingly disappointed. Fix the playstation issiue ASAP, make sure your servers dont disconnect about this often and give us back the old penaltys, so players dont abuse them like that.
The game is litteraly unplayable rn, i need to start to look out for something else. Its in this state OVER A WEEK, i havent seen something like that after back in 2012, where online servers would have crashes if too many players were on.
Idk what you managed to break with the new update, but reducing the penaltys has proofen a mistake in the past and i cant believe you did it again.
At least let me know if you are working on this or not. So i can watch out for something else if you dont plan to get the old penaltys back.
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exactly but BHVR seems not too concerned about it. they read all of this too and just ignore it.
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Oh and thanks for merging my thread from the feedback to this one, so you actually read it and yet keep silent.
@BHVR how long do we have to deal with reduced penaltys? just give us SOMETHING!
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I didn't play Twins since the new chapter dropped. Now I am scared to even try them.
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I’d be down for this.
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