Hit validation/Latency

Has something been changed? 9 out of 10 games im being hit from at least 2m behind me. 2k hours and this is the worst I've seen it. Makes it nearly impossible to loop as I can't properly judge distance while trying to do complex math equations in my head trying to work out the killers ping compared to mine. I run nearly constantly at 20ms. Am I playing at a disadvantage having a good connection to the server?!
Having a better connection tends to be bad for both sides, it gets weird.
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Has never been this bad. My connection hasn't changed at all.
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Bad ping benefits the killer for hit validation for the most part, so if your ping is good then there's not much else you can do. If the killer's ping is bad then they'll have an advantage you can't really anticipate in lobby, and that unfortunately you can't do much to counter.
In extreme cases you could DC, but you'll get penalty. I only did it once for ping related reasons, the killer was teleporting around and glitching when carrying a survivor. They weren't even a hacker, they just had one million ping and it made the game uncomfortably weird.
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As I said though in the op and the previous reply, It has only recently become bad enough for me to come sook about it on the forums. I understand how latency works.
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You're not alone. I've noticed content creators complaining about it as well. Hits are very inconsistent atm.
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yes it has became very bad lately nothing like getting hit in the middle of shack when the killers outside the window.
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I can Tell you in the private dbd Version. Which ist p2p it has the Same issues specialy on Windows vaults found a interesting Thing. Looking slightly upward the Hit will Denied (normal distance where you can Hit) but looking absolutely Central you get the Hit. And fun fac about slightly upward the aim assist try to give you the Hit.
Even the pallet issue ist present even AS Zero Ping Host .
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some hits feel really weird. even with low ping killers. in my eyes the depiction of killer jumps a little in the direction of the survivor when get hit. as if the datastream couldn't keep up.