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Its incredibly easy to hit flashlight saves now

Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
edited November 2022 in Feedback and Suggestions

Its kinda hard not to call the devs survivor sided when they made flashlight saves so easy that it takes no skill anymore to pull it off.

All you have to do is to aim the flashlight at the killer face,now it doesn't matter anymore if you're too early or too late,you will still get it.

Now as a killer you have to be paranoid if a survivor is around because if you pickup someone without facing a wall or lightborn,you will always get blinded now.

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Sonzaishinai
    Sonzaishinai Member Posts: 7,976

    The hardest part of getting flashlight saves was getting into position, not the timing of it. It barely matters especially with how you can't readjust as easilly

    You getting blinded while staring at a wall is a fov issue not a timing one, if you are going to complain about something complain about the right thing

  • burt0r
    burt0r Member Posts: 4,152

    Like i always say:

    All hail to our lord and saviour Lightborn 😎

    Relieving our stress since it's day of implementation.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    wdym having half the animation buffer to get the save makes it easier

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2022

    they're absolutly the weakest item.

    Keys with blood amber give wall hack in chase

    Maps will help find totems and gens and also give trap vision against trapper/hag

    Toolboxes do gens faster

    medkits let you heal yourself

    flashlights maybe will sometimes allow you to get a game-changing save but only if the killer messes up first. The vast majority of the time do nothing but waste your time and make you give up distance on the killer.

    only exception is wraith, who can be light burned out of his power easily.

  • xni6_
    xni6_ Member Posts: 505

    ah yes using 1/4 perks to counter items, which use 0/16 survivor perks

    why do survivors complain about "being forced to run" ds and otr if they say ######### like this

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    oh so thats why most of the SWF groups run with them.... now it all makes sense.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    And again, we are back to the killers need to counter survivors perks and items with perks, this might be a suprise, but the survivors have 16 perks and the killer have 4 perks that they need to counter items and 16 perks with.

    So according to most survivors the killer should run the following build to counter them

    [Lightborn/Franklins] [Fearmonger] [Starstruck] [Gen Slowdown]

    Would you think it was fun to play survivor if you had no space for fun perks in your build?

    Thats what i like by playing survivor, that i actually can experiment with different perks and make my own build that fits my gameplay, instead of just copying a pre-made build.

    And tbh. playing killer have become really boring, imo.

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Most SWF’s run them because it’s fun to save your friends and people enjoy making bad killers rage.

    4 Medkits is by far the strongest at the moment

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    If the killer cant get any hooks, that gotta be stronger than medkits.

  • SkeletalElite
    SkeletalElite Member Posts: 2,687
    edited November 2022

    but even then they're basically just on even ground with maps which let you easily see traps for either safely triggering them or outright avoiding htem

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    The occasional flashy save isn’t comparable to destroying a killers pressure and healing at more than twice the efficiency

    medkits also come with no inherent risk and are very useful against all but 2 killers.

    They also can’t be completely countered by a perk if the killer so chooses.

    If a killer is seriously not getting any hooks due to flashlight it’s a skill issue. Medkits can’t be countered and turned into an advantage in the same way flashlights can

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    Here you go, it cant be countered by anything but lightborn or a wall next to the downed survivor, so either you are straight up lying or dont know the game mechanics as well as you make it sound -

  • Phasmamain
    Phasmamain Member Posts: 11,531

    Of course it has no counterplay if you just pick up in the open when you know there are flashlights in the lobby. This doesn’t prove anything except that a killer who misplays will be punished as they should be. This doesn’t prove they have “no counterplay” because you literally mention the counterplay in the comment.

    I seriously don’t understand the point you’re trying to make here. It’s like saying bubba has no counterplay if there are no windows or pallets in the area. I mean it’s technically true but you getting into that situation is a misplay

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    So what, the the survivors should just stay in the open when chased, and they cant be hooked, Imagine going to Coldwind Farm vs a flashlight SWF.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    I have absolutely 0 problems with flashlights. This month I got 1x flashbang saved and 0x flashlight saved. However I got quite a lot of free hits from people trying to use flashlights + ton of wasted time.

    Best counter to flashlights is map awareness. If survivors come from 3 sides, all you need to do is make 1 run away. Or slug a little. When survivor is in front of you 8m away from you, you can safely pick up to his face (facing the other side). He will not make it in time. Flashbangs are more problematic, because he might make it with sprint.

    I can't fathom why other killers are so mad about this. To get the save survivor needs to get very close, not make a noise, guess where killer will face and waste time doing that. Killer needs to just turn in correct direction or slug. So easy. As most of killer's interactions. Btw that's also reason why I hardly play survivor now. Killer is so much easier and less stressful then survivors

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2022

    Bruh, I feel like it was too easy before. The survivors I play against always perfectly time their flashlight saves. I got really good at faking a pickup. Some killers are better than others. Like with the Hag you can pretend to put a Dorito down and it looks like you are picking the survivor up. 9/10 survivors will run out for the save and you get a free hit.

    Demogorgon, fake putting down a portal.

    Trapper, fake putting down a trap.

    Ghost face, crouch for a second.

    Deathslinger, reload your gun instead of picking up. IDK why, but people fall for it A LOT.

    If you aren't playing one of those killers, body language is REALLY important. Don't look around like you are checking for survivors when you are going to do this. Act like you are a tunnel vision newby. Don't look around, just go straight for the pickup, but then just stop for a second. Sometimes survivors will run out and give you a free hit after this.

    Also pay attention when you are chasing. A lot of the time, cheeky survivors will follow behind you so they can get the flashlight save. DO NOT hit them while they are following you even if you hear their footsteps and breath. While they are following you they aren't working on gens. This is perfect for you. After you down the survivor they will think you are completely oblivious. Use my suggestions and you'll get a free hit on that guy. Sometimes you can even get a free down if they get really greedy and come back after you already hit them once.

    I've had games where SWF groups get really greedy with flashlight saves and I down all of them using the exact same trick multiple times. Like they have 2 brain cells between the four of them.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243
    edited November 2022

    Have you seen the video i provided?

    it is close to the killer yes, but not very close, and hes not using any Beam Reach addons on the flashlight, most if not all players that know how to use a flashlight have one equipped.

    Edit : This is not even close to the killer

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239

    Ah yes,reward bad plays of survivors running around with a flashlight and easily get it now and punish smart plays from the killer,makes sense.

    Flashlights did not need to be made easier,now survivors dont even need to get good at the game to get a flashlight save.

    It just dumbs down the game,survivors we're already struggling to improve at the game unlike killers,making it even easier is not gonna help.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Green keys are way more useless than flashlights.. they can at least be attempted to be used without addons

  • Veinslay
    Veinslay Member Posts: 1,959
    edited November 2022

    Lmao at green keys are more common than flashlights. I thought I'd heard it all on these forums

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    All this change did was made flashlight saves consistent if you managed to do the hard part of the save (getting in position) Killer players who were smart with picking up will be unaffected by this.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,265

    If you have more than 1 survivor hovering you for a flashlight save then you should be happy that they're not doing gens. If you really believe that flashlights "have no counter" than just cope and run lightborn

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,239
    edited November 2022

    You're joking right?

    You literally cant tell if a survivor is nearby,and especially how easy flashlight saves are now you just aim to aim the flashlight to the killer face,even from bigger distance now,and with addons is even easier.

    You just have to waste even more time as killer looking around for 30 seconds just to make sure no one is around,but wait,someone was and they we're just hiding,and not only you waste a lot of time,but you dont get the hook either.

    So spare me with killers have to be aware,you cant tell if an uninjured survivor is close if they hide.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257
    edited November 2022

    Again. I am already IRI 1 killer. 0 flashlight saves, 1 flashbang. For something "that has no counter", I do counter it pretty well. The idea behind it is pretty simple - be aware of your surrounding and don't look at the place where other survivors are. It's really not that hard. And of course I do pick up survivors also in places where there are 0 walls.

    Post edited by Gandor on
  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,542

    What exactly is your point with this picture? The Trapper messed up. Instead of turning to face the wall when picking up a survivor he is staring out in the open. There are very few situations where the killer cannot prevent a blind by looking in a different direction and even then, if the killer pays attention to their surroundings they can force the survivor with the flashlight to leave.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    Here you go, it cant be countered by anything but lightborn or a wall next to the downed survivor -

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    ??????????? That one shows that if survivor is in position, he can get the save. It does not show that if that trapper you pointer turned 180 degrees survivor would have 0 chance

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    Now, thats is besides the point, its the distance we are talking about.

    That beeing said, try watching the video before making a fool out of your self. - This is a tutorial video made to show how to easy make flashlight saves, that is the reason he is facing the way he is.

    Also, i would suggest you real the thread, i see no reason that i need to repeat my self, because you dont read the thread that you are commenting on, it just makes you look silly.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243
    edited November 2022

    If you play killer as much as you say, you would know that this is not an issue in about 80% of the cases.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    My most recent game. Surprise surprise, even in this one there were exactly 0 flashlight saves. Those saves are tough. And not because of timing. Because of position and required distance.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243
    edited November 2022

    Because it dosnt happen to you does not mean its not happening to anyone else, thats a strange analogy. (also Wesker are prop one of the harder killers to predict the location of when trying to flashlight save)

    On top of that, we are talking flashlight SWFs with 2 or more flashlights, thats not what i see there.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    it doesn't happen to me, because I do not mindlessly pick up. I used to be surv main, so I know. That's why there are 0 flash saves against me. Now I enjoy my easy wins

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243
    edited November 2022

    I think my edit and your reply crossed each other, so i sill repeat some of what i said.

    Wesker are prop one of the harder killers to predict the location of when trying to flashlight save, so i think hes a bad example to use for how "easy" it is to avoid for everyone, It would be as if a good nurse downed an entire party within 2 minutes and said that survivors needed a buff, because they are too easy to catch.

    Its really hard to face a wall if you down people in an open field, like on Coldwind Farm ect. and there are a lot of places where you cant put your face directly into the wall, and then the survivors will jump in your face with a flashlight, because they are safe when the pickup animation is running, so unless you are using Starstruck 1 hit dosnt matter at all.

    (i am a former killer main btw)

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257
    edited November 2022

    I do the same on spirit, on twins, or dredge and any other killer I play (I meantioned these, because I play them the most). Considering flashlight saves, killers make almost no difference (ok knight has it much easier). It's still mostly about game sense and knowing where to turn your head. And I will repeat myself - a lot of survivors would have easier time against me if they did not take any item. Because usually it's free hit. And it's damn almost absolutely never, that I get flashlight saved.

    But maybe it's also thanks to the fact, that I do use sounds and know if someone is trailing me.

    Also. SWF are better at flashlights. Because they can communicate positions and stuff. But it still makes no difference. To say the truth, standing pallets make me ALWAYS more nervous then any flashlight

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Good, i can never do flashlight save

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    The thing is that when the pickup animation is running, there is litterly nothing you can do. That is what i tried to show with the toturial video i linked.

    If you dont have a wall to face or lightborn, then they can blind you.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,542

    Before belittling someone that debunks your whole argument in 3 lines I suggest you don't try to seperate your argument from your argumenation. It makes you look like you have no idea what you are actually trying to say.

    By providing a tutorial video you don't show how strong something is. The only thing you actually provided is a compilation of clips showing exactly how situational these saves are. Every single time the survivor is in front of the killer and the killer obviously doesn't try to counter it. I could also make a video and show how broken every single aspect of the game is. Trapper? OP as hell because all 4 of my friends walked into the traps I put in front of them. Clown? The survivor stands still and I down them in 2s. Billy is the easiest killer in the game because all you have to do is bodyblock someone into a corner and go for the M2. Easy.

    That is why you HAVE to look at a mechanic in a realistic setup in order to assess it. This is not realistic. Not even remotely. I pointed that out and debunked your "prove" without even watching the full video.

    Considering your argument "This is not even close to the killer." I can only say; "It actually is." The survivor needs to be around when their teammate goes down. So they are in fact close enough for the killer to easily notice them. Adding the fact a killer COULD turn around and usually will, the survivor has to be even closer in most cases.

    As I said earlier: The killer can always force the other survivor away. That survivor has to be nearby and in more than 90% of the time a killer will pay enough attention to know someone is around. There are several indicators for that, like:

    -random scratch marks, pools of blood on the ground

    -disturbed birds

    -no scratchmarks where a survivor was seen prior

    -sound clues like breathing, grunts of pain and foot steps

    -flashlights you saw in the lobby

    There is counterplay. You are just not willing to adept. Looking towards a wall is the most reliable and easiest thing to do. It happens very rarely a survivor goes down in the open because that means they didn't loop the killer (with a few exceptions).

    If you had a bit of experience you would know that it actually is an issue. Let's say the killer downs survivor A in the open while survivor B hides 14m away. This is far enough to not get found immediately (mostly) but still close enough for a save. Now the killer turns around and picks up A. B has to run at least 14m to get into position. A survivor moving at 4.0m/s needs 2.5s for that even with no reaction time. The killer's animation only takes about 3s so the survivor has 0.5s left at best. Good luck blinding the killer in 0.5s. The numbers are all in the survivor's favor here and still it doesn't look good.

    Flashlight saves do happen. Occasionally. That we can agree on. However, most killers aren't concerned about them simply because they actually look at the screen and identify risky situations before proceeding to play around them. You are the only in this thread disregarding all the flaws that were pointed out in your "uncounterable" argument.

    If flashlight saves are that big of a deal to you, that is indeed a skill issue. Run Lightborn or learn how to play around them. Its the same with every other mechanic in the game. You either learn how they work and how you can benefit from / play around them or you put on perks to help you.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    sure there is nothing to do. Because you are too late. It's like you will not be happy if survivor dropped unsafe pallet without stunning you and then demanding that he can undo the action, because now there's nothing for him to do. You decide what to do right before you pick up. And that's fair. Otherwise flashlight saves would have exactly 0% usability. They are way too hard as it is now.

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    So what would you do? chase the next guy for 30 secs, while the downed is crawling for a pallet, where you for sure cant pick him up, then the 2 others get their buddy back up on their feet, they just need to touch when he have self-healed to the rez state.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    In your example I would not look at survivor but face the wall. But it's not rare that I face corner of the map, or even open field if I know where everyone is. There are only so many places survivors can hide and if you chase you will know what part of map is safe to look at

  • Unknown2765
    Unknown2765 Member Posts: 2,243

    They can litterly hide next to you in the fields on Coldwind Farm 

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,257

    From my experience never. You would be able to hear them. Footsteps are quite loud. Walking survivors would be downed too quickly so they always run - and that means that person with flashlight needs to run too. Even on coldwind (and quite a lot of survivors send me there), there are 0 survivors that got flashlight saved against me. But there are quite a few people that tried and ended up injured thanks for it.