Why am I not sliding over pallets during chase?

My character either does it slowly or he just runs right into the pallet and doesn't vault at all, I hold down the RB button as I'm heading to the pallet and it should slide me over it (I'm on Xbox). Is this a glitch or am I doing it wrong?
I'll be literally heading straight at it too, no angle issue nothing like that.
you dont hold the vault button, you press it when you get near the vault
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No I hold it down at least 2-3 seconds before I vault. It works sometimes and other times it doesn't.
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You don’t hold it. You have to just press it.
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Don’t hold the button
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The area where the vault prompt appears is pretty generous and can be quite far away from the window/pallet. You might be pressing the button in that fairly generous area sometimes and other times you're pushing it from too far away.
As others have mentioned, holding the button doesn't do anything. You can also push the button much later than you would logically believe. You can tell when you can push the button because the prompt "Vault" will appear at the bottom of the screen with the button. If this prompt exists, you can vault. For when you are learning about fast vaults, you'll be able to tell if it's a fast vault before actually vaulting because it will say "Running Vault" instead of "Vault".
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Hi! I'm on Xbox as well, instead of holding RB, try spamming it instead. That way if you barely get the vault prompt but you're also almost outside of the prompt you're more likely to still vault.
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Ok, but does YOUR method work sometimes and sometimes it doesn't? HMMM?????
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Don't hold it baby just tap it when you're close
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It does work very, very consistently, yes.
The only reason it fails sometimes is due to lag or a locker that thought it'd be funny to eat the spacebar input instead.
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I tried spamming, also my concern isn't to just vault, I am vaulting, but I want to SLIDE over the pallet, fast vault basically, while I'm looping killers, or while I'm in a chase, I don't want to slow vault. I tried holding RB and also tapping it on other occasions and it is not working properly, I am not sliding over the vault in chases.
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Tapping it works sometimes and not other times, same thing.
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Are you making sure to hold down sprint the full time when running towards the pallet, even during vault? That is the only other reason I can think of why you would not consistently fast vault.
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If you're holding LB and spamming RB the only thing I can think of is you need a new controller
Edit: try a different keybind and see if that works