You literally can't play knight at high MMR



  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    just admit and say devs do not know what they are doing when it comes to balancing because they don't play their own game at different ranks.. or look for that sort of feedback and taking that into account. There was a few releases that blatantly showed it before balancing, but this just screams it.

    why is it so much to ask for a feedback team that plays at iri 1 highest and etc on both sides

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    So just to be clear about that... The only thing you consider about him that was not well designed is that the hitbox of his charge attack was bad? In two ways... colliding with objects and survivors was to easy so they changed that until he was like he is now... But the concept of his power was already good... I think the fine tuning was quite minor to be honest.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578
    edited November 2022

    Oh no, he also had tons of bugs. Dumb stuff like if you used your power near a downed survivor you would hit them.

    Trying to throw a survivor off a ledge would just cancel your power and do nothing. (This one is still broken)

    Not being able to hit survivors with his power was just game breaking though.

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    it's really aggravating playing this game for so long and watching every PTB sit there for 3 weeks for I guess no reason, it's ridiculous what's wrong with hot fix balancing?

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    The PTB is an attempt at PR improvement. People would lose their marbles if Behaviour just released buggy killers without a beta. They still release buggy killers, but hey there was a beta

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Ok, but besides him being buggy... What was wrong with his general design? I mean his concept is great, sure as always Killers are really buggy at first and the infinite sliding thing was annoying and hillarious at the same time...

  • jisp3r
    jisp3r Member Posts: 317

    I guess the issue here is that the killer design team just don't play their game at a high level... Which is understandable since they work all day as devs for DBD... But they could use some testers before PTB. That would do great for the game health...

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    The actual issue with Knights power is his chase. Guards can't be too strong because then they'll make his chase playstyle of placing a guard at every loop way too strong. But, in their current state, they do almost nothing. They can break pallets for you, that's nice. But gen kicks don't even apply the base 2% regression that a killer kick does. Not to mention you can just outrun them. Or just wait out their patrol times. Jailer takes a while but runs way too slow to even be scary. He's basically a really loud Nemesis zombie with slightly better tracking.

    They've made another situation that because of how the power works they can't buff or nerf anything too much without breaking it. You either go all in and make him a zoning monster that destroys people at every loop or you make him purely patrol which has it's own list of issues.

    I think if guards had their own affects that allowed for more diverse and tactical play, then that would fix a lot of Knight's issues. But yet again, you don't want to buff his already uninteractive chase.

    I know some people might say it's not actually good, because it really isn't. But you literally cannot loop a tile with a guard on you. They go through pallets and vaults while the knight chases you from the other direction. If the killers entire counter is to just not get chased with their ability then that is proof you cannot do anything against it. Unless you can somehow wait 5-10 seconds and grab the banner during all of this. Good luck with that.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 709

    Every killer main on the forums will tell you they're at peak MMR going against comp squads at all times lol. That's why they have to play starstruck nurse with noed just to win against these sweaty survivors.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Does not make it more true, even though they repeat it all the time ^^ There was some information from dataminers a while ago, giving out some numbers about mmr:

    In the description you find the original video scott is referring to, and it is quite interesting to watch...

  • Wewantjason
    Wewantjason Member Posts: 288

    Killer is just impossible and this game is going to die in a year. I just went back to playing survivor this week. After they buffed killers with that one patch that added gen time every casual survivor quit and now you can’t do two or three hooks before all five gens are done

    now they are just releasing bad killers and needing good ones

    one more toxic survivor match and I’m loading in with insidious and lightborn every single game for five days while I go do other things

    the devs actively hate killer players being in the game for some reason

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    A little bit overdramatic are we? ^^ I mostly play solo survivor and sure it is mostly rough, but I get some fun chases out of it so it's fine... And considering the player numbers we get from steam it is not like all the casual players left... Just because the game mostly has casual players and not that many really good players...

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814

    Oh man, every time I think I have all the nerfs, there's ANOTHER one! It's amazing.

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    The concept of The Knight is also great, but the execution was not done well and there are a ton of bugs. There's a bug that lets you teleport to a gen and pull them off, old spirit style.

  • woundcowboy
    woundcowboy Member Posts: 1,994

    Friendly reminder that comp level squads being rare doesn’t make it ok to balance the game around people who can’t play.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    There is no way you're serioulsy comparing Wesker, who is considered one of the best killers they made, design wise, with the Knight who is one of the worst killers they made...

    The difference between those two is that with Wesker you already in the PTB knew that the power was a great idea and it just needed bugfixes:

    • Being able to hit people while the vault anything
    • Not getting your vaulting blocked by people slowvaulting the pallet/using any means necessary on it (is that still in?)
    • Sliding indefinitely
    • Messy hitbox issues
    • and so on...

    With the Knight it is completely different... People played him for like an hour and where instantly like: Ok this killer is terribly designed... What they intended him to do did not work one bit and resulted in the boring put guard at loop playstyle we are currently at... It is not like Wesker where the idea was solid but bugged... Knight's concept is not buggy, some of the things like guards not immediatly spotting people and so on was annoying but not an issue with the core concept... Some people are not even sure if he is readeamable because making guards faster does not stop his boring playstyle and so on...

  • LuvDaDakka
    LuvDaDakka Member Posts: 4

    I actually like the core concept behind Knight but the execution is just awful. There's so many issues with him its actually kind of impressive :D

    1. He gives way too much information to survivors. They literally know everything: when and where he uses his power, the patrol paths and the guard's detection radius. They shouldnt see the green orb nor the detection radius of guards.
    2. Guards are too slow to activate. Why cant they just start chasing immediately after they spot a survivor?
    3. Guard AI... Yea.
    4. His add-ons are mediocre. Dried Horse Meat(4 seconds longer chase) is okay, I guess.
    5. He is extremely clunky to play. He cant use his power when hes too close to any kind of obstacle. Why cant he see the survivors when he uses his power but survivors can see the big green orb?
  • jotaro
    jotaro Member Posts: 173

    Then why do i and most players have no problem getting a 3-4k every game with the knight, or almost every killer in game? i guess ur having a skill issue, maybe try to practice looping and mindgames against bots first? There is a custom game mode, where you can add bots ans practice with them. Its very rare to get any godlike survivor teams against u, even in high ranks. Or watch some youtube videos of good players playing the knight and try to adapt instead of complaining here you didnt get another nurse level killer and that you actually have to use ur brain when playing him? Sure he's not a god tier killer, but the killer isnt a problem, it is your problem for not playing him correctly..

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964
    edited November 2022

    Now that I think of it, there is one more! If you hit a survivor who is being hunted, your guard instantly disappears! Once there were 3 survivors near me, I released a guard to distract at least one and waste their time, then I ran into them and hit the first one I reached... only to realize, among three survivors, that one was the one the guard chose to hunt, so it appeared only to begin a hunt at random and immediatly disappear because I had hit the survivor, and my power went on its cooldown.

    Yeah, the Knight is garbage. He has more weaknesses than PTB Twins and old Freddy together, but none of their strong points.

  • hiken
    hiken Member Posts: 1,188

    is not about knight most killers arent playable at high mmr, why do u think for the most part people play 5 to 6 killers at high mmr?. its always the same Nurse, Blight, Huntress, Spirit, some months ago Wesker now u dotn see him that often but still.....and legion not because hes is strogn but he is so annoying that most people kill on hook due boredomn.

  • Adjatha
    Adjatha Member Posts: 1,814
    edited November 2022

    Are you KIDDING me?! The pile of effluvial grime just never ends!

    We're up to 16 unique, Knight power limits and self-nerfs. I am 100% convinced this was a killer made by the survivor team. I don't think anybody who has ever played killer touched this guy past the initial concept of "spawns guards"

  • Johnagon_Infinity
    Johnagon_Infinity Member Posts: 178

    This is such a silly thing to say. The map RNG is clearly bugged because we're getting all of these fat-shaming spots in nearly every map and getting obstruction inside of tiles that hinder looping. Why would anyone think having a tree blocking a shack exit is a good design choice?

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    survivors aren't actually faster than any of the guards, just that two of the guards only move 2% faster than the survivor, and survivors get such a huge lead when the power is activated, the guards will never catch up.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,617

    Knight has so much potential but his power just doesn't work. The things he should be good at he is still horribly bad at. He is a bit like old Clown.

    Also this is not a "high MMR" issue. Its an issue in general.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 964

    I guess he forgot they existed.

    Sometimes I forget them myself. I even liked playing them at first, but after the nerfs, CoH, and an awful experience I had playing against a sweaty team on Midwich (never before I had so many downs with such few hooks, I would down them but would be forced to slug them either because Charlotte was far away or because there was no ######### hook nearby), I left them to gather dust too.

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    don't forget his normal attack that's currently bugged (autoaim will screw you badly, even when you have the survivor in your camera, not to mention that certain times the hit won't even be registered despite you'll see the knight's sword passing throught the hitted survivor)

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    this is just ridiculous, spirit comp tier? Don't make me laugh, the only killers that are BARELY playable are nurse and blight.

  • Marik1987
    Marik1987 Member Posts: 1,700

    This year there was one killer out of four new ones whi can be played in high mmr... Wesker. Sadako, Dredge and Knight are not made to play them competetive.

    A lot of people wrote down: stay in middle mmr, thats the best place to have fun and to play different non-meta-builds etc. - I think they are right.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    idk, wesker's pretty good

    knight is just not made to be played at all tho lol

  • RavenBirb
    RavenBirb Member Posts: 470

    yeah i was about to say whats the point because the Hotfix that came out today is all for his bugs, so what did the PTB do for us again? Seems like just waste time

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Watch that and say that again... Comp spirit vs the best comp team in the world... I don't think you are informed well here buddy...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Also here you have Knightlights tierlist availabe from his twitch at with the command !tierlist... Knightlight plays for team eternal currently dbds best comp team... So I guess I just trust one of the best comp players more in the evaluation of strength than you random person on the internet... Lol

  • Tostapane
    Tostapane Member Posts: 1,622

    1st of all not everyone has the time to play all those hours on a game like dbd (and honestly there are better things to do than wasting time on this game but this is another topic...). If you think that those survivors were "good", especially with THOSE PERKS (urban evasion in the 1st match just to do an example lmao) and without using the broken stuff that usually it's present in high mmr (map offerings paired with items like commodious toolboxes with brand new parts, green/purple medkits with styptic agents/anti hemorrage syringe, purple flashlights with iri bulb, etc etc, multiplied for 4 survivors and everyone with the same 2nd chances perks obviously) then i'll give you gladly the ones that i'm usually facing... unless mine are cheaters (very likely since after giving for free dbd on epic those kind of people became MUCH more common to find), they are better by a long shot. Btw thinking that this game could be competitive is ridiculous in the 1st place and as i said, even in the case that spirit can be considered viable, this proves only my point: only 2/3 killers are BARELY viable, everyone else will be bullied badly.

    Anyway we are derailling the topic since it's about the knight and his "effectiveness"... he isn't bad as myers, pig or trapper, but he certainly needs some love since his power is extremely easy to counter, it can be dangerous only if he successfully zone you, but even in that case perks will come to resolve this problem for the survivor (you are cornered and you must choose between being spotted and chased by a guard or by the killer itself? Sprint burst, balance landing, lithe and even dead hard will save the day allowing you to escape from both if timed correctly, which is a joke to do),

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    It is not even an argument that those survivors are good... Those guys are the best comp team in dbd, constantly winning tournaments... And in comp there are perk limitations... My argument was that in comp Spirit is viable, which is proved by both the video and the tierlist made by one of the best comp players in the game especially for a comp setting... They limited the survivors perks for I think all 3 games, and for Spirit only in the last game the addons she used were not allowed in comp... But even if we only look at the first two games it is fairly obvious that spirit can perform really well... In a comp setting and outside... Hens333 himself even said you could argue that MDR spirit might be really close or even stronger than nurse, just by the fact how ridiculously mobile and fast she is with the right addons...

    I totally agree that BNP, Commodius and really strong medkits are way too good and need to be looked at, but as far as I know those things are not allowed in comp so it kind of misses the point... The survivors you face are for sure not better than those survivors in the video... They might have stronger perks and addons and items, but that does not make them better at the game... Those guys are (among) the best players in DBD, all with thousands of hours... I belief that if they would want to do a winstreak without limitations or even with limitations that there would be basically nothing that could stop them...

    But back to the topic, yes he is not the worst, but also not really good, his power offers little chance to apply skill as survivor when facing him and he is therefore quite boring to play, since the chase interaction only consists of holding w and hoping to reach another tiles...

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    Yes because MMR totally works

  • roundpitt
    roundpitt Member Posts: 578

    You can drop guards on loops but it doesn't do anything other than push them to another loop. You can then drop your guard again and ... push them to another loop. Not a ton of value.

    His power is best used to guard static points. Gens. Proxy camp hooks. Whatever is simply not going to move is easiest to get value on. Boring to play this way, but it's extremely effective.