hot take

if you say that youre camped and tunneled every game, chances are your definition of camping/tunneling is very broad
I'm not being camped or tunneled every match.
But I do witness it happening almost every match. It's easy and it works against 99% of teams.
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it happens a lot, dont get me wrong, but like....EVERY game? Either theyre overexaggerating, their definition of tunneling is very broad/vague, or theyre very low mmr against killers that dont know better
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It's way rarer then people like to imply.
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i play survivor a lot, and yeah, i get tunneled, i get camped, i see it happen to teammates, but nowhere near every game
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Tunneling is one of the best and strongest strategies a Killer can use?
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yeah, but not every killer does it. there are two types who do-tryhards, and noobs. most casual killers dont
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Yeah I guess 75% of matches is way rarer than 100%.
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Not sure why tunneling is seen as a bad thing anyways. It's the most efficient way of removing someone from the game.
Yup, sucks for that single player but so do a lot of scenarios in any multiplayer game.
In fact, they have to nerf the anti-tunneling perks because the survivor being tunneled had too much power.
Take that as you will.
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survivors do everything they can to win, then complain when killers do the same
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Exactly. If you don't follow the Survivor's Handbook for Pleasant Killing and Chance-Giving, you are a baby/Sweaty/camping/Toxic Killer.
It does not go both ways.
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Because it's unfun and ultimately less skillful than other styles of play.
Killers shouldn't feel like they need to tunnel to win and Survivors shouldn't feel like they need to stack perks to prevent it.
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No, almost every casual Killer does, in my experience.
It's the easiest path to victory that requires the least effort. Casual players will almost always choose that route.
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Disagree. Players can play however they chose provided they are not cheating/exploiting/taking game hostage.
Fun is ultimately up to yourself, no one else. Killers should not have to modify any aspect of their play to make survivors have a chance or, even more ridiculous, because they don't like it.
The reverse is true as well. Survivors shouldn't (and don't) modify their playstyle for Killer's enjoyment. That would be ridiculous.
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More like once every 5 games and even that is being very generous.
A killer ever coming back to a hook for any reason whatsoever isn't camping and someone getting downed more than once in a row isn't tunneling.
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The precedent has already been set.
Things that are unfun can be changed simply because they suck to play against.
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The killer echo chamber in these forums is mind-numbing. What exactly is it that survivors can do to killers that singles them out and effectively removes them from the game? Patiently awaiting the mental gymnastics or rehashing for the tenth millionth time BHVR's stale "LEGITIMATE STRATEGY" drivel.
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Yes, any aspect can of the game can be changed if they wish. Not sure what you are meaning to say.
Survivors/Killers play-style choice is not the same as Dev's literally removing or editing game mechanics.
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I’m a killer main and I played like 100 matches as survivor for the Halloween event. Hell I got to iridescent three as a survivor, but I only ever saw two camping situations. One was a Oni who was bad and face camped. The second was a Clown using a glitch.
I face camped once the last six months and it was on a cheater using speed hacks. (That don’t work if you’re trapped in my bear trap) so I think it’s over exaggerated. A killer patrolling past a survivor on a hook isn’t camping if he just so happens to pass by. Hell, Ghostface and Myers are good at catching saviors with one shot hits if they are smart.
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The amount of survivors that claimed I tunneled when they each got two hooked, or when I ran devour or make your choice and literally had to not camp/tunnel, is insane.
Every survivor who loses bitches about any excuse they can find despite the game being entirely in their favor.
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“I’m sorry I tunneled you but you see… you are wearing a brink pink jacket with yellow pants on the game. I CAN SEE YOU” was one of my favorite responses I gave to someone accusing me of tunneling.
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It’s not every single match, but it still happens all the time.
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I feel like complaints about tunneling are actually issues with MMR. Tunneling does happen a lot but it only feels bad when the killer is doing it at 3-5 gens and the tunneled survivor goes down in 20 seconds every time. It's not really the weak link's fault they're matched up with a killer smarter and more skillful than them, nor is it the killer's fault they're choosing the right target, but casual players won't have fun so they look to blame the sweaty killer.
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That's not really a hot take, I feel like it's kind of obvious. Some of the stuff I've seen decried as tunneling and/or camping is pretty far from.
One of the problems here remains (and will always remain, imo) that there is no agreed upon definition for these terms.
My personal definitions are pretty strict, for others they are as broad as can be.
I also think they are the go-to excuses many survs have for losing. Easier to say the killer wasn't being fair than to admit you just weren't good enough.
A lot of truth here, imo. A really good killer will create the feeling that they are tunneling even when spreading their attention. When you are well on the wrong end of a mismatch, it can make you feel helpless and frustrated.
I'd like to see an option for survs to re-watch a match from the killer's perspective; I bet many who feel like they'd been treated unfairly would be forced to change their minds.
And yeah, sometimes the weak link just can't stay out of their own way, and keep themselves constantly in the line of fire even when there is no intent to tunnel from the killer. I've had many games a killer where I was actually pleading with some poor potato to get away from me so I could justify going after someone else.
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The SWF that called me a fuck1ng loser last night because I face camped the one person I had on hook after the gens were done and gates were open are the kinds of people making posts about how they get camped/tunneled every game
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I'm sure it doesn't happen every match but it does happen often.
Camping and tunneling still are extremely effective strategies.
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Yes but I like to win using more skillful stragedy like 8 hooking everyone before killing anyone off or just chase whoever I see. But I do use it still when I want fast kill or easier game or to try to make comeback in game which is not going well.
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It is not good for game health and unfun for both sides. Nerfing anti-tunneling perks was bad decision.
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I agree nerfing anti-tunneling perks, without providing a tenable solution or replacement, was a mistake.
I guess my issue is people telling Killers (or Survivors) how they should play the game.
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Ok but most survivors consider tunneling unfun because that person gets sent back to the lobby real quick while the rest don't get to enjoy the game as much. It's really up to the devs to make it so tunneling isn't good and killers are still good power level wise when it isn't good. the game will just be healthier at that point.
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Hot take indeed, this can happen if you're often the first survivor to be found. during one of the winter events I would get games back to back where the killer camped and tunneled one survivor from the beginning. Since the endurance unhook there has been a massive decrease of these kind of scenarios
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It's entitlement, that's all. It's not a bad thing at all. Killer is basically supposed to be 4 times stronger than one survivor and only as a team should survivors beat them. Unfortunately, most survivors want to be able to have their cake and eat it while looping the killer for 5 gens.
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And I'd like to encourage that playstyle more.
Unfortunately, that doesn't change the fact that tunneling is one of the best strategies Killers can use to win, the OP implied that it was a strategy used by low-skill Killers.
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It definitely makes people quit the game, I can attest to this, it’s 0 fun to go against and I won’t burden myself with playing matches against killers who don’t have the guts to chase others
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Are you being sarcastic or...?
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For example, "It's every Huntress!" yet I've had maybe 1 Huntress hard camp/tunnel me in like the last 8 months.
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Still an exaggeration. If I could simply tunnel 1 person, and get a 4k like that every time, why isn't that happening in my matches, either as killer or survivor? Once survivors see what's happening and have any level of awareness of what's happening, they rush gens and 3-4 get out. The matches where a DC/kill self on hook happen, isn't due to tunneling, it's due to the DC.
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Are you sure you really believe that second statement, because you're not exactly empathizing with killers who feel they need to tunnel, are you? It's always "easy" and "something casuals do," as well as hyperfocusing on how the survivors feels.
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I can have someone else from the Forums back me up. One of the few whose actually played with me.
I don't get tunneled or camped every match. However, almost every match has camping and tunneling.
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It's easy at lower ranks, it works at higher ranks and it stays meta all the way up and into competitive levels of play.
I'd rather encourage people to go for fresh Hooks and make that the optimal play over decimating one Survivor who can't really do anything about it.
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Not sure how it's easy at the low level. Killers are just as nooby as the survivors. And that's why I argue "balance for the top." If something a killer has is buffed so that they can compete at top level, they won't suddenly do extra well at low level, because those killers are still learning/playing bad as well, and probably accidentally tunnel while not even knowing it's a good strat.
The way you discourage tunneling is giving killers time to chase, which for right now means making gen defence good, which it isn't.
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Survivors say chase is the only 'skillful' part of the game, but tunneling involves 3 successful chases, so how is it less skillful than any other killer option by these standards.
If you can't loop for long enough to get the others out in 3 different chases, you're just bad. Crying about tunneling is literally a big survivor skill issue.
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Just play the game how you want
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Watch tournaments. Almost every killer does it, even against the most organized SWFs. See eg. below the Grand Finals of Swish's 2 where already at Game 1 the killer was not only tunneling but also basement camping at 4 gens (timestamped at 6:30).
Game 1: Nea gets tunneled + facecamped. 4K (3 hooks out of first 4)
Game 2: Jake gets tunneled. 4K (3 hooks in a row)
Game 3 : No tunneling. 2K.
Game 4 : No tunneling. 0K.
Game 5: Nancy gets tunneled. 4K (3 hooks in a row)
Game 6: Claudette gets tunneled. 4K (3 hooks in a row)
Notice a pattern. Do you still think tunneling is a low MMR thing?
I watched the first 4 hours. Literally every single match where the killer won, began with one survivor getting hardcore tunneled and often killed at 3-4 gens. I say hardcore because for most of these matches the first survivor downed by the killer would get hooked 3 times in a row without anybody else getting hooked ONCE.
That was despite DS, which wasn't nerfed back then, and despite the survivors trying to body block, using For the People etc. The situation has not improved since then as far as I have seen.
Regarding public games, don't know about you, but I can guarantee a 4k in 90% of my games by camping+tunneling, yes. As you said, good survivors will try to prevent it by eg. hiding the tunneled survivor or bodyblocking. But it doesn't mean it's not the best strategy.
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I've been told that tournament-level play is irrelevant, so this is irrelevant. Sorry, not gonna push that issue anymore.
It's literally just Spirit/Blight, and then random Twins. Of course they're gonna be really good at tunneling. Never said tunneling was a low MMR thing either, but someone else did. Tunneling is probably the least seen at low MMR because the killers don't know what they're doing anymore than the survivors do.
Same with tournament survivors, I question your survivors' skill level and their motivation to win, because getting a 4k should be nowhere near easy using any amount of tactics or good perks. Sometimes survivors will throw the whole game trying to protect that one guy instead of focusing gens and playing for the 2-3 man out. So those game's also inflate the usefulness of tunneling. I'm still not convinced that I can just plan to tunnel from the start, with any killer or perks, and simply get a 4k. Believe me, I've tried it.
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It's more skillful than camping when you do one chase and camp the survivor to death. But that's about it all other stragedies requires knowledge of game and knowing how to pressure. Tunneling you just chase that one survivor and ignore everything else. If it would be as hard as other stragedies way less killers would do it. Most killers do it because it's easiest way to win.
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the issue with tunneling is that they die first, and its unfun, correct? what about battle royale games, that were and still are to a degree the biggest games out there? People dont complain about dying first, they dont quit the game, they just get better. Thats all it is, if you play better, youre harder to catch, more work for the killer, which makes it easier for your team to do gens and leave even if you die. Survivor is a team game but 90% of survivor players are selfish and that leads to most issues with dbd