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Every Legion match is long and boring...

I have played against the Legion countless times and I don't recall a single time where the match was anything but long and boring. I spend more time mending and healing than I do anything else. This killer is the anti generator killer. When I'm almost 10 minutes into a match and 5 gens are still needing repaired I'm at the point where I'd rather just not play anymore. Adding anti gen perks to Legion just makes the situation that much worse.

This killer's power is beyond annoying. Its usually a Legion match that makes me close the game out after its done because even the thought of playing another match like that is enough to ruin my desire to play anymore. I think Legion's power and play style needs a complete rework. Mending over and over again is not fun. Constantly having to devote more time to altruism than the main objective of escaping gets tedious very fast and does not make for engaging or entertaining gameplay. At the very least if not a power rework, having the mending heal itself over time would be far more bearable than constantly having to do it myself.


  • Nathan13
    Nathan13 Member Posts: 6,695

    I hate playing against Legion, not every match against Legion is boring but most of the time they are. I never wanna heal because 2 seconds later I get hit with frenzy.

  • AverageAshEnjoyer
    AverageAshEnjoyer Member Posts: 427

    I don't mind him. He doesn't have any 'antiloop' BS like artist or pinhead for example.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    First of all don't heal against legion you waste so michb time and a good legion will focus stabbing you over people that just mend.

    Second your last sentence shows that you don't grasp legions design. They are hit and run. There whole thing is being fast and stab as much people as you can and for that you need a slowdown or else people will just sit at the gens while you run around.

    If you take away mending you would need to give them another slowdown like a big workspeed decrease and there is not much difference between mending and then working or working very slowly and not make real progress.

    Many people love legion because they can run around and stabb people and if they lose that it would be the biggest f u from bhvr since og Freddy

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    I grasp his design very well. I know this killer is not fun to play against and has caused more boredom and headaches than any other killer in the game for me. His power is basically for tracking the survivors down. The problem is it applies a debuff that has to constantly be dealt with by survivors in a repetitive way that quickly becomes tedious and annoying. I've played against Legions that abused their power simply to prevent survivors from doing gens. This is a killer where its too easy to troll survivors. Constant mending is not fun. Having to do it at the risk of literally downing yourself is not fun. The fact he can also fast vault pallets and windows in his power makes it almost impossible to avoid getting hit with it if he finds you. This is not a killer that has an engaging or interesting power. I have never been excited to play against a Legion when I found out that is the killer for the match. Back when I did SWF it was also often a game breaker for us to play something else especially after getting Legion multiple times in a row.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 6,703

    If you're spending more time healing than doing anything else, you're not playing against Legion properly. It's not worth healing super often against them.

    Having the mend heal itself over time just completely defeats the point of Legion. Their power is meant to locate survivors and slow the game down in exchange for its (mostly) non-lethality.

  • rha
    rha Member Posts: 416

    This is so true, sadly nothing will probably be done, because it's "only" boring. I remember a recent game against Legion after which I really wanted to write some kind of "playing Legion needs to be reportable as holding the game hostage" post in my frustration. 5+ minutes into the game, it felt like an eternity, but no gen done and only one hook. And much, much later, it was a four man escape, so Legion's not really too strong, just boring as hell and it absolutely did not feel like I had won and it certainly wasn't worth the time invested in that match.

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    Then bring some ideas to the round some ideas that would keep legions playstyle as it is. Running around stabbing people being fast hit and run but less frustrating for the survivors. I know your not a dev but constructive ideas work better then just that's boring and I can't stand it. Devs would sit in the same space and struggle to grasp an idea even befor thinking about if that idea is even possible

  • KateMain86
    KateMain86 Member Posts: 2,374

    Yea! Legion's ability to do this needs to be scaled down a bit. A decent Legion player with the right perks can extend a match way longer than it should go on for. I'm over mending myself and my team after about the 5th time. Also seeing 5 gens still needing to be done after several mends is also very annoying.

    My initial post was mostly just feedback regarding my experience playing against Legion with nearly 2500 hours played as survivor. As far as ideas on what should be done to rework this killer I don't really know. The only thing I can come up with at the moment would be for the deep wounds to wear off over time. Its up to the devs to consider feedback and determine if anything in the game would benefit from a rework of any kind. My main concern here was just stating how unfun it is for me to play against this killer and the reasons why.

  • Dream_Whisper
    Dream_Whisper Member Posts: 746

    The while point of Legion is to keep you injure the whole time, it more beneficial for them if Survivors like you are wasting time healing instead of doing gens or splitting up, unless you have a very strong healing speed build; it never worth mending until you have to; and if you are being chase; mending doesn't matter as it is on pause. Just be good at looping, and if he used his power to vault; well then he is just wasting time canceling his power or forced to hit you again as you are mending.

    Obviously, it is risky if he already hit 4 people and they can instant down you; it best to try to juke and make him miss.

    You should never heal agaisnt a Legion, as they just helping them buy time by keeping away from Generator repairs. And he not even S Tier.

    Just like Doctor is the one killer you should not hide agaisnt them, Legion is all about you should not heal, unless you have to.

    Also, the best opportunity to heal, is when you are on your death hook, when you need to escape, when you need to rescue when he is camping (that never happen but just in case). Any other times is a waste of efficiency time.

    Good practice build, run No Mither agaisnt any average killer; and learn to be just as comfortable being injured the whole time, exhaustion Perks would help. Maybe no dead hard when effected by deep wound; but you play well agaisnt Legion if you learn to not Heal when the situation doesn't call for it.

  • Someissues
    Someissues Member Posts: 1,604

    Survivors doing gens is boring as well, having to do that every game. a full rework for survivors needed, need much more objectives like Evil Dead

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    Not really IMO, the stun doesn't lock you in place nor does it slow you down tremendously

    Plus that's only if you get out of frenzy after you vault, it's easy to just vault the pallet they just dropped, hit them and run away