For people that want Nurse nerfed



  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I agree on putting solo queue and SWF closer together when it comes to information given.

  • So, in other words, the changes I proposed in a thread about nerfing Nurse would nerf her?

    Bub, that’s the idea.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634
    edited November 2022

    You did not even necessarily nerf her... You just removed any possible thing you could do about her and turned her into a follow and use power to get guranteed hit killer... So effectively made her more boring to play and go against...

  • Nocturnalverse
    Nocturnalverse Member Posts: 1

    Looking at the stats, if you want nurse nerfed, she needs to be nerfed in a way that only affects the top 25% or so of nurses. Just a guess at a percentage. Don't take it literally. Could be top 10%, or top 50%. IDK. The average nurse doesn't need a nerf as shown by the low win rate over all. But we don't have win rates per MMR brackets, so we have basically no info other than good nurses are op vs a group of good survivors.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    By increasing her base movement speed that much she does not need to rely on blinking and the possibility to miss a blink while gaining distance on survivors... That's a buff to be honest... Also if needed she can still one blink in a better way now since she does not loose distance while blink is on cooldown... So you have increased her mobility... Basically buffing her in that sense XD Her chase gets somewhat weaker but also removing counterplay to what she can so she would be even less interactive...

  • You vastly overestimate how much making her 105 would help her in the face of having her chain blink removed.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I said in the one aspect, of course makes her chase worse, but you completely ignore the part where her entire counterplay gets removed... She might not be as strong then but even more unfun to go against for most people... You cannot even trick her then to mess up a blink... Because she does not need the blink to gain distance but only to get a hit... The chain blink is only used to get the when you have reached a critical distance to the survivor... Reaching that distance would take a little bit longer but since you will basically only shortrange blink at pallets or windows there will be even less survivors can do about it... that's my critic for that change...

  • Taking away a blink absolutely gives her more counterplay. There's no way on the face of the Earth a Nurse can rely on 105% speed to get within guaranteed blink range even remotely consistently. Trickster catches up to survivors twice as quickly as that and he is still absolutely terrible at getting within knife range. You will pretty much have to learn how to hit longer-range blinks without relying on line of sight.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Just no dude... I showed you how her current blink movement speed is barely above 105% so she can catch up around as fast but breaking line of sight does not work anymore since she can just follow you... I don't think you need to hit longer range blinks... You can just follow, there is no reason to blink at all... Especially since blinking when you don't have line of sight is so risky because you cannot correct it with the 2nd blink anymore her gameplay would be far more boring because the safe way to get hits is just to and blink when they either vault a pallet or a window... You need to realize that her chase might be weaker because it will take longer, but even a bad nurse will get hits more reliably with this...

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 2,267

    These are great suggestions

    I have said it many times on here but Nurse was my main killer and I have hundreds of hours on her alone but I can acknowledge she needs a nerf and these combined are the best suggestions I have seen so far.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    Chain blinks become special attacks. I think it’s ok for the first blink to remain basic though. Weakens Exposed (and Starstruck in particular) but doesn’t completely eliminate perk variety. They shouldn’t nerf Starstruck just to address Nurse; Exposed as a whole is too good on her and Starstruck isn’t overpowered on any other killer.

    By turning the second blink into a special attack, it prevents Nurse from using Jolt, Sloppy Butcher, Knockout, etc., and there is no reason to prevent her from using them.

    Even leaving the first blink as a basic attack doesn't change much.

    The first blink is used in almost all situations to get closer to a target, it is the second blink that is used to hit.

    Regarding Starstruck, it would indeed be unfair to nerf this perk because of the nurse 👍️

    That's why you just have to remove the nurse's terror radius when she's carrying a survivor, and that way, no more worries with Starstruck 😊

    Concerning the exposed perks, the most dangerous are NOED, Starstruck and Devour hope.

    If we assume that NOED is a perk that I don't even understand the existence of, and that the "Starstruck" problem can be avoided thanks to TR, there is only Devour hope as a really dangerous exposed perk 😉

    "Change almost all of her addons. Her best addons are too strong but almost everything else is just bad. Her addons shouldn’t be strong, but she doesn’t need like 3 different addons that are debuffs. Recharge is too strong, range and 3-blink shouldn’t exist at all. I would be okay with even reducing the base recharge slightly (0.15-0.2 seconds per blink) provided that yellow recharge is removed and green recharge is nerfed, because admittedly it does feel quite slow without recharge addons, but you shouldn’t be able to recharge 2 blinks in 4 seconds. It doesn’t punish mistakes enough."

    Its range and recharge addons are not too strong.

    As a reminder, from the moment a nurse is within 24/26/30m of you if she uses the yellow/green range addon/both, it's like facing a nurse without addons.

    Concerning the 3-blink addon, if it was "that strong", you think that all the sweaty nurses would use it permanently; I don't think that's the case.

    It not only adds the recharge time of the 3rd blink, it also decreases the recharge speed of the blinks, which makes recharging all 3 blinks in chase quite complicated.

    "It doesn't punish mistakes enough"

    Against survivors not being very strong, maybe, but a game against a nurse is not 1V1, even though it is quite possible to hold a good nurse quite well.

    This might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t think she should be able to see auras of survivors while blinking. The two most important counters to Nurse are breaking LOS and keeping distance from her as much as possible. Aura reading perks heavily reduce LOS counterplay and the survivor typically can’t predict that until it’s too late, unless they have something that gives it away (eg. Object or Distortion). It’s okay before she uses her power, but it should stop when she’s ready to go for a blink.

    You said it yourself: distortion allows to cancel this kind of advantage.

    I would add that, even if of course, seeing auras allows the nurse to make very precise tp's, and to surprise the survivors, some are obviously less efficient than others.

    Bitter Murmur : The perk only specifies the location of the survivors next to the generator; in most cases, simply returning to the generator will show where they are.

    Deerstalker : No need to explain how this aura reading is weak.

    Shadowborn : Only specifies the location of the survivors; since they are survivors who tried to blind the killer, they are always near his position.

    A Nurse's calling : This perk can be quite easily countered if not used with Monitor & abuse; and even with this combo, it is enough to move away enough, so that the aura is no longer visible. It can be very useful in indoor maps.

    Barbecue & Chili : probably the "lowest best" aura perk. It can be countered with distortion, lockers or by being close to the hook. Moreover, even without that, it is only active from 40m.

    Rancor : same as with Bitter Murmur: an organized team will be able to stay in difficult to reach places during the 3s that the perk lasts. The perk can bait them when it's first activated because after that, the obsession will have communicated to its team the fact that the killer has Rancor.

    I'm all ears : one of the most formidable aura perks the nurse can use. Very efficient and dangerous.

    Retribution : very usefull, especially when combined with Haunted ground and/or a totem build. The only weakness of this perk is that it is activated by a survivor's action. Survivors can therefore prepare for it.

    Undying : Disappears once the totem is destroyed; but since it makes sense to couple Undying with a totem build, can potentially be quite dangerous.

    Lethal Pursuer : Particularly dangerous in indoors maps; its effectiveness is relative on large maps (I'm talking about its early game effect).

    Floods of rage : Very powerful when coupled with MYC, unless the dehook occurs when the nurse is already chasing someone else; FOR is still a very versatile perk though, as it can be used for distance tracking, or more precise tracking, during a chase.

    Darkness revealed : Very situational. Extremely powerful on Midwich, very powerful on Raccoon, moderately powerful on the other maps. Assuming that (in my opinion) players should not be able to choose which map they will play on, I would not risk using this perk with the nurse.

    Awakened awareness : Also situational: since the aura disappears at the time of the hook, it is quite easy to counteract its aura reading.

    Nowhere to hide : one of the bests aura reading perks the nurse can use.

    Stuns reset blink charges (and they don’t start recharging until the stun ends). Pallet stuns are rare against Nurse and aren’t rewarding enough, and it would make DS give the survivor more of a fighting chance against her. Right now DS is pretty useless against a good Nurse.

    The best solution would be to increase the DS duration by 1s.

  • LuvDaDakka
    LuvDaDakka Member Posts: 4

    No, her base kit is not fine. Its actually the main reason why she remained the best(by far) killer in the game for so long.

    She ignores 90% of the game's chase mechanics - how can that be fine?

    At the very least she should earn the ability to blink(like Oni with his power) in some way and once she does it should be limited in use either by time or number of uses(like 4-5 blinks). Of course, her movement speed would need to be buffed to compensate.

    The way she is now, playing Nurse is basically cheating.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2022

    She ignores 90% of the game's chase mechanics - how can that be fine?

    To be accurate, it should be rephrased as follows: "She ignores certain chase's mechanics that apply to other killers, while possessing weaknesses that other killers do not have."

    That's her gamedesign, that's just the way she is. Whether you like it or not is one thing, but it's still just an opinion, and that doesn't make it a universal truth.

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243
    edited November 2022

    She can only have 1 blink,and have the addon that reveal where she blinks be basekit.

    And after she blinks once,her speed goes to 110m/s for 5 seconds after the exhausting effect.

    I'm tired of seeing Nurse be soo op,now she can only be op if you are skilled with her.

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871

    No, she can' t have only 1 blink.

    Against potatoes, yes, it's enough to hit them, but against competent survivors, the 2nd blink is never too much.

    And regarding the "so OP" nurses, apart from the Stastruck's build, I invite you to show us the games you fight against her, so we can see how it goes.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Spirit with yellow addons also cannot be hold back by 90% of the structures in the game? Once the few god pallets your average map has (which is shack and 1-2 more usually) are used there is nothing you can do to keep her from hitting you. So is spirit also cheating?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Having that thing on your screen all the time would be so annoying when you already know how far her blinks go... So maybe make it so you can disable that in the options or something? But Nurse is not op if the guy playing her is average... So what even is your argument?

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    This is like saying,just because no one is playing her to its maximum potential then its ok.


    Sure,how about make Nemesis tentacle insta down a survivor.

    But wait,just because not everyone can optimally play him and use his tentacle to always hit,then its ok.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    But that was literally your argument?? You yourself said that with the change only skilled people could be op with her??

    "I'm tired of seeing Nurse be soo op,now she can only be op if you are skilled with her." Those were your exact words?

    And overall if the nurse is only average you can loop her fairly well, if you have some clue of what you're doing...

  • Adaez
    Adaez Member Posts: 1,243

    What i'm saying is that if you nerf her,she would feel fair and counterable even againts the ones that user her to her maximum potential and play her really good.

    Right now there is nothing you can do againts a good Nurse because her power in its current state is too strong.

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    Changing her addons would be good enough... In my opinion

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    There is plenty you can do about her up until a certain level, but at that level all the top killers become somewhat stale to go against... Not only Nurse, but also Spirit, Blight, Artist, Pyramid Head and so on... It is just their basic design that when mastered makes it so you can only do that much to avoid getting hit for a little bit of time...

    And also I don't think what you do about her changes that much... You still have to work with line of sight if she has one or two blinks... 1 blink just makes it more punishing if she misses and makes her get tricked easier...

  • Little_Kitten
    Little_Kitten Member Posts: 871
    edited November 2022

    "Right now there is nothing you can do againts a good Nurse(...)"

    Yes, make her face a SWF made up of very competent survivors.

  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 349
  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Not to mention PH, who can hit you at range through solid obstacles & walls - he "ignores the rules of the game" far more than Nurse does but rarely do we see complaints about that.

  • HuntresssMain
    HuntresssMain Member Posts: 37

    I agree, but chase mechanics are just more difficult because you have to be unpredictable and not waste time doing useless loops. It just makes survivors think a little more about looping and engaging in chase.

  • Bardon
    Bardon Member Posts: 1,004

    Wow, you really convinced me with your inciteful arguments and relentless logic..

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,227

    You don't have to convince someone for a person to realize that comparison sucked.

  • foxsansbox
    foxsansbox Member Posts: 2,209

    My girl is totally fine.

    She could use some prettier skins though <3

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    I mean... The argument is that structures in general don't hold nurse back and the same in a weaker form applies to pyramid head, even though of course he would need to be way more precise with his hit because he cannot correct with a second hit or lunge, but in the end his attack also ignores most gameplay elements... Except stairs, because they are totally broken and need to be nerfed...

  • Here's the problem with that: The difference between blinking after someone to catch up and W keying after them to catch up is that blinks go through walls.

    You seem to just be completely glossing over that huge difference there. A 105 Nurse who's just floating on after you cares about the existence of physical objects. Blinks do not. The difference between having to walk around stuff and NOT having to walk around stuff is huge in terms of catching up to people at loops, around tiles, in or across main buildings, etc.

    And, again, you are VASTLY overestimating how fast 105 is. Most killers are 115. Some are 110. The only 105 killer in the game is tier 1 Myers, and he is pathetic at catching up to people. The "safe" way to play Nurse you are describing is extremely inefficient and if you want to get more than 1 kill per match you're gonna have to learn to land blinks at range.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The point is it would be still more time efficient to just walk follow because of the large margin of error since you don't have a second blink to correct... Having a second blink is what makes it possible to go for blinks out of side and still be able to hit them properly...

    When I said catching up what I meant was just running after them until in blink range... or at a tile where you then might start using blink... While the survivor is still out of your reach and just holds the w key... At that point there is really no need to blink... you must realise that the difference when you blink exactly on top of them to when you just stupid follow in a line is like 3-4 cm gain... wow... And blinks always have the possibility to fail... A blink deadzone, a tile with a larger hitbox than you assumed that cuts your blink short and so on... and in all these situations you will loose distance by doing something else than just following... And when you succeed the gain is so minimal that it's not worth the risk... But then again at loops with high walls and so on you can try to break line of sight and do a smart play but if the nurse just wants to play it safe she will just run after you normally and not blink until she gets a safe one because again with only having one blink it is rather risky to guess for a blink because you cannot correct it... Also who cares if she gets only 1 kill or whatever... The gameplay becomes just boring... Original legion was also not really strong just really stupid and boring to go against, he was just going to hit you eventually... Same goes for that variation of nurse...

    I'm not overestimating the movementspeed... I'm not saying you should just try to catch up until you can hit without blinking.. But when you imagine most tiles with high walls like jungle gyms or shack... You will notice they are rather large... Jungle Gyms are somewhat above 10 m long... And you only need somewhat clear line of sight for like 1-1.5 seconds to charge the blink and blink right onto the survivor... And until then you can just dumb follow because it would be way riskier to constantly miss... And while you might be able to leave the tile if you made a nurse missblink with this she will not loose distance even with blink on cooldown, so good luck reaching another tile that provides los block... Because usually they are not that linked to each other...

    In the end it is not about efficiency... But about the interaction with the killer in a skillfull way... And when you are playing against a killer that just follows you for some time and eventually gets the down than that's just terribly boring to go against... I think old legion with the 2-3 times stabbing until you went down took like at least 50-60 seconds for the down unless the survivor took bad pathing... and there was basically not much to do... This is somewhat similar, yeah it might not be efficient but it will eventually lead to a down without much interaction and that's why I find it totally boring and a bad idea... Line of sight is basically her only counterplay and effective because she cannot just dumb follow... If she no longer needs to blink to catch up then this is just the easiest thing to do... It might not be the most efficient but who cares about that...

    Overall there will always be strong killers in the game that completely destroy weaker players when properly played but as Nurses basekit currently is she has something you can do about her... But if you change her like you want it to that counterplay just stops existing if the nurse wants to... Yeah nurse can take the risk and try for a blink or she can use the boring but reliable method of just following... What are most players probably gonna do?

    It would be a shame if one the few killers with unique counterplay just stopped existing...

    Also what we didn't even talk about until now... Myers in T1 cannot gain bloodlust... Nurse can... so you're gonna get a hit after 25 seconds ... that's when bloodlust 2 kicks in I believe so she moves at 112.5 % and is fast enough to make them have to use either pallet or window and can then just get a hit... I think blinking counts as an action that prevents bloodlust... So again what do you think most people will do? Wait for 25-40 seconds for a guaranteed hit or take the risk to maybe get it earlier with a big chance to fail at doing so...

  • LiveBritishReaction
    LiveBritishReaction Member Posts: 448
    edited December 2022

    First and foremost... can you stop... typing... like this... it makes your sentences... borderline illegible... I won't... reply... if you keep... typing like... you're mimicking the speech patterns of Stephen Hawking...

    Secondly, yes, you are overestimating the movement speed. If the survivor has any distance of any kind on a killer who moves 5% faster than they do, it is going to take eons for them to catch up. A Nurse who is unwilling to use her blinks to go for riskier hits will get looped for decades. They just will. It's not even something to dispute.

    Also, I can guarantee that being able to keep a Nurse on you for 18 generators because she's putting way too much faith in her 105% movement speed is a hundred times more fun than the current Nurse gameplay loop of "I die in 5 seconds because she knows how to press M2."

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That's kind of offensive comparing it to a person with a serious disease ... I mean I don't care personally for offensive stuff but you may or may not know that this kind of thing is not liked by BHVR and so on, so you might want to not do that anymore, but as I said, I could not care less about it.

    She already does move at 4.2 m/s while blinking so how is this any different? When the survivor has some distance on you he has no reason to already go for the next high wall tile and wait there for you to catch up after some time. Like I said, it takes 15 seconds to gain bloodlust 1 making you move at 110% ms at this point you can totally loop like any other killer... And it should be fairly easy to get in range to start a chase, unless of course they are prerunning like crazy, but then again nothing changes from how it currently is, only that you gain additional mobility because you can just walk and don't need to blink to go around the map, unless of course you want to go through structures, I don't think it saves you that much time to blink through jungle gyms and so on instead of going the 1-2 m around it.

    The current nurse gameplay is one of the most entertaining things for me, break line of sights juked around corner and so on, I think it is one of the best things in the game. Whereas you're not really doing anything but running in circles until she catches up with no skill involved, does not sound fun to me tbh. I would even go as far and say a down within less than a minute after entering chase with no interaction on the survivor side to prevent it is that likeable that I'm willing to try it out in a private lobby.

  • Again, the difference between a 105 killer that goes through walls and a 105 killer that doesn't go through walls is literally a game-changing difference. Around tiles. Through main buildings. Between floors. Nurse catches up to survivors insanely easily now because she goes through walls.

    For someone who perpetuates this idea that they understand Nurse really well you are consistently failing to take into account the thing that makes Nurse Nurse. Try to catch up to a competent survivor with your blinks and then do the same thing with Matchbox equipped without blinking. Let me know how it goes (spoiler: You will never catch up to the survivor as Matchbox Nurse).

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    When you are out of blink range (to hit the survivor) and the survivor does not need to go around many things, there is only a minor difference between running in a straight line and rounding some corner, when you are going through the floors you didn't really start chase with a person yet so they cannot really start running away from you effectively also most maps don't have a second floor and out of the ones that do The Game and Midwich are consideres some of nurses best maps for that and other reasons, apparently, I don't like those two as nurse but I'm not as experienced as other people with her so I'll just go with their opinion for this. When you just look at how Nurse currently goes after survivors without addons you will notice she is actually not that fast, especially on maps with wide areas where you can see her coming. She also can catch up quickly because she can get in a position to get a hit while being rather far away, at least in an open field, when there are high tiles around you might want to get closer. My point has been when normally traversing the map it will often times be just as fast to walk, as long as there are no major elements blocking your path or elevation or whatever... That alone is quite a buff...

    Catching up in that sense means getting in a position where you have line of sight to blink, it really does not take much to get into such a position. Most tiles are not high enough to block properly and using only trees or rocks won't really do much since you can just follow and those rock loops usually have a side from which you can see the survivor. As for high wall structures as soon as you get 15 seconds of chase you can run after them like a huntress, yeah it takes some time if you wanna have it easy and without much thinking but at this point, if not already before you can get into a position to hit them with or without a blink. That is my whole point at some point you will be in a position where you will get a hit regardless of what the survivor does... Of course you will catch even a competent survivor eventually just because you can just run after their scratchmarks without any down side besides it takes some time. It is stupid strategy with 0 stuff you can do about it but you will get your hit after a certain amount of time regardless of what the other side does, and that is just terrible design.

    Also you're kind of twisting it here. It is not about catching up without your blinks at all, it is about catching up in a structure where you don't have line of sight to the survivor like a high wall jungle gym or something like that. In an open field sure use the blink if you want to, doesn't safe you much time, maybe even slower than walking but whatever, but when you are in that position that a chase started and you are in a structure that usually gives you the option to break line of sight and use unique pathing you now don't have that option anymore, since the nurse could just follow after you and gain distance, yes it will take some time but who cares it still is boring to do (same problem as legion games... Takes ages and is annoying and even if you manage to win it mostly is not even fun..).

    We can try that out in a custom game if you are that confident, I'm a bit rusty with nurse since I don't play (her/the game in general) that often these days, but I should be fine with bloodlust and forcing you into a loose loose situation.

    Also the thing that makes her Nurse is her dependance on using her blinks to traverse the map because she cannot catch up otherwise which enables the counter play of breaking line of sight, if she can catch up without blinks that's just not the case anymore. Can you possibly give and example of what counterplay against your nurse would look like? What are the effective things you can do? Because for me it just sounds like a floating legion in a dress with a bonesaw... Eventually you will get hit.

  • That's a whole essay for an argument that grossly oversimplifies a whole lot of map design and how the movement mechanics of Nurse's blinks even work. You really think W keying after a survivor as a 105 killer is that foolproof when even 115 killers aren't able to reliably pull that off against competent survivors?

    You start chasing after a survivor. He vaults one safe window. That alone will add like 10 seconds minimum to your W key catchup time as a killer with normal movement speed, let alone someone who takes 3 times longer to catch up. You cannot catch up to a survivor as a 105 killer if a safe window or pallet so much as exists.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    You don't need to catch up to hit them, you just need make them vault a window or pallet or drop a pallet because then you can safely blink hit them... And even you are at a long wall and the survivor goes left and right depending on the position you go you can now safely blink hit them... That's the whole point... You are generally able to just dumb follow until they vault something and then you can go for the blink while they are in animation and get the hit... There is not much predicting in that case

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280
    edited December 2022

    Outa curiosity, how long do you think it would take to "dumb follow" a survivor this way? What with survivors running for the walls as soon as they so much as think they hear a beat?

  • LapisInfernalis
    LapisInfernalis Member Posts: 4,225

    1. Blink Attacks = Special attacks - > removes boring Starstruck+ Agitation+AA plays, no Jolt value on top of eruption etc, no sloppy butcher; they are not needed on this strong killer.

    2. Rework addons that improve distance and recharge. They are not needed and are more a balance issue than anything else.

    3. Make it easier to lightburn her. - > Many players don't even know this is a thing.....

    4. (this is experimental) Remove lunge attacks when blinking. Wesker can't lunge after his dash. I would like to see how good Nurse still is without her spaghetti arms.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    From the point of entering chase even when in a high wall structure 45-60 seconds most for a down...

    The problem with the situation you mention is the variables in it... At which point of the map is the survivor, so what ways can the killer reasonably come from, are there line of sight blockers or can you see the killer coming towards and therefore run away... If you used your blink in this case from barely outside the terroradius starting the blink at 33m away from the survivor,you travel 20 m in 1.5 seconds, go into 2 seconds of fatigue and can then follow normally or blink after an additional second... The survivor notices your heartbeat 0.5 seconds after the blink started and runs away in a straight line.(all that given for the sake of the example) you are around 20 m closer to the survivors original position so 13m away but during your travel time he already moved 4 m so 17 m of distance. The issue at this point is that it makes barely any difference if you just float after then with 4.2 m/s or blink with on average 4.23... M/s. Of course you are not trying to M1 but get in a position from where you can blink into and hit them given you re in the open and so on.

    But I ofc agree that it would take longer if you had walk from outside the terror radius and hereby giving the survivor a huge heads tart... But then again most people don't exactly know when their heartbeat will reach the survivor so they are less efficient with this than in my example.

    The problem also applies to basic M1 killers with 4.6m/s since they don't have a way to get this close to the survivor with lout them realizing it. And the issue is that when you try that even as 4.6m/s killer and the survivor pre runs immediately once you are 32 m away you need to change the target... Because this chase would loose you the game, unless they are running towards a dead and or the corner of the map. Closing a distance of 30 m with 60cm/s takes 50 seconds, there will be 3 Gens done before you get the down if you take this chase.

    The problem for nurse with 4.2 floating and 4.23 blinking is that when you are not at a point when you can reach the survivor with your blink it does not matter if you walk or blink because it will be roughly the same time to close the distance... The risk of miss blinking in an open space without line of sight blockers, even though your blink might kot get through some objects loosing you valuable meter, is lower than when the survivor has reached a line of sight blocker and you would have to guess where he went... You may be able to get closer to him when blinking, but if he only made a slight adjustment to his patching to get barely out of sight then you gained 30 centimeters or so if you succeeded with the blink whereas if you don't blink correctly you might give them more distance. That's why I said just following is the more reliable thing to do since there is basically no chance of giving them more distance if you walk the same path as them. When you reach the distance from which you can blink onto them this changes to some degree... But until then dumb following seems the safer thing to do.

    When you are inside a high wall structure and only a few m away from the survivor on the other side of a wall a small glimpse of them is enough to get the hit, and they cannot really effectively break line of sight since you are still faster than them and don't have to rely on blinks to reach a critical distance.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Jolt and sloppy are on the weaker side of slowdown perks, I don't really see a reason to get rid of them for her, but sure call if brine eruption is far better on her... Maybe let the few Nurses that run them keep these perks because otherwise they might use the meta stuff...

    Recharge is not really an issue, range probably is..

    The issue with light burn on her is the duration... If she gets burned faster you can burn her more often with a flashlight, but otherwise people won't get it done often... Seems like a loose loose situation to me... (does it take the same duration as wraith to get burned btw?)

    I mean... Wesker can hit you while on the path towards you, same as Blight during rushes (he also has a lunge attack) and Nurse cannot since she teleports, I don't like the idea since you would need to be waaaay too precise with blinks which is pretty rough, without the lunge even God nurses would have issues hitting many blinks (in addition to aim dressing making people hit walls regardless)

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    We apologize if we're missing something or are incorrect as we didn't examine the full conversation between you 2. (Hard to do on phone)

    Isn't that risk the point of nurse though? You ignore almost everything at the risk of needing to land blinks. Having a garunteed way to chase while also having the mobility to ignore things like walls and floors saving tons of time on certain maps seems like a disaster for survivors.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    That risk is the only reason there is counterplay for her... Because on one hand she needs to use the blink to catch up and on the other hand she may not blink accurately and even loose more distance that way... That's the reason line of sight blocking works against nurse. If she can just follow normally she can avoid many situations where the survivor could use it to his advantage.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    So we are hearing you (or the other person) are advocating removing one of the counterplay elements?

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    He wants to turn nurse into a 4.2 m/s killer with only one blink, which would make the nurse weaker because she could not use the 2nd blink to correct if she was too far off with the first one, but also remove the line of sight breaking counterplay to some degree because now she can chase you by just running.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    The problem is as long as a killer offers counterplay and chase interaction they can be really strong, if they however do not have that, then it is a problem since you cannot apply your skill as a survivor in chase to prolong the hit you will eventually take.

  • Rulebreaker
    Rulebreaker Member Posts: 2,280

    That bout sums up our thoughts now the question is why would they want that.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,634

    Well, I'm currently trying to figure out the thought process as well ^^