If you find someone who ragequits on hook for no reason

Do your absolute best to keep them alive.
Save them before they finish, heal them, do your best to keep them alive. Don't let them out of the game.
If I catch someone doing this in my games, I will never kill them no matter how long they stand at the hook. I'll keep them alive until the very end, and only kill them to make sure they won't get hatch.
If they want out of the game and don't want to eat the DC penalty (wonder why they're scared of it), make it as much of a long and grueling process as possible. Be like the Spirit I just played against who grabbed this guy off a totem, saw he was trying to suicide on hook and refused to play, and never killed him until the very end.
Hopefully one of these days they deal with this silly mechanic.
Just got 3 insta dcs and then 2 dcs... and one killing on hook.
Pretty much today.
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If I'm the killer and see someone trying to suicide on hook, or who gives themselves up to me early in the game, I will absolutely save them for last.
As a surv, I'll teabag them then unhook, or unhook then teabag, depending on their hook state progress.
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I just had a teammate who got hooked once in basement and proceeded to kill himself. I even got hooked cause I was trying to get to him in time. Isn't that great🙄
That game was so winnable if he had only decided to play, lol.
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I won't, because I don't care.
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DC'ers worse than campers and tunnelers.
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I usually just hook them again because people who want out may become disruptive by spamming fast vaults or go afk and then the crows start spamming notifications. I understand the sentiment about making them stay but in the end is not worth a headache and I play to play, not to police players.
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As a survivor, I will grab them ASAP because I want the points for the altruism. What happens to them after that is none of my concern
As a killer, it's probably one of the closest things to BM I get. If I notice someone is trying to die on the hook at five gens for no reason, I will put that person on the ground and make them bleed out. You're getting a timeout Mr Survivor, whether it's by my hand or by the DC penalty. I care not which way you choose as I've already decided your team gets to escape regardless of your choice.
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So you just allow them to afk and get rewarded BP 😂
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How much BP do you get for being an AFK survivor?
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It really depends on how I am feeling. If I am not tired they are getting slugged and never hooked.
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Nah, if someone wants to die, then let them die. No need to pay with the same coin. However, if I catch someone who is unwillingly going to, even try, to get one of the three gens done and there's another survivor who is struggling to finish the game, then I am going to kill the one hiding in lockers (IF I am able) and then let the other escape.
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If a teammate does it, I'll spam the unhook animation over and over just to aggravate them. If they can't handle loss, they should go play a single player game.
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Honestly I can see why someone wouldn't want to be in a round with you if you think it's ok to hold them hostage in a dead round and try to make them even more bored than they obviously already are. If someone attempted to leave and you're on the killer side, get your win and end your round so you can be in a better one, on the survivor side farm BP. The person you're holding hostage is probably just on their phone or doing something else for the max of 5 minutes, it's only you that's salty...
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One time I left the room when I was in my survivor lobby. My dog must've hit the button on the controller for me to look for a match. I came back to the Oni hitting my character out the exit. Got decent amount of BP and enough emblems to safety pip. No idea what my team/Oni did while farming to get me the BP/emblems but I was genuinely surprised that happened. 😂
I let people die on hook that attempt escape. Atleast with them I know I'm in a 3v1, way prefer that to the players that just hide the whole match waiting for hatch. I'd rather the devs adjust the game to make players on both sides want to play over quitting in whatever way (afk, DC, suicide, etc.).
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Played 7 or 8 matches so far. A Survivor DCs at the beginning every. Single. Time. It was funny for a bit. Now it’s not.
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For no reason, bud. For no reason. Not "oh, someone's dead at 5 gens and I see everyone crouching in bushes", 'cause you know what? I get it. Just a BP game at that point. But that's a reason.
I'm talking "Oh, I did something stupid early on like get grabbed doing a totem, and i'm so angry at my colossal mistake that i'm more than happy to take the WHOLE team down with me!"
'Cause yeah, dude. Sit in that match you queued up for and like it. If you can't handle something going wrong and immediately trying to quit, maybe don't queue up to begin with.
Also, I like the "oh god golly gosh how could you do something so horrible as to H O L D T H E M H O S T A G E they must be so bored" combined with "bet they were just on their phones and didn't even care :)"
Big W's.
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I report them. Ragequitting is a bannable offense.
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Killing yourself on hook isn't bannable.
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As versacefang mentioned above, a person choosing to go through all the hook states and be sacrificed on first hook is not a reportable offense. Getting reports for things like this, as well as things listed as NOT reportable, keep the ACMs from reports for things that are reportable and bannable. For information on what is and is not reportable, you can find them here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
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A 1v3 will still more than likely end before a 15-minute DC timeout. If you think this is some insane 5-head gotcha, you're wrong.
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I don't do that because I'm not a toxic PoS. If someone want's to stop playing a video game, I'm not gonna claim the moral high ground and force them to keep playing lmao
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I just slug em every time I see them. But if it gets down to last two then I will kill them. And let the other surv go.
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Nah, I don’t have the time nor do I care enough to do any of this. In fact, if I see someone who just got on first hook and they’re already intentionally killing themselves on hook OR put themselves in second state because they were too impatient to wait for a teammate to come and get them, I won’t attempt rescue.
Too many times I’ve ended up downed and hooked by trying to unhook a teammate who didn’t want to be saved, or because they were mad that every teammate didn’t immediately drop what they were doing and run for their rescue the minute they touched hook.
Im not taking unnecessary hooks for that crap. I’m gonna continue the game.
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Usually most people I see killing themselves is because the killer is camping or tunneling.
Who wants to sit in queue only to run into those killers?
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I love using Reassurance on them in these scenarios. And i still do ingame reports EVERY SINGLE TIME when someone DCs or kills him/herself early in the game. Because i can't think of any less unsportsmanlike action.
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No, it's me inconveniencing them as much as I possibly can, because they've decided to kill their team via babyrage and I think they've earned it.
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Well... I did this once... Haddie was trying to suicide and I unhooked her but after the unhook, she followed me everywhere to troll me. She dropped the pallets, she fast vaulted, she missed all skill checks... killer came and downed me, hooked and I thought the killer would get her too but no... legion left her near me and she just stood there. Another teammate saw that I was going to second stage and came but than Haddie did the unhook animation, just to show she was unhooking and the mate left and went back to the gen but she just faked... i got the second stage and the teammate came again and this time he nodded to Haddie and unhooked me but legion came again and ... well... game over. In the endgame chat Haddie said..."Ur trash... just let me die and go next because I hate legion"...
After this experience I have mix feelings about unhooking someone who wants to die and move on.
I am new here, I am an older lady, mom of 2. I am actually a shooter lady but I wanted to try something new and my son, he is 20 y.o. (yeah i know i am old) He said... Mom try DBD.... and now I have around 300 hours and trying to git gud all by myself because my son doesn't play DBD anymore. I made some friends but they are all killers.... I am a survivor main, soloQ, casual and non toxic. I always try my best for the team and I am that one who gives my own life for another random teammate.
Sorry if i wrote something wrong, english is not my native language...
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"I resemble that remark"
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Players who DC or kill themselfes often on hook should be flagged or beeing matched with eachother.
That's why i keep reporting them, because it IS unsportsmanlike.
The only reason why this isn't a thing yet are perks like Slippery Meat and Deliverence, hard to track i guess.
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Almost exactly what I said. Reading comprehension is an important life-long skill.
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According to BHVR, suiciding on hook is a part of the game. Keep sending those reports. They just get deleted and slow the ticket reps from getting to actual useful tickets. Keeps the hackers and exploiters going for another day or so.
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I just unhook them so I can get some points out of it, even heal them if they decide to go afk and don't hold shift to prevent me doing so.
It sucks I know but I am not going to hold people in a match they don't want to play, I have quit on hook myself so I get it (Legion match, team all grouping up and healing every time etc).
As killer if they want out I just hook them rather than forcing them to stay in the match by ignoring them, though I do understand why some people do
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Yeah, I don't really get the whole angle of being all cool and blasé about being a quitter who actively fights commitment in whatever way possible. Like it's the season-pass ticket to get into the Salty Spitoon.
Though I can respect it on some level. Like yes, I WILL throw my teammates to the wolves, and I WILL AFK if I can't do so immediately, and I may even sandbag them if they desperately try to keep me in a game I queued up for. My shame is fast, but I am faster.
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See, now you're getting it! :D
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I don't have time for that. I just let them go.
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That's not holding someone hostage.
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Personally, when I see a survivor who doesn't want to play, I leave him lying on the floor until he bleeds out completely.
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I mostly kill myself on hook, because toxic teammates. Versus camping killer I try to stay alive as long as possible.
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It says right there in game that purposefully losing the game and not participating is reportable.
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as a survivor i rarely see that. My teammates always quitting from being down to quickly 90% of the time
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If i catch a survivor killing themselves on hook, i let their teammates unhook them and then leave them slugged or on my shoulder as long as i can.
They want to leave? They can disconnect and take the penalty, not abuse game mechanics to get out a match they don't feel like finishing
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My Friends and I did a few 3 man SWF games wherein all of us brought in Reassurance with the sole purpose being to punish any rando who tries to suicide on the hook, or facecamping killers.
It worked like a charm, We'd see them try to struggle off the hook, hit em with reassurance, wait for it to run out, and hit em again, until they'd been on the hook for an extra 90 seconds, and then rescue them and repeat the process if they got hooked again. This turned out to be too frustrating for most of them, and they'd just DC instead, which gave us all a good laugh. Otherwise we'd use Reassurance as it's intended to frustrate a facecamping killer, or provide us an edge in the endgame rescue attempts. Love that perk, and it's perfect for this kind of situation, provided you have a team that can coordinate with you.
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Nah, if someone is killing themselves on hook at 5 gens I will do the same
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People will go AFK if they can't kill themselves on hook
That's not the answer
Maybe the devs should investigate why people do not want to play the game?
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BHVR hasn't updated that screen in ages, the stuff that's actually reportable can be found here: https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/kb/articles/139-game-rules
You'll notice that suiciding on hook and going AFK aren't listed as reportable offenses
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