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Tips for nemesis


I have been practicing on nemesis and even though that i'm able to land my whips and do almost close to no mistake, its next to impossible to get out anyone of the game before all gens are gone (loosing with 5 hooks). Even saving the closest for last. I can't deal with 4 survivors rushing 3 gens.

Or, i face camp, tunnel, remove someone out of the game and then it becomes boring from start to finish. ppl complain, i don't like to play this way.

This is my build: pop, tinkerer, corrupt intervention, save best for last. addons: pink ribbon, mikhail's eye.

I feel like i'm not pulling out enough value out of those perk combinations. Definitively not save best for last. What other anti gen rush build you guys would recommend on him?


  • CBT137
    CBT137 Member Posts: 137

    Pop: Bad perk now, it only does 20% of the gens CURRENT progress, not overall like it used to. You should use Eruption, nemesis’s own teachable.

    Corrupt: Not worth it on a strong chase killer like nemesis who can down quickly, it’s best used on setup killers like hag and trapper. Replacing it with something like deadlock or no way out would be better for slowdown. Or you could replace it with lethal pursuer. Can’t ever go wrong with lethal.

    Tinkerer: Great info perk, however discordance is much better on nemesis as the zombies actually go towards the discordance noise.

    Save the best for last: Very good perk on killers like nemesis and demo who have a strong m2, this way you can tentacle whip the obsession to not lose stacks. Very good at defending hooks if you have max stacks.

    For your add-ons: Marvins blood is BY FAR his best add-on, broken recovery coin and lickers tongue are good too.

  • Bedslamb
    Bedslamb Member Posts: 70

    i'm loving Oppresion & Call of Brine for my Gen defence on Nemmy , lots of alerts for the zombies to home in on

  • R1ch4rd_N1x0n
    R1ch4rd_N1x0n Member Posts: 1,731

    My best tip for Nemesis is to just not use it at all. It's a terrible perk and you should just use something better.