W Key gamers aren’t skilled and it’s a boring way to play.

All I have to say. Thank you for the bloodlust buff it’s been more enjoyable since.
No skill, yes. Not fun, also yes. Most efficient against most the roster? Unfortunately yes, and here's where the problem lies. We can't really begrudge people wanting to survive even if they must be uncreative chickens to do so.
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So is camping and tunneling. I guess we can call it a ‘StRaGeTy’ too.
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If BHVR stopped adding killers that ignore loops making holding W the only option I’m sure more people would stop doing it as often
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How should they play then according to you? What's a skilled way for survivors to play?
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theres only a few different general playstyles.
you have looping and holding w in chase.
its not like you have a plethora of chase options.
looping is just running around the same TL or pallet spot 10-20 times every match too. Holding w is at least a change of pace from that.
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and its pretty effective , not getting outplayed when the killer flanks you while holding w lol
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Were you able to catch them in a timely manner?
If not, sounds like a pretty good strategy to me
Knowing what you need to do to escape the killer and/or burning as much of the clock for your team as possible can be just as much a skill as...whatever you think takes skill for a survivor to do
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But is holding W a choice from the Survivor or is the only viable option left? Maybe the root of the problem is not people playing like that willingly but something forcing them into pressing W.
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Looping is the main defense Survivors have. Take it away and what they have left?
Stay still and die? No.
Run away as much as you can? Yes.
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Killer without anti-looping tools and anti-shift W tools are very weak which is like 80% of killer cast. The survivor will loop tiles efficiently and hold-w efficiently independent of killer they are facing. Its up to killer power to have skill expression in countering the survivor gameplay.
In the end, its not survivor problem that killer sucks. its killer problem that killer is weak.
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Well, it's obviously effective if you feel so strongly about it you start a discussion.
Sure, it's not the most exciting thing to go against but sometimes it's the survivors only means of escaping a chase; especially on maps with weak loops/unsafe pallets. Also, the killer has many advantages to catch survivors (they're faster, have individual powers, etc.) so I don't see an issue, personally.
As already echoed in this discussion, camping/tunelling aren't the most "skillful" strategies, but are arguably the most effective.
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Any killer with mobility inherently counters W holding. Think blight, billy, wesker or wraith.
Killers like knight, artist, slinger and nemmy are very hard to loop and are designed to ignore it. Their weakness however is distance so maximising distance gain is their only real counterplay
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billy doesn't counter hold-w. long range chainsaws are complete meme. only bad survivors get hit by long range chainsaws. Wraith has 2.5 second uncloak time. he can gap-close loops to reduce shift-w efficiency but overall, wraith is m1 killer in chase.
Blight is strong because it takes skill to hold-w against him unlike other two. Wesker is also strong for same reason. hold-W can be fair mechanic but its up to killer power to be skill expression to counter it. Wraith and Billy lack counter-play if the survivor is good at looping m1 killers since survivor has too much counter-play against their power in the chase.
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- calls people unskilled
- uses Bloodlust to the point where they believe the game is unenjoyable if they don't have it activated.
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How does billy not counter holding W? He can literally force the survivor to loop by making up distance insanely fast with movement and quick pallet breaks
Wraith can body block to make up the uncloak time and again forces the survivors to loop instead of hold W since he’ll just catch up otherwise
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Love how it used to be Looping that was called the unskilled and boring way of survivor gameplay. Now that’s Hold W. Stealth is the other option and has pretty much always been talked down. There will never be a playstyle from either side accepted by the other side. There will always be these types of complaints.
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It may be boring but the cost of getting caught is being Camped and/ or Tunneled
So right now it's the best the Survivors can do
Also it's due to so many Killers being "Anti-loop"
So not getting into a Looping battle against those Killers is the best strategy
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Shall survs press S instead then so the killer has an easier time?
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Requires no skill and is boring, yes, but sadly it's the best way to survive in chase. That's just the way the game's made.
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If it slowed your progress down enough you lost the game then it was a skilled play.
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Holding W became popular once BHVR added more and more Killer which cannot be looped. And at this point, the Survivor can only hold W. It is certainly not the most skillful thing to do, but it is the only thing to do.
Furthermore, because holding W was efficient against those Killers, Survivors realized that it also works well against Killers who can be looped.
Do you know what is also not skillful, since you mention it? Bloodlust. A cheap handholding Mechanic which holds back good Map Design. As long as Bloodlust exists, Maps cannot be good (in my opinon, a good Map has tons of Pallets, most of then unsafe and a very small amount of safe Pallets. This would be perfect for Survivor and Killer - Killers can outplay Survivors at those Pallets and good Survivors can outplay Killers. And bad Survivors dont leave Deadzones).
The thing is, holding W and Bloodlust have one thing in common:
It works very good when you are not supposed to benefit from it. Sure you dont need to do "hold W" against a Trapper, yet it is so efficient that it can be done.
Sure, you are not supposed to Bloodlust 3 a somewhat strong Pallet, yet it will be done.
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Blight, Huntress, and Oni are all killers that don’t have anti-loops in their kit yet are some of the strongest killers.
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he can't hit survivor between loops. he just has fast speed to gap-close larger distances. he has no steering. Billy has 2.5 second charge time, Good survivor can play around his chainsaw and not put pallets down unless they need to which negates his fast pallet break. Curving is currently gimmick used to defeat bad survivors.
Survivor can bodyblock Wraith to prevent Wraith from bodyblocking+Smart pathing. Wraith's pallet play when the pallet is down is no almost non-existent. Both killer are weak Shift-W.
DBD killer is balanced around bad survivors and killer are underpowered because bad survivors cannot handle stronger killers. I am not going expand further. you can fill in the blanks for why Blight and Wesker counter shift-w and have proper kill pressure towards shift-W.
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Blight hug tech is anti-loop. His ability to bounce between objects and hit survivors between loops is anti-loop. Huntress is also anti-loop. She can throw over low wall loops and throw hatchets between loops. Oni is m1 killer without demon fury, but in demon fury, Oni is slightly slower then blight but fast enough to be anti-loop both between loops and at loops. The upside is that he has instant down. The downside is that he does not have his power all the time. He lacks ability to recycle his power after doing a lot of damage. not enough blood orbs even if downs two survivors per demon form consistently. This means that half the time, your stuck playing m1 killer vs unfair loops and efficient shift-w play with ticking time bomb on generators. In any case, all 4 killer are among strongest anti-loop in the game, aside from Nurse herself.
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Positioning and game sense are absolutely skills. W key is just a negative term associated with it.
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Sounds like a not playing blight issue to me. I can't imagine actually having to follow a survivor for 20-40 seconds depending on how distance they made before I found them. That's just mindless for both sides.
I guess it depends on your definition of anti-loop. Does blight make the tile completely unplayable? no. Can he play most tiles in the game with his power? Yes.