Third health state event is coming back.

The bonechill event that gives survivors third heath states and counters killer powers is back. Must be such a fun event for both sides right?
have they said anything about giving killers snowmen this time around? would be cool to burst out of a snowman and get a haste effect for like 10 seconds lol
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I would actually be happy if they did this. But it's too much work for them getting killers to fit in snowmen i guess.
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Wait for the raid with "killer mains don't allow to have fun lol" / "Its just for fun, chill".
I want event where there are pressure plates spawn around the map and only Killer can activate it and for the next 10 seconds your next M1 will be instadown! Hey, how fun that would be! "Survivor mains just chill Its event lol try to have fun!"
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Personally I loved that event as a killer, it was so goofy and fun. xD
Survivors hiding in a snowmens imo, hilarious way to spend the "boring routine" of each match.=)
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*Laughs in Clown*
His bottles immediately destroyed the snowmen
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You mean fourth healtstate, deadhard is already counting as a third healthstate.
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I think Killers can now use snowmen too....not sure if they changed how the sparkles of rewards are gained but I can't wait to mess with survivors as a snowman but really a Demopuppy inside of it
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Wasn't around to play the event last year, I'm looking forward to the snowmen on both sides ! =D
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God, already complaining 🙄 give survivors some time to breath and enjoy an event.
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they had last year
the novelty of it wore off
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It's already complaining because it was annoying garbage last year and it will be annoying garbage again this year if it uses the same mechanics.
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I´m curious how the kill rates look during such a event.
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The only thing that they need to do to solve the issue created last year is simply make it so getting inside the snowmen does not create an additional bubble shield and also does not slow down the Survivor in any way. Now the snowman is just a goofy temporary cosmetic rather than one-time extra defense if timed correctly.
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Just because you didn't like it, doesn't mean others didn't.
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I liked it at first, but once everyone got their cosmetics, I remember very little playing around, and an awful lot more these-are-just-health-state plays. Which, you know, is the big concern bringing it back again. It's not fun if the event lasts so long that it just becomes a bonus gameplay mechanic to help one side.
You'll have a minority goofing off, and then a whole bunch just using their advantage for several weeks.
And as someone that didn't play Survivor, it was not the most engaging event choice. Hit Survivor, or don't hit Survivor? Hm, much engagement to be had.
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I don't have any problems with how it is right now but this isn't a bad idea either. Would be fun and goofy to run around as a snowman as a temporary cosmetic you can grab in a trial.
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Imagine there was a global challenge that allowed everyone currently and after the event to use a snowman on anyone after the event if completed. That would be nuts and perfect for this change. Also funny story, I used a snowman to accidentally oust NOED and got away easy.
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Lmao that Noed exposed itself 😂
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Indeed but what about what I said in the first part. It would be so nice. ~v~
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It's a fun temporary event, chill...
If you're this upset about it then you should probably step away from the game a bit, you're taking it way too seriously
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If you're this upset about people complaining that you'd come into a thread to whinge about it, you really should take your own advice.
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HybridPanda said killers will be able to enter the snowmen this year. Insidious snowmen is going to be a lot of fun!!
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And with it, a rise in deathslinger usage
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cant wait to have posts of people foaming from the mouth because of Olaf
I love the holiday season
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We're back to this before the event even begins?
It wasn't a third health state last year, so if it remains the same in the important areas, it won't be this year either. Survivors could be hit going in so they couldn't be used in chase, and survivors were slow as balls + couldn't perform actions while inside the snowmen so they couldn't be pre-entered without serious downsides. They had no tactical use unless you were playing against specific killers, and even then it was situational.
Hopefully, they fixed specific killers being screwed over, like Ghostface and Twins. But for the majority, snowmen provided zero tactical use for survivors and were only fun goofy nonsense.
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The snowmen last year was the most fun the game had been in a long time.
The only thing that could make it even better is if they bring back the old winter event menu music.
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- Play Bubba
- Use Chainsaw
- ????
- Profit
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Can't wait. I loved the snowman event last year. I had a lot of wholesome fun moments between killers and other survivors during it.
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It's the closest thing we get to a 2nd game mode, so I'll enjoy it for what it is.
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The TR will reveal you
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My understanding and watching of videos indicated to me that it was a third health state, though. Jump into the snowman before the Killer landed a hit, and they'd tank the hit. The slowdown did not matter because Killer either accepted the free health state (which negates the slowdown penalty) or ended the chase. Lose/lose for Killer. What am I missing?
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yeah if you're not annoying
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Two things- you are missing that jumping into the snowman had an animation that you could still be damaged during, and you are missing that you got zero speed boost from the snowman being hit. You get precisely the distance you'd get during the killer's weapon-wipe animation, if they hit you with an M1 and not one of the many powers that just completely invalidates the snowman.
Assuming they did hit you with an M1, they could also further minimise the distance you got by hitting the front of the snowman, as the survivor always jumps out facing forward, meaning they jump into the killer and have to run further away.
The snowmen did screw over a handful of powers, though, so there are valid criticisms to be had of the event, but it wasn't an "objective buff" for survivors like some are claiming.
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Not every survivor runs dead hard.
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1) No, I'm aware of the animation. To me, that's not much different from getting hit during the pallet drop animation.
2) It doesn't matter if you get zero boost because you still extend the chase longer than you would have by just going down.
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It's very different, it's more like being hit during the window vault animation. It's more than long enough that a survivor needs a head start before jumping in a snowman is even remotely viable, which leads us to the second point again.
It matters a lot, actually. Yes, you can say that extending the chase by five seconds is strictly longer than it would've been otherwise, but to say that's unbalanced and an "objective buff" for survivors would be laughable. It'd be like getting mad at being spun.
This is all, again, giving the extremely charitable assumption that it's an M1 hit that we're talking about, and not a power.
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The time extended is definitely going to be longer than five seconds, considering the Survivor gets to move at normal speed after tanking the hit but the Killer still has to go through the hitstun animation. So yeah, at minimum, it is creating more distance than a successful bait using old DH.
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Right, but they have to move through the killer and they have absolutely zero control over where the snowman is, so it's dramatically different than old Dead Hard. Old DH gave you more distance at the specific point where distance gets you to a loop, but the snowmen spawn randomly and you'd need to be pretty lucky for that smaller distance to be anywhere near as impactful as old DH.
The weapon-wipe animation isn't actually that long if you don't have the speed boost from being injured. Once again, we're also assuming it is an M1 and that the killer isn't bringing STBFL, which are both pretty huge assumptions to make during an event where doing the opposite of that is a better idea.
(We're also assuming both parties are stubbornly refusing to engage with the event as intended, but that's a more fair assumption for this type of conversation. Just should be acknowledged.)
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I was gonna say the same. Leatherface took care of the snowman and the survivor all at once. I played nothing but him through the event last year.
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Again, not much different from pallets that they have no control over where they spawn. They are occasionally scattered throughout the map, and they enable a Survivor to jump in to avoid being downed. As far as DH for distance, I specifically said DH for bait becaus obviously the real power of old DH was DH for distance. The snowmen were still better than DH for bait.
I'm looking one or two videos right now, and I'm seeing Survivors making good distance from a tank hit. Obviously not to the same extent as a god pallet, but it ain't just a few seconds from running from a weapon wipe animation.
As far as M1s and STBFL, only a handful of M2s beat the snowmen, and as you said, not reasonable to assume the Killer does or does not have that perk, so injecting it into the convo doesn't seem reasonable on either end.
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I said the opposite- it's not reasonable to assume no killer will have STBFL in an event where it will be much stronger. If nothing else, if we're talking about survivors who insist on trying to use snowmen in chase and we're acting as though their minimal value is still too much, then circumventing it with STBFL and the many powers that either directly eliminate the snowmen or diminish their effectiveness even further are pretty much the only fair thing to start talking about.
I remember the old event. I remember how many survivors were hit during the enter animation, and I remember how many survivors went down a handful of seconds after the snowman they hid in was hit. I remember how many powers just did not care about the snowmen, too. It was a massively overblown and frankly embarrassing reaction then, and I'm not looking forward to it picking back up again when this event hits.
Of course, I still hope they made some changes to let the three or so specific killers who were harmed by the event flourish, but even if they didn't... it's no huge burden to just not play those killers for two weeks or so.
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From what I am reading, most powers do not beat the snowman. As far as STBFL, that is only reasonable once it is at high stacks. It also means the obsession has free reign over the snowmen. Even if it were a viable answer, not everyone has it, and they certainly shouldn't feel obligated to get it to not be at the mercy of a seasonal event.
Bad players making bad use of an unbalanced tool does not make that tool balanced. :P
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Off the top of my head- Doctor, Deathslinger, Cannibal, Trickster, Huntress, and Pyramid Head all directly prevent snowmen from being useful in some way or another. Demogorgon, Nemesis, Nurse, and I'd imagine Wesker all make getting that extra hit so trivial with the lack of distance that they functionally also do the same.
Yes, STBFL needs high stacks. You also get high stacks by hitting snowmen.
Certainly, but we aren't talking about an unbalanced tool. We're not talking about a tool at all, we're talking about an event gimmick, and it's balanced enough to be presented for a brief window with the intent of either goofy fun or hide and seek.
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From what I am reading, Cannibal, Trickster, Huntress, Demo, Nurse, and Pyramid Head all only pop the snowman.
I stand by what I said about the rest of STBFL.
We are talking about an in-trial object that grants a Survivor immunity from a single hit from most attacks in exchange for being slowed down and being unable to do anything else while the shield is up. That is objectively what we are discussing.
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Cannibal and Trickster pop the snowman without ending their power, so they can both just keep going and damage the survivor too. Cannibal and Deathslinger are the best picks if you really want to just ignore the snowmen entirely, but the others all pop the snowman and can ready up another hit very quickly, given the lack of distance and randomised placement.
Yep. But that shield isn't a tool given to survivors for chase-based gameplay, it's a gimmick for an event that is geared towards either goofing off or stealthing. That context doesn't go away and can't be ignored, it's just as important as every other element of this discussion.
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Fair point on Cannibal, but for the rest (including Trickster), that still means they have to deal with effectively a third health state.
How is it not a tool for chase-based gameplay? You get chased, you run into a snowman/pallet, you jump in/drop it before getting hit, you survive, you keep running.
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Deathslinger doesn't either. As for the others, "third health state" only matters if it actually adds noticeable time to a chase, which it does not for the killers on that list. It's also still deeply misleading to use the phrase "third health state" when there is no speed boost. What people are arguing isn't actually that the snowmen are a third health state, it's that they're a free protection hit, which is a different thing. Nemesis, for instance, actually does have to deal with a third health state, because infection gives a speed boost.
You get chased, you run into a snowman, you jump in- oops, you got hit during the animation. Okay, next chase, you run into a snowman, you're far enough away that you finish the animation- oops, the killer's power says no. Next game, you run into a snowman, you're far enough away that you finish the animation, the killer uses an M1- oops, you go down/get injured a few seconds later because you got no distance. They're not designed for chases and the stars have to align before you even get any value from trying to use them that way.
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I was only referring to the characters you mentioned. I know Deathslinger hard counters the snowman. As far as the killers that barely lose time as a result, those are the killers that are already considered good to begin with. The killers that already struggle are hurt that much more by that additional bubble. As by my standards, if the Survivor is taking a hit, not going down, and slowing the Killer down while they are able to run at normal speed, that is effectively a third health state. If baiting with old DH was able to count, this definitely does.
The first two examples you mention are bad gameplay, and the third won't happen if they successfully tank the hit. I repeat, bad players being bad doesn't make the unbalanced tool balanced. It's like saying new DH sucks because the Survivors can't time it right. The better you are, the more you'll be able to abuse it.
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Yes, a few killers were hit unfairly by the snowmen, that much I'll agree with. Pure M1 killers also had to do a little bit of positional work before they could render the snowmen borderline useless, and I wouldn't mind further disincentivising using them in chase, since that's already not what they're for. Something like not putting the killer into the cooldown wipe would be fine- not necessary, but fine, to make it more clear the snowmen aren't for chases.
As for bad players playing badly, sure. But the problem is trying to use them in chase at all was already using them badly, because they don't actually provide value in a majority of scenarios. The stars have to align that you're playing against an M1 killer that isn't using STBFL and doesn't know the trick about standing in front of the snowman, and it's only at that point which you get... the amount of distance you get running normally from a killer's weapon wipe animation, without any guarantee about what else you have around to run to. IE... a free protection hit, not a third health state, when the stars align to let you get it.
Not a bad place for an event gimmick that clearly was designed for other uses, eh?
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I don't know where you're getting that they don't have use in chase because they fundamentally do by being able to eat hits. I think you overestimate the way the stars have to align, and I think you underestimate the amount of distance gained.