This onryo slugging strat is getting reallly freaking old BHVR....

At this point I literally don't even care how much you buff her to make up for it. But this BS where everyone is spending half the game on the floor has just became completely annoying. It's getting to the point where I'm just going to DC every time I see it, the match is going to last longer than the penalty anyway, what's the freaking point in bearing through that?
is this really what you envisioned the game to be? half the lobby just sitting there waiting?
Don't worry, her midchapter changes will be coming any moment now for sure
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oh yea, I'm sure that will happen just like they said they were going to improve the solo queue experience....LMAO I wont hold my breath that's for sure...
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Run unbreakable,no mither,boon exponential even soul guard to prevent slugging.
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I think everyone else would also like it if she had some viable strategy except a very, very weak mindgame around loops. When she's so short as to already be handicapped there.
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I think everybody would be happy if they nerfed this strategy and buffed her.
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It's really unhealthy tactic for both survivors and Sadako. This is why:
- As a Sadako, you're not receiving hooking points. -pips and bp.
- As a survivors, you're not receiving unhooking points. -pips and bp.
- This tactic feels completely out of place. You basically playing a different game, which is not good.
Personally, I'm a fan of playing the game normally. Down a survivor --- Safely hook them --- Go for a different survivor. Tunnel or camp only when all 5 gens been completed. Thats it.
Slugging from the beggining feels like a waste to me... And tbh... Disgusting. (If this is her best strat, I'd rather not play her at all)
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They also said stuff that they're going to make the maps less flat with more hills and other stuff like this when the first resident chapter dropped.
Over 1 year later nothing changed,we got one of the most flat and horrible map in the game,the Borgo.
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What is this build or whatever going around? I’ve yet to play a sadoko doing this.
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Using Iridescent Videotape and Ring Drawing and almost never hooking anyone so when survivors pick each other up and heal after you slug them it just slowly spreads condemned through Ring Drawing along with teleporting constantly. Makes Condemned actually viable and it’s miserable to play against.
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I mean what do you expect you play one of the worst killers in the entire game you have to do some dickish stuff to win thats how the game is
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The depressing thing is that these addons are also the only way her ability is ever going to come into play unless it's against some really, really derpy and misplaced survivors. Cooldown time for a TV is otherwise, what, 100s? And you'd need to teleport near someone 7 times? Add the 30s initial cooldown, and unless you keep finding the same survivor running from TV to TV, that's up to twelve minutes. Even without their getting rid of Condemned.
The iri one is the only way the teleport remains even halfway functional and not strangled by how it can be disabled, and the ring drawing is the only other thing that spreads it. It's ridiculous.
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I just wish her basekit was better so I could actually justify nerfing this playstyle but I can’t until then. Iri Tape is cracked but the TV cooldowns are ridiculous without it and yes it’s 100 seconds after you teleport to it (only 60 if a survivor turns it off).
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You guys complain about everything.
- Killer downing too fast (nurse, blight, spirit) ? Not fun, please nerf.
- Killer defending hooks (trapper, hag) ? Not fun, please nerf.
- Killer having slowdown to defend gens (pinhead) ? Not fun, please nerf.
- Killer having antiloop (artist, pyramid head) ? Not fun, please nerf.
Sadako is actually the perfect killer in your survivor rulebook. She doesn’t tunnel or camp. You don’t like her because :
- she doesn’t commit to a chase for 5 gens like a dog
- she punishes genrush
Also, she does slug but not to spread condemn (it’s not her strongest addon). She does it only because it takes too much time to hook a survivor. To counter this strategy, all you have to do is tapes or use UB, overcome or bastmine (I know that’s hard to not be a metaslave). That’s it. Respect her power. Now leave this killer in peace and go post another nurse nerf thread.
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not as old as rushing gens
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"The strategy that heavily involves healing actions spreading condemned doesn't slug to spread condemned" is a funny take on it. I've played it, you don't avoid hooking because hooking is slow, you avoid hooking because being slugged is two chances to spread condemned and progress to the mori, while being unhooked is only one.
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Good Onryos play Iri Video tape and Bloody fingernails. Ring drawing is for noobs and easy to counter with coh, ub and overcome. Also good survivors will pre leave the gens and won’t take any hit.
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1) which strategy is this thread about, again? Oh, right, the slugging-for-condemned.
2) UB and Exponential (which I assume you mean, not my-speedboost-on-hit-is-longer) barely show up any more, if exponential ever did. Yes, CoH allowing for unlimited free self-healing does negate the ring drawing, but that just encourages the slugging.
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1) You still slug with Iri Video tape and Bloody fingernails. You do it to bait survivors near TVs and get fat condemn stacks.
2) UB and Coh are S tier perks. And Overcome is A. And I forgot medkits earlier which are very common. This thread only proved that this strat has a lot of counters. Survivors are dying because they want to genrush and ignore tapes. OP is complaining about being slugged, all you have to do is bring UB. That’s it.
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The problem is that there is little to no other way to get value out of condemn.
And if I want a teleporting Killer I can just take Freddy.
As such I am all in for a nerf to the slug+condemn strat when they buff her regular condemn as well as her TVs a bit. I mean, come on: If I turn off a TV it is 60 seconds, but if Onryo teleports it is 100? That just seems wrong...
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As such I am all in for a nerf to the slug+condemn strat when they buff her regular condemn as well as her TVs a bit. I mean, come on: If I turn off a TV it is 60 seconds, but if Onryo teleports it is 100? That just seems wrong...
Sometimes it feels like killer base-kit is balanced by the most bias survivor main the world. The add-on on the other hand feel like they're designed by a killer player.
whoever designs the add-on in killer saves the killer so much suffering. the add-on are complete blessing.
sounds like non-sense list of pointless stuff, most of it is also untrue.
You get a lot of emblem points in everything and blood-point in everything as Sadako. your getting bloodpoints for hitting survivors and injuring survivors for the hit & run play-style of her condemn build-up. This in turn build-up chaser emblem and malicious emblem as these emblems are based off hits and injuries. generator emblem has no correlation to the killer power and you get devout emblem(sacrifice emblem) for her mori. Sadako gets bloodpoints for using television teleport's and manifest hits for malicious category. The only emblem you can lose out on as Sadako for playing this way is either devout or malicious emblem having 9 hook requirement to be iri. Other then that, her emblems are normal apart from one emblem.
Survivors get bloodpoints from getting chased, doing generators and escape. They also get points for unhooking and healing. Unhooking is does not happen, but you still get blood-point for healing slugged survivors. arguably only healing points are difficult because of add-on punishing you for healing but you can still technically heal if you take tapes out of TV to lower your condemn. gen, survival and chaser emblems are regular. Since nobody get hooked, you will not lose points for your teammate getting hooked. you can only gain emblem points from healing. Pipping should be arguably really easy because weak chase killer+no hooking(no points loss in healing category).
Don't worry, they will put unlimited base-kit unbreakable for more survivor hand-holding. Nothing for killer will change though.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on1 -
always funny that people defend this playstyle because shes apparently so useless without it
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It's one of those strategies that's manageable, but solo queue matchmaking always does its thing and turns it into a free 4k for the killer. Really frustrating. It's like anything else with solo queue. Two players are solid and it's unclear if the other two have their monitors turned on. Onryo struggles to even down two players and meanwhile a survivor is somehow Mori'd at 5 remaining gens because they didn't interact with the tapes at all.
The strongest thing you can do on killer is make the game take a long time because solo matchmaking is so godawful and one player will always throw if the game pushes past 8 minutes. That's essentially what this strat does by forcing players to play patient/slow and use tapes.
The question should always be: is it fun? Not really. It turns games into a slog if you're countering it. You're either slugged or constantly using tapes. It's really slow and deliberate gameplay. And that's on top of the build the killer is going to have to make it viable, which already sucks to play against (CoB/Eruption). It might be fun for the killer if you get solos who aren't countering it, but I guarantee the killer isn't enjoying it against a well-organized team who denies the Condemned mori for 20 minutes.
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isnt this the build that the Sadako main uses in his 300+ winstreaks or something
you talk like Iri addons are so common lmao. i only have 2 for sadako and I have over 3k hours
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Maybe put more bloodpoints into her? There’s a lot of people that have over 200 iri addons on every killer.
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If you get slugged by Onryo it's your own fault, if you let a m1 killer slug all four survivors there's no reason why someone cant run long enough for them to get picked up off the ground unless you're getting mopped up in the match.
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What choice do the Killer Players Have? Not only is her Condemnation Mechanic complete garbage unless you build around forcing it, but even using her power to teleport around is more punishing to her than it is the survivors. Add in the Fact that they gave an M1 "Stealth Killer" a freaking Lullaby radius, and what you get is a killer that can't do their job the normal way, so they have to resort to using whatever scummy, or "boring" advantage they can get.
It's just like how nobody thought Clown was useful unless he had the Redhead's Pinky Finger add-on equipped, or Demogorgon without the Rat-Tail. on second thought is actually worse than that, because at least those 2 still got some use out of their powers, and it didn't punish them as hard.
Seriously devs... a Lullaby Radius on an M1 Stealth killer? smh, I thought they learned from the "noisy Ghost Face PTB" debacle.