All winter cosmetics are leaving, really bhvr?

Whilst the cosmetics will be leaving the store after this seasonal period ends, they will become available next year during the winter season.
21 -
Sadly, they have not stated if these cosmetics are seasonal or leave entirely. However, judging by them stating at the last possible moment that the Halloween cosmetics would come back next year, I can only presume this is the case with these holiday cosmetics. Otherwise, there'd be a massive backlash.
Edit: nevermind, it is confirmed that they are seasonal and I just found out
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That is so incredulously scummy, "Buy them now or wait a year!"
Why are the old ones leaving too? They're not apart of the new event? What's next; hallowed blight stuff only being available during October?
60 -
This is an incredibly scummy business practice. Retroactively making older content time limited is a new low.
64 -
Wait, does this mean... all the old "winter themed" skins (not the new ones that just came out) will be suddenly limited only?!
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Including sweaters, yes
17 -
Just as a side note, I haven't seen a single TP Mummy Dwight since Halloween, during which he was semi common.
For all the fuzz, not a lot of people seem to be in the mood for seasonal cosmetics outside of the season. Interesting :>
7 -
And yet I've seen plenty of people using Spring, Blighted, and Christmas cosmetics which were not time limited outside of the respective seasons.
Just not with Mummy Dwight. But then again, I only saw about 2 people with that skin anyway.
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What I would want to know and getting confirmed, though: will the seasonal outfits become purchasable with shards during the last 4 days, or is the 4 weeks thing not a hard timer?
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They will not become purchasable with shards, these themed seasonal outfits are exempt from that.
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Mandy said elsewhere:
So they are confirmed to be auric only at the moment
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Well, thanks you two. While a bummer this is at least now known and no sudden disappointment.
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Yeah it's less of a sudden disappointment, more of a slowly shaking your head disappointment. I can't say I was personally surprised by it
That's how it was for me at least
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What?! The sweaters are going to be seasonal? Those are my favorite! I don't have them on this platform yet.
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If only they could bring it back in July as a gimmick for our southern hemisphere folks who do "Christmas in July"
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Sorry, but can we have confirmation on the Sweaters being time limited? That, or point us in the direction of the source? Many thanks!
Ignore me. Literally in the first post!
ALTHOUGH I WILL ASK, will these other items be made available for shards if not already, or will they remain set to their current pricing structure?
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the OP's pic says "Ugly Sweaters" right there
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Notice on the image in the OP it says the following:
"In addition to the Deck the Trials collection, The Cozy Break, Holidary Horrors, Ugly Sweaters, Winter Tales Collection will also be available up till January 4th 11AM, but don't worry! they will be back next holiday season"
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Nobody cries when other live service games do seasonal skins but when DBD does it it's "scummy" lol. Don't get me wrong I'd prefer it if they didn't do this but let's not pretend anything out of the ordinary for the industry at large is happening.
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What about the ones that are being removed from the store that are currently available for shards? Will they be available for shards when they come back or after they're removed going forward they will be auric cell only?
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Compared to other games, we have a way to send feedback through those forums. Try do the same with the Apex reddit, go ahead.
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I don't have that information at this time I'm afraid.
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Thing is, they’re retroactively making older skins exclusive now. I’ve never heard of that one before.
30 -
To not break the forum rules this time... I hope the people responsible for this new decision will backtrack after realising they are erasing a lot of trust between the devs and the community.
I feel like this decision wasn't made wisely at all.
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In my opinion, this speaks more to the fact that consumers are conditioned to horrific, anti-consumer practices aimed to scam you out of everything within your wallet, and all the free time you have, rather than the fact that BHVR joining the industry standard is a good thing, actually.
28 -
I have to say it's really disappointing to see cosmetics that were always available not only be removed from the store but also possibly made to be auric cell only instead of available for shards. It's also extremely discouraging to see that only a few months after announcing "all original non-licensed cosmetics" would be available for shards after 4 weeks BHVR has not only gone back on this by making loophole exceptions with "time limited" cosmetics but also that current shard available cosmetics are being removed to most likely make them auric cell only with a time limited loop hole BHVR has not created.
BHVR made players very excited with the "all original non-licensed cosmetics will be made available for shards after 4 weeks" only to just ruin it in such a short time. This is yet another time that BHVR has made a statement that excited players only to go back on it. It doesn't help gain player trust when each time they get excited by something they basically get a slap in the face of disappointment not long after.
Also frustration is not directed at you Mandy but at whoever makes these decisions at BHVR. I know you are just in the unfortunate situation of being the messenger.
25 -
I don't disagree I just roll my eyes at people trying to single out BHVR when they're actually late to the party. To be honest I don't even really understand it as a business decision, I get BHVR wanting to create this feeling of exclusivity and create impulse buys but I'm not convinced that would outweigh what you would earn by just leaving them in the shop all year long.
My only guess is with everything being able to be bought with shards in the future, creating some exclusive skins tied to seasonal events was their work around to finding a way to not actually do that with every skin. And if that's the case it's a compromise between trying to give the community what it wants while still maintaining a profitable business model and while not ideal I think that's a fine trade off in the long run and still better than what a lot of games do.
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So, are we changing our steam reviews to negative?
I feel like "removing cosmetics from the game" is a pretty good reason to change our reviews.
Post edited by Jay_Whyask on26 -
I am already against FOMO, but just because its coming back next year fixes almost nothing, I am not waiting a whole year to buy a sweater that I could have gotten originally whenever I felt like
22 -
Please do not spread misinformation, this is not something that is stated to happen.
I've clarified I do not know how these items will be purchasable on their return, I genuinely do not expect them to change and that those that are purchasable with shards now will hopefully remain so - this is just some time in the future and not something I personally can guarantee.
5 -
LMFAO u guys make a big twitter post how and I quote "all non licensed outfits will become available to purchase with shards after 4 weeks from now on" and since then literally all non licensed outfits you released have been limited-time only ones that don't become purchasable with shards at all - amazing! 🤣
56 -
I already did change mine. The situation begins with the halloween event and we had to wait until December to get a response from the devs.
It's not minsformation to assume the worst case scenario if we lack any confirmation. It's a genuine human reaction.
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It says it on the in-game news about them being back next Holiday season?
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Which is totally understandable, in my opinon. I am just mad that I didn't grab TP Dwight lol. I am willing to wait to come back in the next Halloween event lol.
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I don't understand why cosmetics that have been permanent in the shop will be removed to be LTOs. If something is going to be limited time only, it should be released that way, not made retroactive.
20 -
Okay, how about all of those "limited" aha ha🤣 cosmetics stay in the store like they're supposed to and we, just, forget all of this happened.
I understand, we all make mistakes. Like that one time Pharmacy got nerfed. It happens sometimes, but what's important about making mistakes is that we learn from them.
I believe this makes an excellent learning experience.
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Don't forget to nominate them for the "Labor of Love" award on Steam!
24 -
That's extremely disappointing to hear.
I believed that they would because previously released information stated that new non-licensed outfits would become purchasable with shards after 4 weeks and these are available for a little over 4 weeks so i told people that you should be able to, unless they make an exception or come up with a new rule... i really did not expect that would happen.
11 -
The actual nerve honestly
First Forged in Fog now this
10 -
it isn't right for you to say this is misinformation when there isn't any information at all. For all you know we're absolutely correct about this. I'm sorry Mandy I know this isn't on you and your just the envoy. I'm sure every single one of us would love to be wrong. However with deductive reasoning and the state of greed that has plague the world of late it isn't hard to see why anyone of us would think the way we do.
20 -
Same. I didn't think they'd go back on that statement, especially since they made it only a couple months ago.
Not only are they not making these time limited cosmetics available for shards after the 4 weeks but they are also removing cosmetics that are currently available for shards to also make them time limited. It's like that backtracked on a good consumer decision to then double-down on the anti-consumer decision.
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They will be back next year.
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ya you've said that a few times, I can't help but notice you're the only one however. Care to add anything constructive to the topic?
18 -
Them doing this right when Ada and Rebecca get their ugly sweaters. Oh they're sick for this.
3 -
I am so disappointed. I love the cosmetic side of the game and I don't care if I have to purchase auric cells or just use shards. But this type of stuff really turns me off. Why do you even have to do this? What's the point? Could you at least explain that to your consumers?
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Um not true. I was waiting for dwights hooked on you cosmetics to change to shards and it did. So im a happy camper for that.
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It's not that bad really, Deciding to have seasonal skins only available during that timeframe. it's not unheard of.
The biggest issue is that these aren't going to be available with shards.....