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Item Rework: Med-kits and their addons.

pimin Member Posts: 51
edited December 2022 in Creations


This is a rebalance of the items we have in game. In no way am I removing the functionality of the items, only working the items to a state in which they cannot function as a 5th Perk for the survivors. I am posting them as I make them to receive feedback on what people think of items changing like this.


The Med-Kit is an Item that is used to heal yourself and other Survivors. Other Survivors can also be healed without the use of a Med-Kit, but it takes considerably longer.

Without the use of Self-Care or Boon: Circle of Healing, a Survivor cannot heal themselves without one. Different Add-ons can be equipped that enhance its healing speed or durability.


Med-kits now drain at 1 c/s unless effected by Item Efficiency Bonuses or Debuffs.

Camping Aid Kit:

Unlocks the Self-Heal action.

Increased the Altruistic Healing speed of +12.5%.

The Camping Aid Kit has a Capacity of 14 Charges.

Change Log and Reasoning: 

Brown Medkits are meant to be weak and mostly useless. Having to use an add-on to increase this item’s versatility is a better use of many people’s BP. Making the most common Medkit purely designed to encourage team healing by making it virtually unable to fully self-heal at base is a good way to encourage newer players into teamwork. 

12.5% of 16 is 2. This is why the speed increase was reduced. To make it just enough to heal another Once.

Charges reduced by 2. 

Increased Altruistic Healing Speed reduced by 2.5%

First Aid Kit & Event Med-kits:

Unlocks the Self-Heal action.

Increased the Altruistic Healing speed of +25%.

The First Aid Kit has a Capacity of 24 Charges.

Change Log and Reasoning: 

Yellow Medkits surprisingly have very little to criticize at base. The way I’ve been calculating things is that healing without an item is 16 seconds which equates to 16 charges out of an item. I adjusted all calculations to be even seconds rather than the offsets they had. 

25% of 16 is 4. Making 12 charges to heal another person. 

Altruistic Healing Speed reduced by 10%

Emergency Med-Kit:

Unlocks the Self-Heal action.

Decreased Item Efficiency of -50%

Increased the Personal Healing speed of +50 %.

Increased the Altruistic Healing speed of +50 %.

The Emergency Med-Kit has a Capacity of 16 Charges.

Change Log and Reasoning:

Green Med-kits are the one most players would complain about if it is left too much as it is in a rework looking to devalue med-kits. As such the most unique idea is making the item burn very quickly. 

Item efficiency is basically a multiplicative change to how many charges it takes to equal 1 charge of non-affected items. 50% is basically a 2:1. Which changes this medkit to 1 very fast heal rather than 2.

Added item efficiency reduction.

Ranger Medical Kit:

Unlocks the Self-Heal action.

Increased Altruistic Healing speed of +37.5%.

Increased Good Skill Check zone of +16%.

Increased Great Skill Check zone of +15%.

Decreased Progression bonus of Great Healing Skill Checks of 2.5%

The Ranger Med-Kit has a Capacity of 30 Charges.

Change Log and Reasoning:

Purple med-kits are, flatly, the hardest one to think about. I play both sides and dislike this while I am a killer and love it while a survivor. They grant so much speed that it’s a requirement to bring it in line. Now only fully healing 3 other people.

37.5% of 16 is 6. 10 seconds to a full heal and the reduction in charges to explain it. On top of that, while performing a healing action hitting a great skill check adds 5% to the progress bar. With bigger skill check success zones it makes sense for it to decrease the bonus received since the skill required for it has been reduced.

Increased altruistic healing speed reduced by 12.5%.

Added decreased success bonus.

Number of charges reduced by 2.


Rubber Gloves

Increases the Progression bonus of Great Healing Skill Checks by +1.25 %.

Butterfly Tape

Increases the Med-Kit's Healing speeds by +6.25 %.


Increases the Med-Kit's Capacity by +4 Charges.


Increases the Progression bonus of Great Healing Skill Checks by +2.5 %.

Self Adherent Wrap

Increases the Med-Kit's Self-Healing speed by +6.25%.

Increases the Med-Kit's Capacity by +1 Charges.

Needle & Thread

Increases the Med-Kit's Healing speeds by +15 %.

Increases the Trigger odds of Healing Skill Checks by +10 %.

Decreases Progression bonus of Great Healing Skill Checks by 2%

Grants 100 % bonus Bloodpoints for Great Healing Skill Checks.

Medical Scissors

Increases the Med-Kit's Healing speeds by +15 %.

Gauze Roll

Increases the Med-Kit's Capacity by +8 Charges.

Surgical Suture

Increases the Med-Kit's Self-Healing speed by +15 %.

Increases the Trigger odds of Healing Skill Checks by +15 %.

Decreases Progression bonus of Great Healing Skill Checks by 1%

Grants 150 % bonus Bloodpoints for Great Healing Skill Checks.

Gel Dressings

Increases the Med-Kit's Capacity by +12 Charges.

Abdominal Dressing

Increases the Med-Kit’s Altruistic Healing speed by 12.5%

Increases the Med-Kit's Self-Healing speed by +25 %.

Reduces the Med-Kit's Capacity by -6 Charges.

Styptic Agent

Press the Secondary Action button while healing an injured Survivor with the Med-Kit to use the Styptic Agent:

Grants the Endurance Status Effect for 5 seconds.

Removes the Hemorrhage Status effect. 

Can be used on other Survivors or yourself.

Consumes the Med-Kit on use.

Antihemorrhagic Syringe

Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-Kit to use the Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe:

Over the next 16 seconds, the affected Survivor will passively gain 1 Health State.

This time is affected by Healing Speed modifiers.

The effect is canceled if the affected Survivor changes their Health State or is picked up by the Killer.

Can be used on other Survivors or yourself.

Consumes the Med-Kit on use.

Refined Serum

Press the Secondary Action button while healing with the Med-Kit to use the Refined Serum:

Increases your Movement speed by +5 % for 16 seconds.

Creates a Blight trail behind the affected Survivor.

Can be used on other Survivors or yourself.

Removes the Endurance Effect when used.

Consumes the Med-Kit on use.

Haunted by Daylight Event Item.

Final thoughts

Yes. I know. It's an overall nerf to the entire field but Med-Kits are the most powerful items. The main idea was to make them more team based with Self Healing being relegated to the addons. I will say this again: I did not remove anything, only changed.

Post edited by pimin on


  • TurboTOne
    TurboTOne Member Posts: 347

    im not entirely sure, but a Speed bonus does not help with less charges as far as i know. so if a Medkit doesnt have 16 Charges, you won't be able to fully heal with it. No matter how fast you heal, you just burn through the charges faster.

    Wich would mean the Emergency Medkit could heal you half, really fast. But thats about it.

    and healing others works even without a Medkit, so using it on someone else just doesnt make much sense.

    Im agreeing with taking down the Speed at wich you can heal yourself, but taking away your ability to self heal with them is just gonna make SoloQ more Painfull as you cant rely on your Teammates to heal you, God Forgive use theri own Medkit on you.

    I would suggest that the Brown Medkit takes 20 seconds to heal one self

    The Yellow Medkit gives you 2 Heals at 22 Seconds per heal

    the Green One gives you 1 Heal that only takes 16 seconds

    and the Purple Medkit gives you 2 Heals at 18 seconds

    And then just change the Addons so they dont increase the healing speed too much.

  • pimin
    pimin Member Posts: 51

    This is taken from the Med-kits page of the wiki and is how I got their current numbers. (https://deadbydaylight.fandom.com/wiki/Med-Kits)

    I made sure to cross reference things but so far it seems like I'm on the right track. the only issue is that the math doesn't fully add up cleanly even when it would make sense to have. it also doesn't account for the item's drain rate as I don't know how that calculates when speed is increased. So you're probably right and is an overarching change I need to specify later.

    "and healing others works even without a Medkit, so using it on someone else just doesnt make much sense." right so. the point of using a medkit on another person is so that it doesn't take as long. Which in some scenarios is better than hiding and healing alone.

    As for your thing relating to the teamwork aspect of this game, that's kind of the point of this change make the altruism of it be rewarded better rather than make it purely a selfish tool. In fact the purely selfish use of med-kits is the problem with them. yes it helps the team to be able to heal with only one person but it also promotes a number of bad habits that the community has and exploits.

    So far from the balance patches that touch Self-Care (The perk), it seems the Devs want survivors to seek out others to heal more often than not and make it take extremely long without help. SC and CoH do promote the same bad habits as well. and if the killer know how to exploit those habits they become mostly nonissues. Not many killers can exploit those habits even if they have the knowledge. Med-kits combined with them make them worse.

    I want to buff survivors and solo-queue as a whole, but that can't happen when the state of survivor builds is relegated to a few perks and bringing Items that act as 5th. I don't want to play with and fight 5 perks.