New perk to counter teabagers
Anyone who teabags gets the exposed status effect cannot leave and mori able
Now why such a stupid perk simple
To teach survivors not to linger when there is no need I play killer most of the time and when survivors just linger at exit gate is open it's like your just wasting everyone's time but when they teabag oh boy just makes you want to spit in Thier face
I really do not get the people that wait around in the exit gate until the timer's nearly up. Like, I've tabbed out to talk to someone in another window, or gone to make a drink, and they're still there. No, I'm not coming over, I'm doing something else now you've won...? You're all full health, it won't give me anything to go over there.
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I have a better counter and it doesn't even use a perk slot.
As a killer you can hold W towards the exit gate and it magically makes the survivors leave, I know I know, sharing this secret is grounds for execution.
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In other word giving the survivor exactly what they want and why they do it great idea
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thankfully my ego isn't as fragile as most on this forums so it doesn't upset me at all.
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It's not even about getting upset or not it's showing the guys that do it to taunt that it works cause the killer comes they can show of there little brain dead dance and so they will continue and others will see it and start doing it so I have to walk all the way to the gate just to get out of a game that is already finished.
And since your ego isn't so fragile you should have no problem with that perk idea cause you would never do such a thing and even if you would do that your ego would take no dmg from getting killed by that perk right?
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"I play killer most of the time"
You dont need to mention this. Only Killers can be so upset about something like spamming a button.
Let alone that this is easily counterable by just forcing them out. If you dont want to force them out because you think they do something to you with their teabagging, then you have to accept to wait those 2 minutes.
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What has running a perk got to do with ego? Most of the survivors I Vs are dead before the exit gates are powered so I'd get no use out of it anyway.
"so I have to walk all the way to the gate" my guy, you're acting like it's time consuming to hold W for 15 seconds in a direction as opposed to waiting 2 whole minutes, you guys sure are dramatic.
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B..but....MY EGO
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me t-bagging my survivor randoms i get queued with just to be perma locked in game and die.
The fact this person wants mori + exposed on someone who is literally locked in the trial by their description of the perk has me laughing.
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Sure sugar boy congrats on being a beast of a killer.
You know who are the only people that are against a change or make fun of a change that does nothing but eliminating something that gets used to be toxic? People that do it
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I'm imagining a Hingle McCringleberry scenario where a single Urban Evasion maneuver is fine, but two pumps is exposed+mori
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Oh, I have another perk idea.
If the killer hits me on the hook more than 1 time... the perk will automatically let me escape from the hook and give me 3 minutes of endurance :p
BM works on both sides and if BM should be punished then they should punish BOTH sides.
Or... you stop caring.
When I first started playing Killer, teabagging really bothered me and made me SO angry.
So angry that I threw whole matches just to get that one survivor.
Eventually, the longer I played, I started to care less and less.
I find it childish when a team waits at the exit just to show they've won (surprise, I already know :p ) , so I think these teams are probably teenagers between 13 and 16 and well, that's how half children behave. There may also be adults who mentally haven't got past their teenage years. I don't take these people seriously either.
Either I use the time to get something else done or I chase them out. I don't have to wait for the whole EGC if I don't want to, I can just chase them out.
Don´t let them get to you with their childish exit- gate games. That´s what they want.
When I play survivor I don't do any of those things. I only wait at the exit when I know that a teammate isn't there yet to see if I can still help or not. Because we are a team.
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Get good
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And so what if I tbag? The op literally said they want to spit in people's faces, I would take every game I ever play until the end of time having the person who bested me tbag me than be spat in the face, but it's ok you can continue to defend this person.
I am a fantastic killer, thank you 🥰 gunna go tbag some survivor as ghostie now while I bleed them out for 4 minutes. 🫡
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Yeah ur definitely a person I wish they hit there toe next time they get up
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I actually really like this idea and think it would be healthy for the game.
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BHVR could easily fix teabaggin by just putting a cooldown of 5 seconds on crouching but nah.
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Survivors countering this perk by pointing instead tbagging
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I wish no ill will towards yourself and hope you have a great day.
I find it funny how you speak of toxicity in dead by daylight Because of players spamming a button but both you and op want to either spit on players or wish harm upon them. The mental gymnastics you must be doing right now to come to the conclusion that you're in the right here must be Olympic levels.
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Why should they?
To please some butthurt Killers?
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the perk would quite literally be on the same level as Lightborn in terms of effectiveness and have the exact same moto
"7% of the time, it works every time!"
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Bizarro Sluzzy, is that you?
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bro it isnt that serious what
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It's a hard stretch to think it's a perk to spit in survivors when all it does is countering tbagging but Okey.
I don't wish you harm I wish you to stub your toe wich I wish for everyone saying they like to bleed out people
And it's actually nothing serious. It's a quite common thing to say where I am from when you have a disagreement with someone it's not even something you actually wish it's more like urggh I'm annoyed we can't come to terms here. (sorry don't know how to discribe it better in englisch)
I hope you don't actually think I want you any harm
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If you encounter t-baggers at the game just go into the next match and slug everyone until they bleed out. If you hook someone make sure to hit them at least 10 times and nod your head. If survivors wants taunts , give them as much as you like.
I played nice won and gave hatch to 6 games in a row. In the 7th everybody escaped because I tried a joke build. They t-bagged and insulted in the chat how useless I was. Nobody is innocent. Slug and tunnel until you win and make the Entity proud.
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Pointing doesn't have the real life history or implications of teabagging.
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Teabagging is annoying but like you don't have to go to the exit gate to watch em do it. When the survivors have all gotten to the gate I just smash pallets, farm with my power or go afk, it's no biggie.
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A hard stretch? Did you read ops posts, HE LITERALLY SAID HE WANTS TO SPIT ON PEOPLE
" but okey " lmaoooooooooooo
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Wait what?
How is the solution to a bad behaviour is to be even worst to a completely different group that havent done anything to you?
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That's... not how that works. I'm against this for multiple reasons and not because I teabag at the exit gates.
1 - Whatever this perk counters, another method of being toxic that will make people like OP just as mad will emerge. Does X crouches per second count? Now survivors will do exactly one less than that. Has to be in the exit gate? Then they wait outside it and teabag right there, if they can. Can't crouch at all? Now they nod and shake their heads. They'll find a way to taunt you, and it's your job to not let it get to you, not try to ban every possible action that can make you mad.
2 - How does this perk distinguish between toxicity and normal gameplay? What if a survivor is teabagging with their teammates they spawned near at the start of the match? What if you're playing against a killer like huntress/slinger/trickster and need to crouch multiple times around a loop, or are trying to dodge these projectiles as you run to the exit? What if you're newer to the game / on console and press the crouch button instead of vaulting / dropping a pallet?
3 - The idea is just stupid. Even if you magically created a system that can always distinguish toxicity from normal gameplay, and punishes it accordingly, permanent loss for teabagging at all is a dumb perk concept and won't change anything (see 1). If you want to punish this type of gameplay, Freddy and Knight have certain add-ons, killers like Twins and Cenobite have bloodwarden effects built into their power, and you can also use bloodwarden to prevent survivors from leaving. This perk concept is a waste of development time for something that is not really an issue.
A similar example to this suggestion is the flashlight click change. I, along with many others, am fully for this change overall as it was needed for epileptic players, but I was against the idea of not allowing survivors to re-click at least once to adjust their timing, so I was against it (changing rapid clicking in the way they did) without being someone who was doing it (spam clicking in the killer's face). So trying to equate everyone who disagrees to survivors that teabag killers is a bit disingenuous.
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Nothing says delivering karmic justice to those that have wronged you by ruining the experience of players completely unrelated to that experience.
"Nobody is innocent" okay grandma let's get you off to bed
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Then maybe survivors shouldn't get so butthurt when killers tunnel and camp since its the best strategy to deal with genrush.
Also I look at it from both sides since I play both roles just as much,teabagging creates toxicity and there's no other way around it,people will use it to be toxic if they can.
But yeah sure,spread your toxicity around.
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That doesn't answer their question.
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Because it will most likely force survivors leave since they cant teabag anymore,and it will lessen the toxicity.
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Or it will give solo queue less ways to communicate, as crouching/pointing/waving/vague nods or head shakes are literally the only options right now.
What if BHVR added in a way for the killer to be able to hit the survivor in the exit gate and if they don't leave, they can get hit again and possibly picked up and hooked? That way the killer just needs to walk towards the exit and the survivors will be essentially forced to leave!
Way better than a bandaid perk.
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lol they want you to be upset. Just don’t be fragile. Push them out and go next. It’s really not a big deal.
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Unreleated ? You would be surprised how many times after a toxic match I would still play nice only to see another group of toxic survivors and regret going easy just to be nice. Once it becomes too repetitive .. the killers will return the favor. Tunneling , camping and slugging are on the table when a line is crossed.
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I'm afraid most people in the world dislike playing with #########. Even sports have rules against unsportsmanlike behaviour when they're a proper competition and could benefit from the psychological wars, why is it that games, which are played for fun, get a pass when people play more to crush the opponent's morale than to have a fair and fun game?
Like, I'm glad you found friends to which you can sit on their face whenever you play a board game and win and all of you seem to be okay with it, but that's not civiliced behaviour and should not be encouraged, even less so when you don't know the people you're playing against or their stories. People could be ruining the one thing that provides someone happiness by behaving like that.
I don't know. I just don't understand the "grow up", "grow a spine", "be a man" mentality. Everyone has more fun when no one plays like an #########. Why is people trying to defend playing like a massive 🍆
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Now I am fully convinced this forum is full of teenagers or man-childs.
US VS THEM .... at ANY cost. LMFAO
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This whole thread is "he splashed me" vibes lol
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lol there are better ways to communicate other than crouching,you can just spam an emote
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"Tbagging" in dbd isn't even t-bagging as it requires the other person to be on the floor below them, the comparison to actual t-bagging is so utterly ridiculous that you have to genuinely laugh, it has never actually been t-bagging unless a killer does it to a downed survivor, it's just crouch spamming.
and yes, real life games that are taken seriously have rules against these things big whoop, dbd is a goofy party game and you are allowed to take it as seriously as you want but you can't dictate how others play, all these comp games, tell me which ones punish spam crouching in the ranked / casual matches, because cs go, halo, valorant etc none of these games punish for non-tournament crouch spamming.
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Really weak argument. But I did not expect anything to be honest.
Comparing tunneling and camping to teabagging is simply wrong. Tunneling and camping have actual impact on the gameplay. Teabagging has 0 impact on the gameplay.
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There's 4 killers and 3 perks that already can do what you seem to ask.
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and then the survivors who have never done anything to you take this and use it as an excuse to be toxic to the next killer they face, who is then toxic to the next group of survivors, and thus the cycle of eternal toxicity is perpetuated.
unless those survivors were literally in the dm's of the others going "go on, tbag, do it, i know you want to" they were unrelated. quit the "nobody is innocent" bullshit, please. you dont have to justify your actions to anyone but yourself, and honestly youd sound better if you did
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I would ask how you handle any other multiplayer game but it's obvious you can't, people acting like someone is doing it in real life just like someone that threatened to call the police on me for tbagging them before it's ridiculous.
Post edited by BoxGhost on2 -
It's a legitimate playstyle.
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Well go kick them out
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Yeah cause they're definitely going to remember 2 days from now that legion that gave them exactly what they wanted, how they achieved teabag tier 3