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the saltiness of the game

why? just tell me why? btw I'm just new played last Nov
And people actually want voice chat in the game lol
Do yourself a favour and disable the endgame chat that is all its there for.
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This game's community has a lot (or at least a loud minority) of people that want the other side to play in a certain way and will ragequit / give up if you don't. It looks like in this case, the players are angry at you for tunneling quentin, which is repeatedly going for a certain player until they've been eliminated from the match. It's a good strategy to win, but many people find it unfun and you might see people get mad / throw because of it. Note: Feel free to play however you want, you paid for the game, but you will see some people quit or complain if you do things that they consider unfun to go against. It's just how this community is. You can always hide endgame chat, and if they harass you you can report them.
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There's far too many players who have forgotten this...
Just ignore it and move on
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didn't know I can do that.
also I found out that the quentin Smith is a hacker base on his steam profile.
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This is why i barely play the game anymore.
Either the 1 killer is depressed they didnt get anyone, or only got one or two or all 4 survivors are pissed at the killer. It's impossible for everyone to be happy in this game.
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didn't even get all the chat lmao If you're gonna post people malding in chat at least give us the full story
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sorry, here.
Post edited by Gizer on0 -
I'm the killer
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Welcome to dbd, where everything is your fault no mater what. Killer nor survivor is safe from the ever pointing fingers of others. Least till they get cut off.
Side note, might wana blur the names on the second image, forums have something against it or somethin.
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Ignoring it is the key, I suppose.
It used to be slightly better, but this game always had toxic players and it always will have. Honestly? There isn't much you can do about it, other than ignoring it.
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How is that salty/toxic - have you played call of duty? BF? WoW? Dota2? Overwatch? LoL? please get real haha
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Do whatever you want because no1 can force you to play like this or that but if you play like a douche you will be treated as such. That's criticism not salt.
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I don't understand, I'm new to the game isn't the killer role is to sacrifice survivor? So how it's being douchebag when sacrificing a survivor and winning a game? I don't even cheat or hack.
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I played Dota 1, Dota 2 and LoL, when I'm in highschool. 3 over 5 games, survivor are being toxic like why do I need Lethal pursuer, tunneling after I hooked 2 to 3 survivors. It's not my fault that they come on my way.
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For real like this dude told me if I play like douchebag. What should I do? Let them finish gen and get loop until end game?
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When I play survivor I don't even care what method of playing the killer do. I don't even tbag.
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Thing is, its the players and not the game (in this scenario atleast).
Theres no war because it's already lost. They just don't know when to admit defeat.
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We're gona disagree on this. The game is built around hunting, chasing, and evading. The humiliation only factors in from the players. We're not humiliated when hit with a pallet as if we need that pallet gone, we'll happily eat it. We arent humiliated when tunneled, camped, 1 shotted, hidden from whole game, etc. This is from each individual's perspective.
That aside though we do agree adding an incentive to be nicer would be a lovely treat.
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If you showed us all how you played that match we might be able to explain better. We don't have the full story here.
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But going off of the chat I'm guessing you were focusing the hell out of some1 and therefore letting 3 other people hammer gens to oblivion which loses you the game. In that scenario you're being a douche to that survivor, boring the crap out of the other 3, losing the game anyway and at the end not participate in "normal gameplay". If they focused on winning rather than having fun they probably wouldn't have DC'd and you would've lost.
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I'm not focusing on someone I was chasing the other survivor in the killer shack and then this other guy was unfortunately in there too he was tbagging me outside the window and hit him then he down. Didn't pick him up chase out the other survivor and by the time I'm returning to him he was beside the pallet and someone was beside hime and down him. Then they disconnected.
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I literally don't understand. Like the
tunneling I'm new to the game. If I was near and some go for a save I go back to chase the one who made a save if I was far I'm going on a chase. I don't really understand why's the killer fault. Who made the rules. The only thing not acceptable for me is camping like the one I played with Bubba with insideous perk inside the killer shack
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I got some over PSN last night.
Mikaela and David were being your typical bully chucklefucks, pulling off 360s, bodyblocks and flawless loops and using it to constantly harass me as killer. Of course when David is eventually hooked, Mikaela rushes the hook and rescues him when I'm literally 5m away. I down her effortlessly, but David stays to bait BT, so I whack him, he barely tries to use his speed boost, so I down him again.
Of course I get a tirade about how I'm a terrible killer and tunnelled David.
I was playing Ghostface, so I teabagged. Boy did they not like that. Almost like it's bad manners or something.
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Don't worry about it. Survivors will say anything is tunnelling. If they get rescued, then follow you around the rest of the game, and you try to chase other survivors, but they run right up to your face and beg you to kill them, they will then accuse you of tunnelling.
As a killer it is your job to kill them, and their job to avoid getting killed. If they get killed, it is their fault for failing to avoid you. Simple as that. The only way you can fail at your role is by not successfully killing them.
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Sounds like another aspect prone to imbalance.
"Why is it that killers are rewarded for playing nice but survivors don't need to?!"
"Oh so survivor rule book is official now? Killers are supposed to throw games for points but survivors don't have to?"
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I love how angry they got when you TBagged them, oh the delicious irony. I'm eating it up!!
Funnily enough, it kind of reminds me of a game I played against a David and a Mikaela.
Though this duo happened to be a three-man swf with a Feng. All three of them were cocky, but David was the cockiest. He'd keep clicky-clicking me (back when you could macro the everloving ######### out of it), looped me etc. When I managed to hook him, Mikaela or Feng would be there to rush in for the save, take a hit etc. David screwed up in the EGC and I hooked him, Mikaela and Feng were nearby waiting to go in for the unhook while injured, but I just stood my ground and shook my head at them. Feng took the hint and bolted, but Mikaela stayed and David died trying to kobe which was when Mikaela finally left.
The angry tirade of salt I got in the post-game was unbelievable, being called a bad/baby killer, how I just spammed my power among a few other choice insults I won't repeat here. Thing is, at the time I was a baby killer, all by two of my perks were yellow and I was rank ash 4. I guess they were mad that I didn't give them a win even though they played so "well", like it's not my fault they got cocky in the EGC and they ultimately threw themselves under the bus.
Edit: Spelling and grammar.
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Probably gonna need to elaborate on that, it's too early for us to think about it.