Killer camping buff

Tamo Member Posts: 19

So anyone else noticed that Killers can body block saves while they camp?

Thought we were trying to deter this kind of thing XD :(


  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    It’s been that way forever. It’s not hard to work around unless they are able to body block entrances to the hook, such as RPD hook at the bottom of the stairs by chain link gate.

  • jmwjmw27
    jmwjmw27 Member Posts: 264

    Killers have always been able to block the save. It's possible to maneuver around them in most instances, instances where they block you from even reaching the hook have always been patched out eventually (RPD library hook, that one Eyrie hook).

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 2,353

    Are you referencing when they stand directly in front of the hook & their box or whatever prevents you from saving from the sides now?

  • TotemSeeker91
    TotemSeeker91 Member Posts: 2,358

    Well why are you walking straight towards the killer to give him a hug?

  • Tamo
    Tamo Member Posts: 19

    I wasn't XD My swf mate was to get the save. Clown walked forward & she just couldn't do a thing.

    Also, to anyone saying it's always been in the game I'm laughing about it anyway but it hasn't always been an issue. I've been playing since the game came out back in 2016, wasn't always like this. Wasn't always as many campers either. We all know there's always campers though.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I did my search for the history of the origin of the term facecamping to begin with.

    Long ago in DbD, the survivor could only do the unhooking from the front of the hooked survivor. Therefore, the killer could stand in front of the hooked survivor to prevent the unhooking decision from occurring due to body blocking.

    And in the current version of DbD, the face-camping problem has already been solved because the survivor can now unhook from the side of the hooked survivor.

    Now "face camping" has changed its meaning to a term for a killer who just won't leave the vicinity of a hooked survivor.

    Now, I can't say this out loud because I'm sure there will always be a killer who will abuse the term by revealing a definite location, but there are certainly hook locations where OLD face camping is now possible. In other words, there is a hook generation where even the unhooking decision from the side disappears when the killer stands in front of the hook.

    NEW face camps are not a problem (although certainly ridiculous in 5gen).

    But this bug should be addressed.

  • Tamo
    Tamo Member Posts: 19

    If only Behaviour put as much time into some bug fixes as you did into your extensive research here XD

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I am not BHVR so I can play and debug DbD purchased from BHVR. Oh, and you can also search #DbDbug on Twitter for more issues than forum bug reports. That's helpful because the quantity is by far greater, if not as accurate as forum bug reports in terms of occurrences, etc.

    I hope BHVR finds the bug you found and fixes it😙♥️