Entity should be more present in the trials

FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 324
edited December 2022 in General Discussions

It would give this game even more uniqueness. Right now , hooks and endgame collapse are not that immersive.

Survivors need to feel the presence of this being during the trials.

Perhaps it could have a mood meter in game ? Players could do things that might impress it or make it more curious. Or do things that would make it angry.

Both killers and survivors could fight to nudge its favor.

It could also act as a judge in the trial in some ways. It could punnish unsportmanship.

The longer the trial lasts the more it may want to intervene too. It could reward either side or hinder on the fly. It might affect the map and objects in game. All to make it more fun for the players.

Right now it is kinda basic with gens and hooks.

I think dbd gameplay would gain another dimension with this.

Some examples I posted below :

Scenario 1 (objective intervention) - The trial is long and uneventfull , entity is bored. It suddenly tells Myers :

"Kill your obsession. Now."

The whole gameplay suddenly changes. Instead of gens survivors will try to keep their teammate alive while the killer will be on target. If the obsession lives for a while the survivors are rewarded and killer punished , and vice versa.

Scenario 2 - (Game master). The survivor/killer is performing poorly. So the entity alters the map a bit in terms of objects or objectives but nothing too unfair. No more landslide matches , but decent at best.

Scenario 3 - (the judge) The killer is face camping. Entity gets annoyed and floors him with a lightning strike. Survivor would find this hilarious. Less feel bad after the match. Maybe he gets off the hook too.

Same in terms to other side , survivor sandbags a teammate and entity executed him end game collapse style. The killer reaps the kill while the sandbagged survivor is ported to another part of the map.

Survivors tea bag at the gate , entity smirks and locks the exit. Now they gave to run for another gate.

The killer floors all 4 survivors , entity is impressed and rewards him match win equivalent rewards , ports all survivors to another side of the map in injured state and enables the hatch. Every chest grants a key. Now the skilled killer gets the play round 2 for more rewards.

It can go on and on. So much could be done with this. In game events , npc like stuff etc.

Post edited by FreddyVoorhees on


  • FilthyLegionMain
    FilthyLegionMain Member Posts: 1,148

    Won't work. People are waaaaay too competitive in this game for it to work well enough. I wish it could happen, I really do. Don't think it'll happen, though.

  • fake
    fake Member Posts: 3,250

    I have really thought about this in trying to get to 2k2e (50%). and tunneling and camping issues.

    Did the entity enjoy the foggy forest ritual as much as the show? Now they say they are starving for results, but they used to say they were grumpy.

    What if it pleases the entity to finish with 2k2e and receive a better reward than if you aim for 4kill?

    Or receive a challenge from the entity at the start of the game for the number of executions to aim for, although if 0kill is the challenge, it might be terrible for the player who always aims for 4kill.

    Well, it wouldn't solve the BM problem at all...

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 324

    Imagine the crazy posibilities this could have :P

    Scenario 1 (objective intervention) - The trial is long and uneventfull , entity is bored. It suddenly tells Myers :

    "Kill your obsession. Now."

    The whole gameplay suddenly changes. Instead of gens survivors will try to keep their teammate alive while the killer will be on target. If the obsession lives for a while the survivors are rewarded and killer punished , and vice versa.

    Scenario 2 - (Game master). The survivor/killer is performing poorly. So the entity alters the map a bit in terms of objects or objectives but nothing too unfair. No more landslide matches , but decent at best.

    Scenario 3 - (the judge) The killer is face camping. Entity gets annoyed and floors him with a lightning strike. Survivor would find this hilarious. Less feel bad after the match. Maybe he gets off the hook too.

    Same in terms to other side , survivor sandbags a teammate and entity executed him end game collapse style. The killer reaps the kill while the sandbagged survivor is ported to another part of the map.

    Survivors tea bag at the gate , entity smirks and locks the exit. Now they gave to run for another gate.

    The killer floors all 4 survivors , entity is impressed and rewards him match win equivalent rewards , ports all survivors to another side of the map in injured state and enables the hatch. Every chest grants a key. Now the skilled killer gets the play round 2 for more rewards.

    It can go on and on. So much could be done with this. In game events , npc like stuff etc.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104

    I think one way that the Entity could express themself more is with pallets. I've always like to think that pallets are one of the few "weapons" the Entity gives to survivors so that trials might be more entertaining for the Entity to observe. As such pallets could be imbued with a dark energy, have claws growing from them, become more animated when a survivor or the killer comes near, or other possibilities. They could get really creative and make pallets amazing. Instead they gave us these drab grey pallets that get lost in the "fog" and consider it an improvement.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,076

    The game will crashed due to this update...

  • ShinobuSK
    ShinobuSK Member Posts: 5,279

    I would like it as a event or just a new game mode

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    I think the Entity basically is that. Lol

    A mood meter sounds really interesting. Reminds me of Xom, the chaos god from Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup, and your piety (a representation of your devotion and service to your god) would change randomly as he had mood swings and would do random ######### to you and your general vicinity with varying degrees of niceness depending on his mood.

  • FreddyVoorhees
    FreddyVoorhees Member Posts: 324

    Hmm, yeah that is a nice idea. A new game mode where gameplay is less linear with gens and hooks but with interactive entity as the third side in the trial.

    I feel like the entity would interfere only if games get side lined , if they are progressing nicely it would not be that present. Thus this feature would build on DBD's weaknesses without hurting it's gameplay strengths.

  • GiveMeTheBox
    GiveMeTheBox Member Posts: 331

    I actually really like this idea. It would make your average trial a whole lot more interesting, and the lore would feel deeper by having the entity's presence felt more.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 5,402

    Maybe a killer can influence the Entity's mood by certain actions. Say hooking each surv at least once gives Haste or Oblivious for 15 seconds or whatever.

    Likewise maybe when a surv heals up four teammates they themselves get a slow regeneration on them, or whatever.

    Has possibilities