Noticing A trend with these FOMO post

I have notice manager and mod responses have ben completely dodging FOMO in a whole. I want you to tell me how this isn't FOMO and how this Isn't predatory in any means.


  • GentlemanFridge
    GentlemanFridge Member Posts: 5,573

    The mods donโ€™t go over this, and neither does Mandy.

    And for good reason, theyโ€™re rather public on here and would get shot to bits even more than they already are, despite merely being the proverbial messengers.

  • KeyEater
    KeyEater Member Posts: 6

    I am not here to insult or abuse I am here to state facts. Psychologist have shown that people are twice as affected by lose than gain playing on ones fear and anxiety by making things limited. This practice plays on this fear and anxiety making those Fear Of Miss Out (FOMO) by making cosmetics limited time. Its a practice that is found in games like Fortnite making loveable and recognizable characters into skins then selling them for a short period of time. It's also a tactic bullies use in school playgrounds to peer pressure you into doing things you wouldn't. It's a bully tactic companies use to yoink money out of peoples wallets. Instead of having the ability to wait to have money to buy a skin you like you are now told you have to buy it within a month at a time of year most won't have the money to do due to Christmas spending.

  • KeyEater
    KeyEater Member Posts: 6
    edited December 2022

    Thats very well the case if I were to be doing something like this I wouldn't even type using the letters in FOMO. Doesn't hurt to try and get a response though.

  • KeyEater
    KeyEater Member Posts: 6

    Please leave than if you dont care so much. I don't have time to change your mind. Once again not everyone has money during the time of year people spend the most and to make skins limited time to where instead I can buy it where I will have money eventually is predatory.

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,952

    Its not going to be the moderators to explain to you their business decisions and they cant tell you what's going on inside bHVR anyway.

    The kind of openness you ask for is not something any company should want, it personalizes it too much and people here take it too seriously.

    Company gonna Company.

    Either way I hope outfits will be available with shards the coming years In the future.

  • ByeByeQ
    ByeByeQ Member Posts: 1,104
    edited December 2022

    It's their modus operandi. They implement just enough stuff so they have plausible deniability.

    Meta perks hidden behind licensed DLCs? "We're not pay to win because Shrine of Secrets and the Nurse is free!"

    FOMO? "We're not FOMO, they'll be back next year!"

    Hacker problem? "Don't worry we put it on the roadmap after 6 years! Keep spending your money it'll be fine..."

  • tippy2k2
    tippy2k2 Member Posts: 5,177

    Sorry if I wasn't clear, I wasn't referring or implying that you would be insulting or rude. But we know that there would be plenty of people hammering the hell out of whatever poor bastard was thrown to the wolves, even if it were just a messenger like Mandy or one of the other Mods.

  • KeyEater
    KeyEater Member Posts: 6

    Yep as much as I can try to have a conversation or argument other people will take it to far

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141

    But...they'll be back next season. Plenty of time to put money aside for what you can't get the first time around, right?

    Here's what I sincerely want to know: what terrible thing will happen if you can't get everything you want before the end of the season? How exactly will your life be negatively impacted if you can't buy an Xmas skin in March, or July? What irreparable trauma will you endure if you "miss out?"

  • Bostaurus
    Bostaurus Member Posts: 6

    Itโ€™s not the problem of them being taken away, itโ€™s the problem of something like this developing even more. If the devs decide they want to make almost all cosmetics in the shop like this, without the choice of iridescent shards, it could worsen the experience for almost everyone who wants to get into the game.

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141

    What could possibly be more hyperbolic than a fear of missing out?

  • Yatol
    Yatol Member Posts: 1,956

    Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141
  • Nicholas
    Nicholas Member Posts: 1,951

    The devs need to be transparent and unambiguous about this topic. What is returning and what isn't? They want to have their cake and eat it too! Are the Deep Rift items forever exclusives and never returning, or will they return in a future Deep Rift? The wording isn't precise; some areas suggest forever gone, and another is worded in a way that limits them to the Deep Rift but not necessarily this specific Deep Rift. Meaning they could return in a future Deep Rift.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I think, ironically enough, the outrage at the FOMO would be a lot less severe if BHVR had let all of the Auric cell only outfits stay Auric cell only instead of making them purchaseable by shards. It created an expectation that all outfits for original characters would be purchaseable by shards when that was not the intent. I understand because it does seem contradictory to say all outfits for original characters will be purchasable by shards but not say except for seasonal or event related items at the same time but that's more likely to be an oversight or a timing issue than a deliberate marketing ploy.

    Getting to the OP though, why would the moderators get involved? They'd be descended upon like a pack of wild Karens on a cashier trying to explain why the extra pumpkin spice squirts cost extra. The mods didn't make the decision and while people feel free to express their opinion there's no reason for people who are uninvolved in the decision to catch flak.

  • VideoGameMage
    VideoGameMage Member Posts: 358

    What do you expect the mods to do about this decision? If Bhvr execs demanded they started doing fomo there's nothing they could do about it. Take your grievances to bhvr not the moderators.

  • brokedownpalace
    brokedownpalace Member Posts: 8,792

    I do think of it as kind of a shifty business tactic, but at the same time.. you've got a month to buy anything you want. And outside of the Christmas season I rarely even see anyone using the festive skins. I doubt there are a ton of people buying Christmas sweaters to wear them in August.

    There's also about 10 million skins and they are just skins after all.

    I think people should be more focused on hiding perks behind a paywall. And no, maybe appearing in the shrine 1-2 years later is not enough.

  • MeltingPenguins
    MeltingPenguins Member Posts: 3,742

    here's the thing: we can stop this now, or potentially end up with the nonsensical 'everything is cells, everything is limited' sooner than later...

  • KeyEater
    KeyEater Member Posts: 6

    I think the "Don't Ask Questions, Just Consume Product and Then Get Excited for Next Products" said it best.

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited December 2022

    Likely because there's nothing they can say, since they don't make those kind of decisions and outside of correcting the odd bit of misinformation on the subject, can't say much.

    I feel bad, because the main BHVR represenatives who respond to the forums likely have 0 say in those decisions, but they're our only way of getting messages from the people who do. Sucks really

  • Superbeasto1974
    Superbeasto1974 Member Posts: 141

    You must have missed the "Or don't consume product" option. ๐Ÿ˜‰