Im getting 4k every game now.

Man all the survivors are really bad. I kill one and they all give up or just die.
Im getting 4k on Traper and hes the worst killer. I dont even have to basement camp.
This skill level in this game went to total noob. Where do all the good players go.
this game real boring fast now
you must have a really good gaming chair.
29 -
I bet is has a cup holder and everything!
19 -
Your MMR: โฌ๏ธ
17 -
Trapper is an easy 4K against most players. People who honestly believe that he's a bad killer are just incompetent.
5 -
USB 3.0 on it.
3 -
This ^
Trapper has great snowball potential, basement camping ability, and can even secure exit gates (!!!)
He will obviously destroy solo's (Pinhead still is the #1 King) that can't share the location of traps.
Usually, 2 catches at the right moment will completely turn the game around, and get you the victory
Just equip corrupt and deadlock, and he will not suffer so much from early game, by comparison to old good DbD back in 2016-2018.
However, he is described as bad/crap by lots of people ; indeed, compared to half of the killer roster, he is on the weak side for obvious reasons
But the main reason why he is criticized so much is related to his almost-inability to go for large/impressive win streaks: by design, his power has lots of RNG (even amplified by map RNG - hey Eyrie of Crows!), so you will get lots of good games (70+%) ... and a few really bad ones, nullifying the streak concept!
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I mean yeah unless you goof around or get a competent SWF all games are 3-4k's. That's how the devs want it to be.
7 -
Do all the streamers who win 99% of their matches have low MMR too? Killer is a joke if you know what you're doing AND bring the most busted builds/strategies possible.
5 -
Most players are ######### tbh. Trapper is bad against any team with half a brain.
2 -
Trapper is the only killer i fear, as the game is dark as intended on console and there's no way to increase brightness.
Can't really loop vs. Trapper, traps could be everywere. And if there is grass i just can't see them.
8 -
Trick is to just don't take chances and never walk into grass
If that means you'll get hit just take it and hold w to a place you checked that doesn't have traps (like completed generators)
It sounds silly but it's surprisingly effective
0 -
I feel the same. All thanks to the mighty Nesquik Choco-Drink.
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I do this already as holding W is strong vs. any killer.
For me the strenght of Trapper is the survs fear of traps, as they're just too scared to loop normaly.
And i kinda stopped looking for traps. Cuz no matter how carefully (and slow) i walk, when there is grass i get trapped anyway in the process.
Also traps placed directly IN pallets are a nightmare for console players. Takes ages do disarm them and not drop the pallet.
1 -
It's the same button isn't -_-'
0 -
Against most players, all killers are viable
against sentient survivors? yeah nah
2 -
I get a 4k every time I play Nurse (unsurprisingly) and with most killers... but then I have miserable matches on say RPD or Garden of Joy etc where I struggle to get a single hook if I play a 'fun' killer like Bubba etc.
As for Trapper, well it is almost entirely down to RNG and luck with Trapper. Get a bad map with wide gen spread and nowhere to create a zone? Yeah good luck...
1 -
That, and the fact that a single survivor can just choose to harass you while you setup and force you to be an m1 all match while the other 3 progress the gens.
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Same for Hag or any setup killers tbh.
0 -
Thats no wonder. Before, the balancing put the killer like in the middle between solos and swf, but 6.1 shifted that balance away from solo to swf, because the hard times a good swf could give you was one of the reasons a lot of players quite killers.
And now you have to get really lucky as solo survivor to get some competent teammates, but one single weak link just loses the match. So as soon as some players see a weak link (like you go down and see one guy hide at the other side of the map, or going in circles in the basement (no joke, i seen both several times)) you know the game is lost, and a lot of players try the matchmaking roulette again.
a 3swf can compensate for one teammate, and a 4 swf still has all the advantages, and thats why some killers still want more buffs.
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Its like that for a while. Whats the issue, you wanna lose more?
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I agree most survivors I go againts dont care to get better,and the fact most of them give up or dc when there's a slight incovenience makes it easy to get a 4k,rarely I go againts squads that actually play good which is sad.
0 -
In other words.... . since a 100% win rate is also a 99% win rate...
... I respect you! And I want to learn from you!
Since the previous Sensei was gone before I could learn
1 -
Curbstomp after curbstomp is boring for people who enjoy challenges.
1 -
If only you could handicap yourself in a video game playing weaker killer, perks or no perks at all. That would be more challenging. Guess thats a no
0 -
Yup and "same button" you also heal teammates and fix gens.
0 -
Handicapping yourself feels very artificial tho, plus OP says he is playing Trapper so he is already doing it. People who enjoy challenges want to play to the best of their ability and show they can overcome the challenge, if you have to slow down its not the same, you are not doing your best and whats in front of you is not really what you really seek.
0 -
The most busted builds/strategies are all boring as hell. No one who actually enjoys playing killer would choose to run a full NOED build or facecamp at 5 gens.
And killer main streamers who are legit good aren't representative of the average state of the game at high MMR. Averages exist for a reason, and that means there will be those who exceed the average, and those who fall below it. For every killer streamer who "wins 99% of their matches" there's another killer struggling to win 1%.
1 -
Probably with Bluetooth speakers.
0 -
This. Iโm getting the same kind of survivors who donโt know how to loop while looking behind them, run into corners, runs away from pallets and give me easy hits. My favorite ones are the flashlight users who think Iโm deaf and blind and donโt hear or see them running up to try and save someone.
1 -
It happens to me, too very often .
0 -
Solo Q
Literally a nightmare (for the survivors)
0 -
I use an old couch. ๐
0 -
What do you call "sentient survivors"? Do you consider yourself a sentient survivor? I'm pretty sure if I matched you or anybody else in solo queue I would beat you with Trapper easily.
This is a match I just played:
(I gave hatch to Nea)
Notice the Gideon map offering, toolbox with BNP, medkit with syringe, and literally every survivor running DH. Compare with my perks.
Are those survivor babies?
Because I 4k'd easily, despite going for 12 hooks. I also 4k'd the next game, and the next 10+ ones.
And I'm not a god Trapper. I played him for ~30 hours.
4 -
having low mmr is a blessing, do be sure to post about the same thing when u get 4 new parts and dead hards every game
0 -
Yes, you are going up against babies. They may all be running Dead Hard but other than that and CoH thats pretty much the only meta perks they got. If anything just looking at this set up it looks like they were just dicking around and wanted to go more for flashy saves and just prioritized a good time over actually escaping.
No good team who is actually trying is going down to a Trapper on Gideon, Im sorry but thays just how it is
4 -
Gideon is a damn good map for Trapper, the underground floor is full of extremely unsafe zones which you can create with only a few well placed traps. I spend a few minutes collecting & placing traps then I don't even have to do anything most of the time, just chase the survivor and they end up cornered. There are at least 2 trap spots on this map which regularly give me 4+ hooks per game. Eg. the bathroom, if survivors don't get out of it in time, I can body block the entrance and trap it, guaranteeing a down on everyone inside. This is the obvious one but there are many other spots like this.
I have not lost a single game on this map. Even in close games I end up with a perfect 3-gen almost every time, always in the underground. Survivors could have infinite amount of hook stages and they would still never win.
Post edited by ImNotBobDylan on1 -
Trade you.
0 -
The chances of getting an actual good 3 gen on Gideon are EXTREMELY low, and if the Survivors know what you're trying to do they're going to try to break that 3 gen as soon as possible. You also have the fact that there is literally nothing covering up your traps making them VERY easy to spot.
Now one thing I didn't see before is you using Iri Stone. Which every one knows Trapper actually becomes pretty decent. Its just if were now taking add ons in consideration he still falls a bit short compared to the majority of killers. That being said, all killers with their best add ons are all pretty good
1 -
Again what do you mean by "Survivors who know what you're trying to do" ?
Do you mean that if I face a team of 4 players who have 2k hours and know all the trap spots, know which pallets are unsafe against Trapper, know how not to get 3-gen'd on Gideon, and know how to play against Iri stone, then maybe I could lose? Imagine the effort for survivors needed to learn how to counter ALL the 30 killers to that level, just in case they face what is supposedly the weakest killer.
My experience so far in 20-30 hours is that there was exactly ZERO instance where the matchmaking was able to find 4 players that follow this definition of "know what you're trying to do". I can count on one hand the number of survivors that knew this, but there was always 1 weaker survivor that would throw the game for eveyrone else. And even the good ones were eventually caught off guard by the Iri stone.
That Gideon "makes the traps very easy to spot" sounds like a gimmick tbh. Usually you hide the trap behind a pallet and by the time survivors see it it's too late. Yeah there are some nasty spots on other maps but I'd still 100% pick a map like Gideon or RPD over most grass maps. Survivors don't fall in traps because they can't see them, they get trapped because you lead them into them.
Post edited by ImNotBobDylan on1 -
It sounds like a lot, especially since you're new but trust me you reach a level where its the norm that people know how to deal with it. Its not that hard. Also this is just showing that MMR is doing its job of separating the newer and experienced players
I've been playing for 5 years, have almost 5.3k hours in the game and the majority of that is on killer. First main was Trapper back in 2018 where he wasn't as map dependent because grass was a lot thicker and there were less indoor maps. There was only Lery's at this point (which had grass before) and even then he also had WAY more spots that he could shove a trap into the floor making it near invisible, or actually invisible. Even then, he was still regarded as weak.
I also see an issue of when you are talking about viability, you're not looking at the top level. When measuring the viability of something you want to do so at the top level and its max potential. Now when seeing a Trapper at his max potential against Survivors at their max potential, thats when you can see he starts to fall short. You won't verse that all the time in normal pub games, hell I do randomizers all the time and still manage to 4k. But the off times where I run into a good team on an unfortunate map, I have a VERY little chance of actually winning
1 -
Its called adjusting your TV settings ๐
0 -
I'm not new, I have around 800 hours, mostly survivor. I'm just "new" on Trapper (30 hours is not new). I know 5k hours is a lot, as I grinded that on a few other games, but you have to realize that 20-30 hours is ALSO a god damn lot, that's about an hour spent per map in the game. In any case that should be far more than enough for the MMR to climb high, as I've 4k'd every game since I played him (excluding hatch and 2 losses on Eyrie). My queue can be 5 min + which defintiely was not the case when I played him at the beginning.
The reality is, the survivors you mention might exist, but they are a minuscule part of the playerbase.
Regarding Trapper being a poor killer at high MMR, Otz got a 50 winstreak with Trapper and no add-on, and that was before the DH nerf which I suppose has been a massive buff for Trapper since then. In 50 games surely he must have fought some of the mighty survivors you mention. And before you say that it's because Otz is an insane player, that's true but even I could probably replicate this streak, at least 20-30 with the Iri stone should be ez pz (if we exclude Eyrie which that I agree with you is an absolute nightmare).
There is no other game that I know of where one could achieve such a high winstreak, so either we agree that Trapper is a very good killer as I said (in any case he's not a bad killer that's for sure), or we agree that MMR gives killer mains easy wins all the time - which is roughly equivalent.
1 -
30 hours really isnt that much, also I highly doubt you have 800 hours while only being level 23.. (unless you played A LONG time ago)
Also the caliber of player it takes to know how to counter Trapper isn't that high, I'd say around 800 hours and you should know how to deal with most killers pretty well. Then when you start to reach the thousands is when you learn the little neat tricks that give you an edge.
Also when Otz got his Winstreak it was when Ranks were used for matchmaking instead of MMR, a good chunk of the maps weren't reworked yet so there was a lot more maps that were better for him with tall thick grass, and an added bonus was there were still a good amount of spots that you could shove traps into terrain to make them barely visible or completely invisible
1 -
That's not supposed to happen.
0 -
6 -
I can't believe what I'm hearing! It's as if y'all don't play killer.
2 -
There's not really a difference between modern TVs and PC monitors when it comes to these settings.
Why do you think PC players don't just increase brightness via their monitors? It doesn't work for DBD, that's why they have to do it via Nvidea settings, ingame graphic settings and/or using filters. Which we all doesn't have on consoles.
0 -
So your answer is: "if you want a challenge, play a killer you dont enjoy". Yes, i agree, that would make playing the game way more challenging. And what are weaker perks, in your opinion? I run no slowdown perks, and even 2 hex perk on my favorite killer. weak enough? or does it have to be perks that dont do anything?
0 -
Well that's not true. I have my TV settings adjusted using all the standard adjustments & all the other settings that adjust gamma, warmth, hue, colour balance, HDR etc etc. My TV is significantly brighter and I've boosted the reds to make scratch marks more visible. I also have DBD on my laptop and the difference between my console & laptop is huge. The laptop I can barely see on certain maps.
0 -
The only settings what might work for DBD are gamma (for brightness) and colour balance (more red to see scratchmarks and red stain better). Colour temperature and HDR won't matter. And brightness (in my case OLED brightness) just makes everything brighter, which you don't really want.
Did you calibrated a certain TV mode just for DBD, switching to this mode everytime you play DBD?