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Why people stopped playing Spirit?

She was one of the most popular killers some time ago, she is still in top tier Killers and has some insane add-ons. Yet she is rare to see...

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  • Member Posts: 2,267

    I tend to agree with this.

    I still do encounter Spirits who absolutely destroy my random solo team and they sure don't feel like a 'nerfed' killer.

  • Member Posts: 5,279

    People still play her. Just because you dont see her often doesnt mean others do too

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I could never figure out her power. I'd follow scratch marks and unphase only to find out the survivor is way over there. Or I'd unphase hearing them grunt and bleeding and somehow they were actually 20 feet ahead of me.

    I'm sure it's a ME problem but I could never figure it out

  • Member Posts: 869

    I find her unwieldy. I like her but I just can't do well against her.

  • Member Posts: 111

    Because people like over powered killers, im more than happy with the current spirit. Even her yellow add ons are very strong, activation and speed isn't something to scoff at. When you're faster than the survivor and you're at loops, it doesn't matter if they hear you as more than likely you're going to catch the survivor. It of course depends on the playstyle but most survivor's tend to walk when she phases, you adapt to a survivor's playstyle and there is very little they can do. The fact people aren't playing spirit shows a lack of basic knowledge to how strong she is. A good spirit player doesn't even need iri add ons, yellow add ons are great for good team's but running something like mother daughter ring truly shows how she destroys even the strongest team's.

    The nerf imo changed the best things, the stand still mind game was dumb and her having 0 counterplay other than guessing was stupid. Right now not only is she the 3rd best killer in the game, but she actually has counter play. Sorry I rambled on but people sleep for some reason on spirit and it's weird to me.

  • Member Posts: 3,167

    There is this kind of player who doesnt care about gameplay and only cares about winning (they are called Spike), they go for the easiest most powerful strategy/character/setup and once Spirit got nerfed they abandoned ship towards the next busted FOTM, they are the people who played instasaw Hillbilly, collision Spirit, Forever Freddy, 10 meter lunge Wraith, Stridor Spirit etc, my guess is they are playing Nurse with 4 slowdowns now.

    It happens in every multiplayer game, in SF3 they were the people playing Chun Li, in release SF4 Sagat, Slayer in Guilty Gear, Nature Prophet during split push meta in Dota2, 4pool Zerg in Starcraft and 2 Nexus Protoss in Brood War etc, once wathever they do gets nerfed they wait until the pros find the next big thing and migrate to it.

  • Member Posts: 1,914

    "Are they really stopped...?"

  • Member Posts: 1,065

    When did people stopped playing spirit?

    I agree it is not used as much as pre nerf, but since iron will was also nerfed and Mother-daughter ring being as good as it is, I still see her quite often.

  • Member Posts: 1,224

    Run Strider and Predator and that should help you greatly.

  • Member Posts: 5,211

    I'll give it a try, at least a few matches and see if I can figure it out with a few training wheels on before I try again without them. Or at least enough to get that easy achievement with downing people out of phase 😅

  • Member Posts: 6,340

    This. And also those who ran her only using that silly stand still method moved on when it was taken from them.

  • Member Posts: 3,302

    Another killer that was unnecessarily gutted. Very rare to face nowadays sadly. Might play her again as playing the knight kinda feels the same when using his patrol path.

  • Member Posts: 1,933

    Once again I'll have to eat your dust

    Please stop replying my first thought when reading thread titles before I even have the chance to open the thread itself

  • Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 374

    She's a 110 killer that requires headphones and paying close attention to sounds to consistently get hits. Before they added the phasing sound, you could just stand still and survivors would vault into you and give you free hits because they couldn't tell if you were phasing or not. Or they would camp the pallet because they didn't know if it was safe to walk away while she was phasing.

    Side note: After not seeing a Spirit for over a month, I have gotten Spirit as the killer in like 4 of the last 4 matches I've played on two different days with 4 different players running different builds from each other.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    For me, she wasn't fun anymore, mind you most of my playtime as spirit was after the changes, she just fell off, getting a phase hit is not as satisfying as hitting a blight rush, or a slinger shot, I found my matches to lack adrenaline, so I dropped her.

  • Member Posts: 981

    Because now you have to put some thought into her, like watching the grass, hearing for footsteps and listening to breathing sound. Also you can no longer tunnel with her when somebody has "Off the Record" which turns off some people too.

    Many are also not able to deal with her basic ability without Mother-Daughter Ring and Yakiyoki Amulet. They will only play her sometimes with those add-ons.

    I bet good Spirit players still have zero issues with her. They are maybe a bit bothered by some of the new maps like Eary of Crows because many of them have different sounds that can be pretty irritating.

    For me I can not play her while talking to my friends. This made me drop her because I need to focus on sound which can be pretty hard when you are talking about the newest pokemon games over at discord...

  • Member Posts: 13,671

    It’s quite simple really. She used to be good enough to compete against really good survivors and then she was overly gutted and now she’s not. That’s it. Not viable anymore. She used to be able to make plays happen and now she’s in the other 90% of the killer roster that relies on survivor mistakes to win. She also used to feel rewarding since you felt like you felt like it was a mind game between the two players but now since they can hear you the whole time there is literally zero mind game whatsoever. All you’re doing doing is trying to phase faster than they can react since they now know where you are the entire time, hence why people run the speed addons on her during phase now. There used to be some unique game play in her design and it’s now a shell of that. The “ real spirit players play her now and the nerfs just removed the players that wanted easy wins” thing that tends to get regurgitated ad nauseum on the forums is not true whatsoever even though I’m sure you’ll hear it. People just have a loathing hate for Spirit and it’s easier to make excuses than it is to take responsibility for not knowing how to play against spirit. She’s still better than a large portion of the killer roster, that’s just not saying much.

  • Member Posts: 1,105

    She is boring.

  • Member Posts: 2,573

    I only played after the changes, but I moved on for the most part in the end because it was getting tiring playing a Killer who has more ways to outplay and counter her ability than you can to use it. Survivors have infinitely more control over what information you get than you have over them, and there's way more tricks and things you can do than ways to exploit 'move really fast but be half blind'

  • Member Posts: 3,306

    My Stand, Take It Back (それを取り戻す), allows me to reach 24 hours into the future to steal any thought of my choosing, so long as I have some form of way to communicate with the victim, and they would have expressed it within that timeframe.

  • Member Posts: 1,382

    I don't play her because my headset isn't good enough. I don't feel like i'm able to play her to her full potential. I've run into insanely good spirits so I don't buy the idea that she's weak at all. She's insanely powerful still if you use MDR. People are just sheep and see any minor nerf as the killer being weak.

  • Member Posts: 7,777

    She's easy to deal with at longer loops (has to force pallet drop and break every time vs good players) and also suffers at certain structures now, whether you bring Stridor or not.

    As she can no longer achieve fast downs against good players in most scenarios, people have moved on.

    You can say 'skill issue,' etc, but those are the primary reasons why people have moved on to killers that can consistently perform well in key/common scenarios.

  • Member Posts: 949

    I still live on as a Spirit main but my main problem with her is sound consistency. The 1 meter bubble of sounds feels awkward to handle

  • Member Posts: 3,138

    I enjoy her, in my heart she's still my favorite killer. But I have lateral hearing loss and can't track sound directionally, which means I always had to use anticipation/prediction to make any use of her power, and the directional phasing sound crippled my ability to do that.

    So now I have to phasewalk backwards to get max effect, and that is...suboptimal.

    If we ever get some accessibility options to mitigate that, I'll be back on board.

    As for the average player with two working ears, I would guess the changes to her were just enough to make learning to track sound necessary, which was a bridge too far for casual Spirit mains.

  • Member Posts: 3,219

    Well, for me, after the nerf, it was no fun anymore. I just dont like it if the game just revolves around running in circles. Before the change, it put the guessing part on the survivor, afterwards, depending on your headphones, you could just loop her and camp a palett like with every other killer. She was my backup killer anyway, so i just got back to hag, with a side of doctor (who both dont care too much about looping, either).

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