hag is really just complete garbage at this point

the entire game has been balanced away from her. she can't teleport fast enough to actually catch anyone, and she walks so slow that survivors can easily completely outrun her.
Compare to Dredge who can catch survivors just fine.
Hope she gets a cube soon.
i play her all the time she strong you just don't know how to play her im guessing
15 -
Nope, she's bad.
Reliant on 3 gens (which can be defeated with 4 survivors), needs perks in order to stop people from destroying her power (Franklin's), can still be easily shut down by a single survivor running over all of her traps, etc.
The amount of copium this community has regarding Hag is absolutely insane. She's Trapper tier and needs buffs.
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u dont know how to play hag, hag is played around ton of camping she is boring AF to verse if she is good. but not great if survivors know what to do.
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She can be really fun as the Jumpscare Queen as she is. When I play as her it's not to win but to have fun and try out new things.
Using Severed Ear and the Shackles makes for a fun combo to place near Gens most Survivors may not notice they are deaf until they miss a skill check or almost miss it. Then the scare they get when you just appear behind them and grab them off a Gen is priceless.
But I get that not everyone may like her or as you said find her boring. Just as I don't like Billy because most maps are not tuned to handle his power or Bubba being a very boring Killer to play.
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Who are you talking to?
And yeah, camping. Camping isn't skillful and sucks. Therefore, Hag is bad and should be reworked or buffed.
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I just got hit by whiplash by reading cube its been so long seeing someone call reworks that
But Hag is really strong imo, if she does see a cube any time soon i’d prefer her add-ons get changed while her actual power probably get touched up to feel more smooth but thats really about it
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She's not strong, reasons are up above.
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Oh damn I haven't thought about Killer Cubes in YEARS
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To start off, her and dredge are miles apart when it comes to chase and map pressure since Dredge’s teleport has travel time, is already preset, has a husk for chases, has a cooldown for when you can and can’t teleport, and has a passive ability, while hag used her traps for basically everything
Hag’s traps also teleport fast enough to catch survivors or else I wouldn’t be seeing survivors getting hit right after she teleports so idk how she doesn’t teleport fast enough, only issue with her teleports is how rough they are to actually attack afterwards on old gen consoles sometimes
Plus to bring up her other things, her traps at loops can cause 50/50s, her only downside is needing to set up like trapper, however unlike trapper you either have to use a flashlight to break one part of her web, personally break it yourself and risk hag slapping you, or ignore it by crouching over it, and even with that 2/3 counters just gives her a trap bag to set again in a better web
Hag isn’t garbage, the whole reason you don’t see her alot is cause 110% ms feels gross to steer and her power can be pretty boring compared to other killers as its pretty straight forward with how it works
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Hag is good, people just don't know how to play her.
Her only issue, like for other setup killers, is that 1 survivor may just choose to harass you and your web while you're trying to setup and force you to chase them as a slow m1 killer, wasting time.
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Yeah, and that destroys her power. People have told me "OH, HAG IS REALLY GOOD CUZ SHE CAN TELEPORT TWICE AND DOWN SOMEONE RUNNING AWAY" Like, no, that requires a web, and if a single Survivor sets them off and then loops you while you chase them, that's ggs.
Hag is web reliant. That results in 3 gens with all 4 Survivors alive, and 4 Survivors can easily conquer a 3 gen simply because there's too many people for the Killer to handle if they pressure the gens correctly.
She can camp good? So what? This community hates camping, why defend it on a Killer who needs it? People don't like Knight and how he needs to camp for kills because of his bad his power is...
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Knight literally denies loops and can double tap survivors. All they can do is hold W.
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... We're defending Knight now? ... Really?
And cool, he can double tap and insta-down. Bubba, Billy, etc... all say hello.
I suppose you could argue that Knight can force someone into getting detected by a guard or bodyblocked into getting hit by a guard... but then you could use banners if the Knight refuses to hit you, or force Knight to hit the Survivor to avoid double tapping if the Survivor seems like they'll outlast a hunt, etc.
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Which still gets him a hit but not an instadown to which he is not entitled to if he can't get it.
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People who have a lot of experience with her realy make her shine, using strats no beginner or casual player will think of or know how to put in place.
In those hands, she is very strong.
However, she is not beginner friendly by any means, and you really need to strap your ass to your chair to play her long enough to know all her tricks. For most players, she's completely reliant on if survivors know how to counter her. If they do, you lose. Simple as that.
She's in a weird spot where you can't really buff her because very good players are so strong (like Nurse), and the fact that she's played so little makes most survivors unaware of how to counter her.
That creates a self fulfilling prophecy that since they don't know how to counter her, her killrates seem fine on paper, but once you hit mid mmr and go against players who can counter her she doesn't have anything in her base kit to help you. It's gonna be spite and wiles keeping you going and nothing else.
But since she's so hard to play, no one plays her. So no one knows how to counter her. So her killrates remain fine, not buff worthy despite so few people playing her.
I do think that should Hag get some buffs, she'd be played a bit more, which means more people would know how to play against her, and it would therefore not necessarily make her overpowered as she still has a billion counters and can be made an m1 killer by good teams.
I have nothing against killers being hard to master, I think the game should have more kilers like Nurse, Hag or even Knight that are hard to learn but rewarding to win with.
I just think Hag has maybe a little too many counters. Or is slow as hell.
Post edited by HugTheHag on2 -
I hate to break it to you I held off 4 survivors from a 3-gen lock easily as Hag, Vommy Mommy, Demo Puppy, Pyramid Head, and Crow Mama....it's not that difficult if you know what your doing and know how to apply pressure.
That's why so many Survivors try to call a Killer that can hold a 3-Gen lock "Holding The Game Hostage"
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Hag is alright. She just doesn't fare too well in the current meta, is all. Hag is still an A to B tier killer.
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People who say that Hag is weak really dont know how to play her. She is one of the strongest Killers in this game, easily A-Tier, probably Top 5-Killer.
And while Dredge is certainly a decent Killer, he is nowhere near Hag when it comes to strength. I mean, I am happy that she is not popular to play because of her playstyle, but she is not weak at all.
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If you actually think that Dredge is stronger than Hag... I've a bad news for you.=)
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I don't know if you claim to be a Hag master or what, but what you've just said would pretty much disprove that.
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That is absolutely true. Dredge is a direct power creep on her because he's 115%, can teleport, and has a secondary ability. They both suffer from the same problem in that, intentional or unintentional, the game stutters and doesn't let you immediately act out of your tp. So what should have been a simple tp into a hit becomes almost an impossibility, unless the survivors just aren't running the loops efficiently.
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Exactly. 1 survivor knows how to play, killer could lose the whole game. Not only can survivors trip her traps, but they can movement exploit to where they don't get camera spun and can guaranteed avoid Hag's hit out of tp, completely trumping her power. I've considered using Rusty Shackles a sin, at least for me, because that's hardly playing Hag at that point. But you know? My mind's starting to change on that.
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I don't know how to explain Michi's consistent success. I really don't. He either barely goes against strong survivors, or gets Hag's best maps a lot of the time. I've seen tons of his matches take place on Midwich.
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Crazy how instant the assumption is that someone doesn't know how to play a killer when they're asking for buffs, let alone stating their weakness.
It's not about boring vs not boring. That argument is the biggest nothing sandwich these forums have ever concocted. It's about what the killer can do to get the survivors. It's why nobody ever complains about Demogorgon or Wraith, because if the survivors are good, they just can't touch 'em.
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Actually that's wrong. You don't get fast enough teleports to catch survivors, especially if the survivors are doing the movement exploit to not pull their camera. Hag has a slight stutter when she teleports. You can feel it. It's why she used to be my second-most played killer, and now I either don't play her or get bullied in 98% of my matches with her.
Not many, but others have acknowledged the lack of an instant hit out of tp. They argue "So you think you're supposed to get a hit just from tp'ing?" If I instantly tp the moment the trap is tripped, yes. It's criminal to not get a hit from that, I don't need to explain. I'm guessing most of the people who say Hag is strong or doesn't need buffs either have a connection advantage or something to make her to feel less janky, barely go against SWF, or straight-up don't play her.
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No killer's safe from criticism. These people want the survivors to be able to come out on top no matter the situation. It's why a survivor can be a second from being downed, and then they get the random banner that spawned for the sole purpose of giving them a second chance. Same with flashlights working against killer powers, the hooked survivor's hitbox being huge so the killer hits them and not the unhooker, hatch for a free escape, etc.
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Really? 4 survivors can't beat a 3-gen? I think we know who's complaining about 3-gens, calling them uncounterable then. It's certainly not Demogorgon or Pyramid Head's abilities that are holding it down.
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I'm going to reluctingly agree here
I feel like people who say hag is strong are kinda living in the past
The biggest strength a hag has is that people don't know how to play vs her. Hell even 1000+ hour people seem to be unaware that you can crouch over traps sometimes
If you face survivors who know how to dislodge your traps when you are busy and know how to use the flick to their advantage so insta teleports won't hit them then hags will really struggle.
Hags also have a lot of hard counter perks lately
CoH while i think it's overal fine now absolutely destroys hags
Reasurance also is pretty good against hags who rely on trapping hooks as the 6m requirement isn't as bad against her
Nothing worse then a survivor with off the record just popping all your traps for hags
Hag isn't a case of knowing how to play her, it's a case of facing people who don't know how to play vs her
I'm positive that if you put together a good swf who know they will face a hag and knows all the counters to hag they will escape with 3 persons the mayority of the time
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That's the thing like Dredge or Nurse they play differently than other killers because of the TP mechanic. Hag like many have said is similar to Trapper as she's a setup Killer but is set up in a web pattern.
What she needs buffed on is allowing her traps to still be hidden even on bright maps like Cornfields or Ormond....that's what really makes her "weak" on bright maps her traps stand out like a beacon in the night and can easily be "countered"
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I didn't say they can't beat a 3-gen because I have had matches as Survivor where we did because Killer made mistakes. But rather it can be done to protect a 3-Gen from 4 Survivors, it's all about who has the better skills at the end of the day....if Survivors have better skills then they beat it but if Killer does then they can't....
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The stuttering can be avoided by teleporting fast enough and getting the instant hit. However, if the timing is not perfect you are right. Wating for even a fraction of a second can cause you to be unable to attack. The little stutter can save survivors from getting hit very often. That doesn't make Hag a bad killer though, especially since it can be avoided. Still, I hope BHVR will fix that soon.
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say what you will doesn't matter the end of the day the chad hag enjoyer will play well with this strong killer and your right the cope is insane for people who can't play her and think she needs a buff
maybe on day you will learn the art of hag
on a serious note no one is having a nostalgia trip she is strong who in their right mind wouldn't want a buff on their main no one wouldn't but shes already so strong. the only real cope is when people can't play a character and claim they are weak.
like how does one cope by playing a bad character and claiming that they are good? that doesn't make sense what are you coping for? People cope when they play poorly because instead of realizing they need to get better they blame their tools
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She can’t teleport to some her traps she’s bugged rn
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Not to mention she has several bugs making her an exercise in frustration (11 votes, easily verifiable bugs, still pending : https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/comment/3279484#Comment_3279484 )
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Still A-Tier, but boring
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Actually as a former hag main OP is right. Good survivors DESTROY Hag because by the time you reappear from your trap, if the survivor is smart then they'll be far enough away to where you can't hit them.
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Hag is definitely still good, in A tier for sure
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Hag perfectly demonstrates the disparity between solo and SWF. A competent Hag will destroy the vast majority of solo teams. But if you get a coordinated SWF with a couple flashlights, it becomes a different ball game.
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I don't believe that killer's skill can overcome 4 equally skilled survivors. The game's not set up that way.
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You're not hearing me. The tp is instant, as soon as it triggers, and yet I have to walk a few seconds to catch up and hit them, completely defeating the purpose of the power. Mostly because of the movement exploits I've mentioned, but sometimes just in general.
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Lol no
maybe against coordinated swf with flashlights and 2 boons but other than that she is a nightmare to deal in solo q where 90% survivors 3 gen and one basement hook from her ends the game on the spot (since people actually try to save unlike with Bubba)
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Ahh. I thought you were talking about this obnoxious bug.
You have the ability do an instant lunge right after teleporting. That can only be countered, if the survivor triggers the trap from the edge of it's range and then changes direction. In this instant you are not guaranteed a hit. But since the game will mainly take place inside the Hag's web of traps this doesn't make too much of a difference because eventually you will catch the survivor with another trap by either hitting them after the tp or reading them correctly and not go for the tp to let them run into you.
You can avoid this scenario by putting traps behing corners where survivors cannot see them or you put them right next to a vault and chase them so they have to vault into them. Sometimes its enough to set a trap in the open where it is covered by grass. Few people expect that.
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That little stutter ruins the entire match tbh cause it'll happen match after match til bhvr looks at it (again)
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I keep seeing, "Just use your web," but you can't set it up in the first place against people who know how to play against her and trip her traps safely. They can do the same thing to corner and window traps; they just come from the right angle. So you just lose again and again until your MMR goes down enough to face people who don't know how to play against her, and THEN "she's fine." Same with many weak killers out there. It's why you see "Wraith OP!" "Pinhead OP!"
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It trumps everything that you do. Not even those "Hag-favored" maps will save you while this is in the game. I've never had an easy match with Hag on Dead Dawg. Never, because this stutter exists. You get like 1 hook, bro. The survivors just toy with you and do whatever they want, because you can't set up and you can't chase, and there's no fear because they don't even get hit.
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Did you really just say Hag is weak?
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With that logic I suppose you want to rework trapper, Hillbilly, huntress, myers when hes 99%, bubba, ghostface when he has the team 99%, plague and other killers?
I agree that Hag does need some quality of life help and a few addons reworked but she doesn't need an overhaul because of the 3 gen or camping. Hag has always been an area controlled which isn't just trapper.
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Why? You can make any killer look insane if you only upload wins. Hag is good against most solos and pretty trash against SWFs. You just need a destroyer of traps and Hag is doomed.
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I agree and disagree, she's like a spider, she can't flat out chase, you have to catch with your traps and then pull the group into your web of traps. I've had a lot better games with her doing that
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If you check his videos, his opponents are often quite