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Survivors and Pallets. The Infinite loop

I really wish there was some cooldown for survivors when dropping multiple pallets as the Killer does after each strike attempt.

I get this is a game of loops, but it just seems some are exploiting that.


  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    You were probably not around when actual infinite loops excited? 😅

    Sure sometimes certain pallets can almost become infinite when you don't break it and the know how to chain 2 tiles together, but you're far better off than the beginning 😅

    When you down a survivor, break the pallet(s) before picking up.

    Yes i know time is of the essence, but leaving pallets down will hurt you in the long run 😉

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    See there is a downside to all that though, if they throw a bunch of pallets in a short amount of time they just created a big deadzone and you can switch chase and pressure someone else and then they all start to fall like a stack of cards because there's no safety, knowing when to leave a chase and pressure gens after making them waste a couple pallets is important and if you play your cards right you can force them to create that deadzone alot quicker than you'd think

  • Starrseed
    Starrseed Member Posts: 1,774

    I mean your are right but does it feel good? I would compare it to just pre dropping and holding w it works and is the right call but does it feel good to play?

  • versacefeng
    versacefeng Member Posts: 1,132

    Blood Favor.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,280

    Considering BHVR gutted Reassurance to ensure camping would remain viable, I think it's safe to say they don't care at all about how things feel to play.

  • Paternalpark
    Paternalpark Member Posts: 626

    Blood lust just got buffed so you can not break the pallet. Depends which killer you use tho

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    I'm curious as well.

    The only thing i know is that bloodlust 1 remains the exact same as it has always been, so only 2 and 3 might have been buffed.

    But then again, if you reach that stage than you need to ask what you are doing wrong.

    Cause bloodlust 2 and 3 takes to long to get there, and the chase had to be ended long before that, either by a down or going on a different survivor.

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493

    That buff was a long time ago tho, and it barely even counts as a buff as you said

    He said it just got buffed

  • Dennis_van_eijk
    Dennis_van_eijk Member Posts: 1,704

    Yeah that's why i said I'm curious myself as well, cause i can only remember that.

    And because i haven't played for over a year now, i do keep watching and trying to keep up with the changes in dbd.

    So that is why I'm curious, but i guess we have to wait for a while before he tells us 😂

  • LordSturm
    LordSturm Member Posts: 493
  • Cassiopeiae
    Cassiopeiae Member Posts: 263

    🤡Despite already having loop-denial killers, let's also delete pallets from the game because being looped as a killer is an exploit🤡

    If a survivor looped a pallet, dropped it, you didn't break it and despite that they made it to another one that's on you.

  • RpTheHotrod
    RpTheHotrod Member Posts: 1,827

    Part of the game from the killer's perspective is identifying strong loops and determining if it's even worth running them. Survivors will want to "live" near those to distract the killer. Are they strong loops? Absolutely, can you use that to your advantage as a killer? Yes. A survivor feeling compelled to be near a safe loop is one less survivor on gens. Focus on others and don't fall into the trap of a long loop. Instead of them wasting your time by looping them at strong loops, they are wasting their own time trying to pull you there. Once the catch on, it's usually too late and you're already putting pressure on the rest of the team. On streams, sometimes they even get verbally upset that you aren't paying attention to them.

    As for dropped pallets, them dropping them all in a line is a great thing for killer, because you're destroying them in the process which makes the area VERY dangerous for survivors. That's why even a strong gen push of 4 gens done can lead to failure for the survivors...they depend on the resources available to them, and once those resources start running low or vanish, the survivors tend to fall apart at the seams. If I spot a survivor that tends to drop pallets, I often just chase them around eating up all the pallets without any intent on downing that survivor. I'll eat a few, then once they run to an area without pallets but has some jungle gyms, I'll just leave them. I got what I wanted. That entire area where the pallets were are now a huge advantage to me in the endgame.