Kindred doesn't show killer aura near hooked survivor

dakhnas Member Posts: 16
edited March 2023 in Bug Reporting

Since patch 6.0 the large black bubble that appears right after hooking a survivor overlaps killer aura while using perk "KINDRED" (and any other aura) making it impossible to see which direction killer is going.

After the patch:

Before the patch:

Post edited by Mandy on
71 votes

Not a bug · Last Updated

This is by design, the hook bubble initially blocks all auras.


  • dakhnas
    dakhnas Member Posts: 16

    Was hoping for the fix but it hasn't happened yet

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    Wow, thanks for posting this. I sure thought something had changed with the killer aura.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390

    Still happening (6.1.1) The hook bubble is currently opaque when it should be transparent

  • Glasse
    Glasse Member Posts: 10

    Still happening in 6.2.2. This thing has a massive impact on aura reading perks.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    Please fix

  • Marc_123
    Marc_123 Member Posts: 3,521

    This is known for a while now. I hope they fix that soon.

    It is annoying.

  • dakhnas
    dakhnas Member Posts: 16

    Can we have an update on when this bug will be fixed? Thanks!

  • Can we please get an update on when this will be resolved since it's not being addressed in the current PTB? This is a frustrating bug.

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123
    edited October 2022

    This is still broken in 6.3.0. The patch notes say this was fixed but auras are still blocked by the black bubble. Please provide an update on when/if this will ever be resolved. The first few moments of kindred being broken greatly impacts the usefulness of the perk.

    Post edited by patronsaintofpizza on
  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited October 2022

    Can confirm, all platforms (6.3.0) Kindred is one of the best perks for solo Q survivors, this should have been fixed ages ago.

  • acharliet
    acharliet Member Posts: 155

    Yeah Kindred is broken tho.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    It has been more than 3 months and this bug still exists. I can't think of any reason why it would be this difficult to be fixed... 👀

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    Another patch and this is still broken. Please please please fix.

  • TeabaggingGhostface
    TeabaggingGhostface Member Posts: 3,108

    Can we just have hook and gen bubbles removed already?

  • dakhnas
    dakhnas Member Posts: 16

    Bug still exists :(

  • Glasse
    Glasse Member Posts: 10

    Can confirmed the bug is still present.

    You can now see the hook aura through the bubble, but not the hooked survivor/killer/other survivors.

  • Velociraptor
    Velociraptor Member Posts: 7

    Still broken for me.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277

    Still bugged, fix.

  • dakhnas
    dakhnas Member Posts: 16

    Still not fixed in 6.4 PTB Patch!

  • Glasse
    Glasse Member Posts: 10

    Still bugged as of 2022-11-26

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    Are y'all gonna fix this or? This has been "acknowledged" since July 2022. We're about to enter 2023. This bug is a big inconvenience.

  • Sharpefern
    Sharpefern Member Posts: 422

    This just got worse as it now doesnt show the aura to the survivor with the perk at all. Even after the bubble is gone

  • patronsaintofpizza
    patronsaintofpizza Member Posts: 123

    BHVR are you purposefully nerfing Kindred without telling us?

  • Sanmer
    Sanmer Member Posts: 20

    Latest bugfix has ruined kindred. Killer Aura doesn't show up at all now with the perk.

  • Ribbles
    Ribbles Member Posts: 115

    In another black eye to soloQ, this perk is compeltely busted after the patch today. sigh.

  • AssortedSorting
    AssortedSorting Member Posts: 1,076

    I'm fine with this as is. It still hurts campers but isn't quire as powerful when a Killer travels away from Hook. Directional callouts would probably take about as long as the Bubble in most scenarios anyway with regards to SoloQ vs. SWF.

  • Mockingjay_S451
    Mockingjay_S451 Member Posts: 393

    Yes, confirmed broken. Since patch you can not see the killer aura at all once a survivor is hooked. Even if they are standing right next to the hook after the horrible (not needed) black bubble goes away.

  • Tsukah
    Tsukah Member Posts: 390
    edited December 2022

    Looks like we gotta wait a month or so for this simple issue to be fixed


  • dakhnas
    dakhnas Member Posts: 16

    Still not fixed even after today's 6.4.3 that was focused on kindred issues...

  • ArcT
    ArcT Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 90

    It's patch 6.5.1 and this still hasn't been fixed.

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 166

    well i sent a ticket about this issue and they said they did it on purpose as a way of suspending the situation (i dont get the point of this text btw) so hook bubbles got nerfed where they no longer show auras through it they now blocks auras and thats intended sadly

  • ArcT
    ArcT Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 90

    6.5.2 and still acknowledged but not fixed.

  • G_Hunters
    G_Hunters Member Posts: 74

    It happens as killer with noise/gens bubble completed notifications too,so annoying when using perks like I'm all ears or barbecue.

    Make all notifications less graphics invasive please.

  • dakhnas
    dakhnas Member Posts: 16

    Still not fixed. I'm guessing devs don't care about this bug at this point

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,277

    This is still bugged and the fix hasn't fixed the bug; as someone who always uses Kindred, when is it ever gonna be fixed BHVR?

  • ArcT
    ArcT Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 90

    6.6.0 and this bug is still present.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,916

    As far as I'm aware this is something that is by design, that teh black bubble over rides the aura perks of both survivor and killer.

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 166

    no, hook bubbles used to be see through for auras but something broke them with the patch 6.0.0 i dont get how such a bug still exist for almost a year...

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,916

    It's currently not listed as a bug, but listed as by design - that's not to say it was always like that, but the decision was made that it should work in this manner.

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 166

    i get that but when nobody wants such a nerfish thing to many aura related perks this makes no sense to be in the game i bet every player would rather it to be reverted back to its original stage where we could see auras through hook bubbles and if thats intended i am asking why it was necessery to make bubbles opaque?

  • Mimeoplasm
    Mimeoplasm Member Posts: 4

    I don't see how it can be by design when new perks are released to provide 2 seconds of Aura Reading in their description but the notification bubble lasts 5 seconds preventing you actually using that aura reading?! These are perks that have launched AFTER this bug began to show up so why even build them that way if it's completely impossible even with time extensions to gain that aura reading at all? I feel this is more a case of not owning up to a mistake and hand waving to get out of working on a fix otherwise update all your aura reading perks to include 5 seconds of bubble blockage bonus.

  • br0ke
    br0ke Member Posts: 4

    What are you playing on? On Steam, it is PERFECTLY fine for me

  • poinepp
    poinepp Member Posts: 166

    i dont think you got it right, the problem is on all platforms. No aura is visible through the hook bubble this is the case.

This discussion has been closed.