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The way eruption is carrying killers in solo q is actually insane



  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    Yea i had one game with the last gen being 99 4x and eruption popped last second EVERY SINGLE TIME almost lost the match

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    Ahh, I see now. My personal experience is jaded by my own abilities so bringing it up as a matter of fact statement when discussing large balance issues just makes me look foolish?

    Much love, thank you.

  • FlameGNG
    FlameGNG Member Posts: 746

    Its not the instant regress thats the problem its the incapacitated and the fact that it can pop on 1 gen 4 5 times within a minute if your teammates are bad enough

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    I am not trying to make you look foolish but Blight and nurse are two of the strongest killers in current dbd and there are lots of killer players that can potentially down survivors in less than a minute.

    Remember we are not talking about 4man comp SWF here as eruption does nothing to them, we are talking about soloQ.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,582

    You are joking, right?

    I find that perk to be a mild annoyance at best.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    [Survivors] should never be afraid to [repair] !

    If you got it, got it.

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    No, you are absolutely correct and I see the error of my ways.

    When I, the person making the post, jump in and proudly claim how I don't think something is overpowered because I can't get value from it, it doesn't add to the discussion other than to show my own lack of skills but its rude to say that so directly. Luckily, I have the ability to self-reflect, read others experiences and use the combined knowledge to make better arguments.

    I appreciate you and your kind words.

  • TDtheDoc
    TDtheDoc Member Posts: 226

    So you want all killer perks easily countered?I want all survivor perks easily countered!

  • Rovend
    Rovend Member Posts: 1,063

    I am sorry if i sounded rude.

    It's just that it is not the first time that someone tells me "Eruption is balanced" because they expect survivors to last 3-4 minutes in every chase against every killer so that this perk can never activate.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285

    No, and I wrote in this same thread in one of my posts that Eurption has counter, but I also do not want to be forced to play swf if I want to have a shot of escaping

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Don't forget that killers can just not chase the guy who will probably last 3 mins in a chase. They know how to go after the weak link, I don't understand their argument. Most lobbies aren't balanced and sometimes even prestige can give you away.

  • Tranquil_Blue
    Tranquil_Blue Member Posts: 335

    They should start by reducing the Incapacitated to 16 seconds and see how that plays out. I think that 16 seconds would feel quite a bit less oppressive.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Yeah but this is a game that can match you with someone who did the tutorial yesterday.

  • WorthlessBeing
    WorthlessBeing Member Posts: 378

    Of course, not saying the opposite, far from it, but I've been in games where the weakest link was still able to loop me long enough.

    Eruption's useless on a completed gen, or if no one goes down.

  • MaTtRoSiTy
    MaTtRoSiTy Member Posts: 1,849

    It will get changed, it punishes the weakest role in the game exclusively (solo survivor) and has zero counter play. Though sadly I doubt we will see any rework until the new year with the holidays fast approaching for most people...

    But I would bet money on the perk being nerfed/reworked

  • CodeDB
    CodeDB Member Posts: 272

    You have no reason to apologize, but I do suggest your re-read my first post with the added context of the rest of my responses. You were nothing but respectful while I let my ignorance shine through.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    That's like me saying DH is useless if you grab the survivor or instadown him. Do games where no one ever goes down really happen often to you or games where Eruption never pops even once?

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063
    edited December 2022

    What part of my "chapter of war and peace" sounded like I was defending it? Eruption is a useless waste of time that provides survivors more advantage than killers, and only gives killers an edge if they manage to pull off the setup and activation before the targeted gens are completed, and only if someone is actually on the gen at the time to get hit with incapacitated. That's a lot of requirements with too many variables imo.

    In my experience, when I tried it out, 7 out of 10 times Eruption triggers, either no survivor is on the gen to get afflicted with Incapacitated, or 1 person gets afflicted but they have a 2 other teammates that can take over for them and stop it from damaging the gen any further. When it comes to Empathy, I was using it as an example of a perk that shows you when a teammate is injured and being chased, which gives you the advantage in predicting when they might go down, it's not perfect, but it's better than not having any information while going up against an Eruption user.

    Unless the killer is super speedy in chases or can 1 shot down people consistently, every gen they kick for the sake of Eruption is just giving the survivors more time to gain distance from them, and do other gens. To me, the investment of Eruption is too costly when perks like SH: Pain Resonance, DMS, and Jolt can do similar damage more frequently, and doesn't distract killers from chases.

    If I'm defending it in any way, I'm simply saying that I think survivors are overreacting to how useful a time wasting perk like Eruption really is to killers. There's no reason to demand nerfs or get all butt hurt over a perk that gives survivors distance and longer chases just because it "occasionally" works in the killers favor. I don't use it or any other Manual Slowdown perks because of this, and I guarantee you, if every killer realized that Automatic Slowdown is better, these forums would be frothing at the bit, Begging the devs to nerf all of them.

    Also, I exclusively play solo queue when playing survivor, as I hardly ever have any friends online at the time I play, and yes, I have been hit with Eruption, but not so crazy often that I feel like it deserves the Hex: Ruin treatment.

    I swear, these people never play killer... smh

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    Its not about countering any arguments.

    The point is simply, that "heavy impact perks" exist on both sides. These perks can switch the outcome of a Game on both sides.

    Yet, the discussion almost ALWAYS solely focuses on Killer perks. And instead of shifting the discussion on "how can we get solo Q on an equivalent level to SWF so can be able to better counter Perks like Erruption" its always just "nerf killer perks to the point they are trash"

    "adrenaline - the survivors have to finish the gens to do even get value from this 1 time use perk and it still does not guarantee it will achieve anything unless you can coordinate some cool adrenaline play - which you cannot in solo q"

    Oh yeah? you dont have to waste 2 seconds of kicking per gen, losing distance on a survivor, maybe losing even track on him, catching up, getting looped again, hitting, downing, etc. to procc Erruption? Is that not "earned" ? Adrenaline even proccs after you get unhooked and heals you to FULL INSTANT...

    "unbreakable - are you serious? It's the killer's mistake he slugged someone, the killer made a risky choice, and if there's unbreakable in play it's on them"

    Its your mistake to only do gens, that are so close to each other, that the killer can kick them all and chase 4 survivors constantly off gens and down them all together. Are you kidding right now?

    dead hard - nerfed not as much as ruin

    old ds - nerfed not as much as noed

    off the record - nerfed, does not work end game not as much as corrupt/pop/Thana/list goes on.

    Every surv perk you mentioned, is still meta. All those killer perks are mostly trash now...

    "bnps and syringe are powerful yes but not in the same extent eruption is, unless you once again have 4 man team with 4 bnps which you won't have in your average solo q match"

    I wont even argue with that. Getting 15% of your main objective progress and denying the killer 1/6 of his main objective without any counterplay nor skill involved is just beyond a bad argument...

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    So focusing the objective the Game wants you to do is playing "mean" ?

    What kind of standard is that? Is scoring a goal in a football game "mean" bcs the other team doesnt have fun when you score?

    The game is freakin ridiculously surv sided. Maps favour survs, RNG favours survs, objective favours survs, time favours survs. You basically only win as killer if Survs are doing consecutive MAJOR fuckups. Not losing one mindgame or vaulting to slow. MULTIPLE MAJOR fuckups!

    Mostly its altruism that kill survs. if everybody would focus on their objective (gens) then most survs would easily escape, bcs the game is simply designed for survs to escape.

    New killer is the prime example for that. There is basically no information survs dont get for absolutely no tradeoff. They see which knight is spawned, his pathing, vision range, they even need LoS to even procc, they can easily outrun the knights without using their brain... And best of all, you spawn a speed & endurance buff for survs to use.

    Its just insane how ppl still say this game is not surv sided when even the newest killer spawns buffs for them xD

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    so youre basically saying "the perk is strong against soloQ and needs a nerf so its even more useless against SWF. So if you play against SWF you just have to accept that you lose. Meanwhile, I cannot accept to have a harder game bcs of one Perk that is outplayable, while SWF is not."

    Talking about hypocrisy...

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    Oh yeah, please adjust the game based on one vid of a Streamer that probably played against some bottom tier SWF...

    Then please dont forget to consider the games where Ayrun finished a game from start to walking out the gate in 4:45 minutes. I dont think this should be possible either right?

    You really wanna balance around extremes?

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    dont forget that survs can just not do the gen that will probably make them unable to do stuff for 25 sec...

  • ElevatedWind
    ElevatedWind Member Posts: 26

    The perk defo needs changes. It's way too oppressive for solo q. Especially when you are running the perk with Overcharge etc...It becomes ridiculous.

  • JustAnotherNewbie
    JustAnotherNewbie Member Posts: 1,941

    Sorry, I need Dead Hard to counter Eruption, something something not going down according to killer mains.

  • BenSanderson55
    BenSanderson55 Member Posts: 454
    edited December 2022

    Then please enlighten us on how to counter it off comms. Dont do gens right? lol, more like people defending eruption need it in its current state to actually win a game, because camp and tunnel not enough.

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    if you get 3genned its basically your fault.

    Why is the killer not allowed to capitalize on your mistakes? If a killer does a pickup in a bad position you capitalize on it by blinding him and denying him his objective. Same goes with 3gen and erruption.

    your argument basically says: we are playing the "team side" of an asymmetrical game. But we are not playing as a team and therefore the game must be patched that way, that even without teamwork we are able to win. Sounds pretty dumb right?

  • Brokenbones
    Brokenbones Member Posts: 5,167
    edited December 2022

    In some maps, yes you have to actively gift the Killer a 3 gen

    But in a lot of maps (I'll name a few):

    Dead Dawg Saloon

    Suffocation Pit

    Azaarovs Resting Place


    RPD (Both variants)

    The maps have built in 3 gen scenarios that the Killer can decide to just use regardless of what survivors do. If Killers don't, on these maps they typically lose.

    So, most of the time it is the survivor's fault - but if the game puts 5 generators on 1 side of suffo pit, what else is gonna happen? The survivors can't force the killer to stop patrolling one side of the map

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118

    Bcs this is an asymmetrical game and you cannot compare one side to the other the same way. bcs they dont play the same. they dont even have the same objectives...

    Everytime to talk about balance of killers (perks/addons/abilities) you HAVE TO take SWF into account. EVERY FKN TIME!

    If Erruption would be uncounterable, it would mean an automatic win, everytime you play it. Which is not the case!

    Old Dead Hard was uncounterable. Bcs it always gave the surv a benefit no matter how the situation played out...

    You never played as a killer against 4 competetent solo survs right? You point out SoloQ as if it is unplayable and unwinnable in every scenario. If all 4 Players know how the game works and know what to do, they are equally as dangerous and effective as SWF...

    Just bcs most of the casual SoloQ Survivors are bad at the game and give up on first down or any other minor inconvenience that keeps them away from holding m1 for 90 sec. You dont have to balance the game around them.

    Bcs this makes the game literally unfun and unplayable for anyone that got basic understanding of it...

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    You leave a comment on their steam wall telling them to stop do Gen when Killer is about to swing.

  • Unam
    Unam Member Posts: 118
    1. dont get 3 genned
    2. check how long it approx. takes for your teammates to get down. if someone gets down in quick succession after the 1st hit hes probably a bad looper
    3. if a killer is chasing another survivor you can see if he gets injured, if youre sitting on a gen he kicked, go search for another or wait until the other surv is downed.
    4. if you get incapitated by errutpion, go search for other gens, check where exit gates are, search hexes, make way to the hook, check which tiles are still up on pallets, check where basement is, get freakin information! If you decide to stand at the gen for 20 sec and look at it, crying about how unfair erruption is, thats your choice...
    5. maybe get the killer to chase you next? so others can do gens, bcs you are actually a good survivor and youre not going down so fast right? bcs you had time, to check for active tiles, you are able to loop the killer so good, that your teammates can finish the errupted gens :)

    Surv Mains crying for every effective killer perk to get nerfed bcs they still cannot win with all the handholding the devs give them.

    Do you even want to play the game? Or do you wanna `watch the "I Win every match" Simulator?

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    2- If I get down in 20sec in chase, means my teammate should stop doing Gen after 19sec because Im bad at loops. But for some luck Im able to make a 60sec chase. Which mean my teammates should wait for 41sec to not get 25sec Incap?

    3- If my Gen A is 60%, I should go for another 0% Gen B, after I do Gen B 60%, killer passes by and kick Gen B, so I should go to Gen C 0%?

    4- I realized I should not making explaination after reading this.

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Just wanted to say something to this comment. As I do somewhat agree with some of points you make about those survivor perks, I will say you completely wrong about the items/add-ons. Those do carry teams alot. Today I had a match as demo. I spawn in and started towards the center of the map. When I got there my tinker went off so I went towards that gen and by the time I reached that gen it pop. There was only two survivors there with toolboxes. Then another gen pop shortly after that one and another. I end up dcing because this was my experience pretty much all night. In the match result screen I saw the toolboxes had BNP and those survivors was pretty much running DH, steak out, prove and hyperfocus. There was also a CoH and two green medkits in that match also. This had been pretty much my experience all tonight and made it wrost since I wasn't running a lot of slowdown and playing low tier killers like ring girl, doc and demo. Perk wise I was using one of these in each build with chase and info perks: jolt, deadlock, and MS. Even with these gens went pretty fast and chases lasted way to long since most of the maps I went to was survivor sided maps.

    Yes Eruption needs a change I agree but there alot of stuff on survivor sided that needs changing also. If you only nerf eruption with no compensation we just going go back to the days of gen rushing and killers having low kill rates again. Right now if you play a low tier killer you have to run 2 or more powerful slow down perks to even compete with bad maps and op items.

    Also just wanted to add you can counter 3 gens and it's called deja vu. If someone runs deja vu it prevents a 3 gen even happening to begin with. If more ppl ran that instead of hyperfocus or whatever then you would see less 3 gens.

  • Iron_Cutlass
    Iron_Cutlass Member Posts: 3,155
    edited December 2022

    "Dont Get 3-Genned"

    Killer spawned right by a 4-gen and never left it the entire match (generator at the loop I am hooked at, generator by the rock to the right, generator in a loop further to me left, and a generator by mini shack). How is it my fault when they refuse to leave the area since the start of the match?

    Worst part is, this happens so often. Ive been having A LOT of matches that play like this. Trying to break the 3-gen does nothing since either way you are still 3-genned. But again, dont sit here and say that is it always the survivor's fault, because guess what, sometimes it actually isnt, I know, a hard concept to understand.

    (Also no, the Spirit was not phasing either, I was being camped on hook since all the generators were visible from her location.)

  • JustWhimsical
    JustWhimsical Member Posts: 590

    While that is true, the incapacitated status effect is unfun to go against, and so many killers are using it because it is so good. I am all for their being strong stuff, but when things start being seen constantly, I think it's too much. I rather have the meta being consistently shaken up then to let it decay like it did with dead hard.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,069

    Adrenaline and Hope are stupidly reliable now, since it's a given that the gens are gonna get done with any efficient team. Just because survivor perks were nerfed doesn't mean they're not good. You can control 3-gens in solo. Brains are not exclusive to SWF.

  • danielmaster87
    danielmaster87 Member Posts: 9,069

    That's dangerously broad, what you're saying. I think it's very obvious that people defend stuff that they use. But if we invalidate their argument just because of that, then what? No balance discussion at all? "Wins they maybe didn't deserve" is pushing it. If anything, that describes the survivors. I don't know if you've seen teams who are efficient on gens, but they can pretty much get owned in chase non-stop yet 3 get out.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775 one might say they are smart for playing to their strengths?

  • Omans
    Omans Member Posts: 1,081

    And I would absolutely say that there are many survivors who have escaped even though they probably didn't deserve to just because they queued up in a group. I'd rather those extreme advantages be lessened for both sides. I don't want to have to face a strong SWF using the Crow map just as much as I don't want to face Eruption. Both give undeserved advantages and wins.

    Obviously there are some things the devs can do to weaken SWF without weakening the already super weak solo queue, like making items and perks not stackable, or even restricting the number of perks a 4-man can use. I hope they do.

    The thing is, I don't see any pushback when people say SWF is too strong. It is fact. It should be fixed. But in these eruption threads, and in nurse threads there is a fair amount of pushback which doesn't make much sense. Both sides have broken things. The sooner people accept that and try to alert the devs the better for game health.

  • Sally_S_gay_son
    Sally_S_gay_son Member Posts: 285
    edited December 2022

    why are you even talking about those perks omg, sure it's a good combo but literally irrelevant to the discussion

    Also sure 3 gen can be controlled in solo if you say so, the problem is not even 3 gen the problem is this perk and its lack fo counter for solo q players (please let me remind you that in the gen kicking meta chances are killer will at that point of the match kick all the gens regardless when there are since there are few left to kick)

    Also, lets remember that we are in solo, you are at 90% of the gen, someone is running the killer straight to you because they do not know you are there and then killer stops kicks it and what then? Just leave the gen forever? Don't you understand how stupid that is, even if we take other gen kicking perks out of the equation

    the struggle and defecltion to admit solo q players are literally getting ######### on because of this perk and only them and that it's change / nerf would truly help the weakest role in the game that is also the majority is truly sad

    these people are not even satisfied with their 95% win against solo q players they want their 100% win rate 😂