

Good night, Good luck chapter 2.0

Member Posts: 13,036
edited February 2019 in Creations

If you saw the original thanks, but this is a remake of that chapter


This is where a man entered and was infected, leading to a chain of events that cause him and others to die, but to keep everyone else safe, but they are not always gonna be safe now.

Killer: The NightHunter(Movement speed 111%, terror radius 24 meters)(Weapon:Fatal Claws)

Bio-A fearsome predator who watches over nests of incubating Volatiles. As the ultimate zombie, the Night Hunter has super-human skills, which offer an edge over survivors in the quarantine.

Power: Tendril Tackle

In this realm, you tackle with the assistance of Tendril transmission which will pull you in the aimed direction at 130% speed. When using Tendril transmission on a survivor, you will engage a tackle forcing the survivor forwards, deducting a health state and stunning the survivor for 2 seconds from moving so they can stand up, when used again the survivor will enter the Deep wounds state with a 7 second timer. If you are stunned in the tackle by being blinded or stunned the tackle will end and The Nighthunter will tumble for 4 seconds, when stunned by pallets you will tumble over the pallet. Tendril Tackle has a 60 second recharge timer. Tendril transmission can be used 3 times then will be recharged in 60 seconds and Tendril Tackle will instantly start the recharge timer. The NightHunter will have the same reticle as the grappling hook in Dying Light

Add-ons: Coming Soon! (everyone who comments will be pinged when the first 5 are added)


Dark eyes: You see easier and through the darkness with precision. You will see less fog by 50/60/70%. Your fov is increased by 20/30/50 percent. You are affected by flashlights 10/5/0% more.

Internal rage: Upon being stunned you feel your rage increasing. Every time you are stunned this perk will gain a token up to 3.
Every time a survivor is hit the boost they get when hit will be decreased by 3/4/5% depending on the token count. You lose tokens when Hooking survivors, but when survivors enter their death hook, you lose no tokens.

No Hope: You pretty much eat the hope of survivors. When a survivor is unhooked, you see the aura of the savior for 6/7/8 seconds. When the savior is hooked before anyone else. The Unhooked survivors aura is revealed for 5/6/7 seconds and all other survivors are exposed for 40/45/50 seconds.

Mori: The Nighthunter will run away from the survivor, the survivor will stand up and look around, the survivor will become grappled with Tendril Transmission, the survivor will be pinned to the ground and after 1 second of the survivor screaming, is literally obliterated, leaving only a puddle of blood, and The NightHunter will pounce off of the puddle and away from the death location by 3 meters (will pounce until they hit a wall if a barrier is inside the 3 meters)

In-game picture of The Nighthunter from Dying Light


Survivor: Jade Aldimier A.K.A The Scorpion

(She is hard to explain sorry)


Safe and sound: You keep everyone alive by trying to keep people safe, even if it results in your demise. When a survivor enters a chase after being unhooked, the killers aura is revealed to you and you movement speed is increased by 5% until the survivor is downed or you are injured. When getting hit by the killer, all stuns preformed on the killer are increased by .5/1/1.1 seconds.
"It's nearly sunset, so move it if you don't want to get caught!"-Jade Aldemir

In blood: Your fate hurts your killer. At the beginning of the trial, you will be linked to a survivor over auras, when that survivor dies, you will be alerted of how they died on the status bar, from sacrifice to mori (Shows the mori type of being ivory or ebony). If you die the same way, the killer is affected by a status affect that is similar to Dying light(Get where this is leading) all actions preformed by the killer are reduced by 24/30/36%.


FACT:I made this perk because if you played dying light, her brother died the same way as her, lied about the bite wound they had, same leg they were bitten, Kyle Crane killed both of them by breaking their neck when they became infected

Last Breath: In your last moments, you push through. When you enter the injured state all actions are increased by 4/5/6%, stun time is increased by .2/.4/.6 seconds. When entering Deep Wounds status effect, all actions are increased by 6/7/8% and stun time is increased by .6/.8/1 seconds.

Jade Aldemir in Dying Light-

Thank you for reading, tell me your thoughts, it always helps

See you in the fog

Post edited by Hoodied on

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  • Member Posts: 90

    I'd change the "FACT:I made this..." spot a spoiler warning and be sure to say that it is a Dying Light spoiler. I've already completed the games, but other readers may have not.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    @SolarFoxVB said:
    I'd change the "FACT:I made this..." spot a spoiler warning and be sure to say that it is a Dying Light spoiler. I've already completed the games, but other readers may have not.


  • Member Posts: 13,036

    @SolarFoxVB said:
    I'd change the "FACT:I made this..." spot a spoiler warning and be sure to say that it is a Dying Light spoiler. I've already completed the games, but other readers may have not.

    I changed it to a spoiler

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    Pretty nice. I always wondered how a Night Hunter would work.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    @Shad03 said:
    Pretty nice. I always wondered how a Night Hunter would work.

    It took a lot of work, I mean alot but I thought of his abilitys and tada

    You like the mori idea?

  • Member Posts: 3,732

    @Hoodedfengm1n said:

    @Shad03 said:
    Pretty nice. I always wondered how a Night Hunter would work.

    It took a lot of work, I mean alot but I thought of his abilitys and tada

    You like the mori idea?

    Yes. Bery Bice =3

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