

Fan Chapter: What Remained (New Killer: The Arsonist)

Member Posts: 784

(This is NOT my artwork, just the best I found)

Equality. A great lies, told by society, not held up by its citizens. Antonio "Tony" Ferrant came to this country with his family, seeking out a better life. And maybe it was better, in its own way. They spent less time fearing the mafia, but spent more time. That was the end of that sentence. They were never considered equals, never treated as people, never treated with dignity. Every bill paid cost them more time than it would others. His parents worked themselves to the bones trying to provide a new hope for their children. Tony saw this hard work, and admired his parents. But all around them were people who have, while they remained the have nots. Surrounded by people who thought only of themselves. Consumed by their desires for possessions.

Bullied at school for being poor, Tony did everything he could to block the instigators out and focus on an education, so he could pull his family up and give his parents the life they deserved. It became a sole obsession for him, driving him to incredible lengths. He maintained perfect behavior in school; he didn't want to draw attention to himself and cause more trouble. Which was why he thought it strange when he was called into the office. He couldn't remember doing anything remotely wrong.

In the office, they told him there had been an accident. His mother, exhausted from working the night shift, fell asleep and died when the dinner she had been preparing caught fire.

Things only got worse from there. Tony dropped out of school to work at a gas station to help his father and siblings. Time passed, and the world left him behind. People who mocked him in high school went to college, and returned on their breaks, mocking him for being a loser stuck at a gas station.

He wasn't sure what eventually got to them. Their lack of appreciation for what they had? Their mockery? His own anger at his situation?

Or maybe, just maybe, it was the memory. The memory of their charred apartment. All the possessions lost. And how little they meant in the face of real loss.

He began stalking the one who came the most, a rich bastard named Hector. He caught him and his girlfriend with their pants down (literally), and tased them. He bound them within Hector's car, dousing it with gasoline. In his rage, he set the car on fire, watching and listening as they screamed. As the flames spread around him, Tony made no effort to escape, ready to let the fire consume him. There was no hope for this world.

But there was hope in another one. Another one filled with people who did not appreciate what they had. As the Entity whispered in his ear, Tony found himself more than ready.... to relieve people of the lives they didn't deserve to have.


Terror Radius:

**Speed: **
115% (See Power)

Tony attacks with his hand, like the Hag, which is steaming and crackling.

Tony lights the body on fire in a very quick and intensive blast of fire. He then stands and watches as their burning body spasms and twitches, until they and the flame die out.

Power: Cleansing Fire

Right Mouse Channel, similar to Wraith coming out of stealth. He slows slightly as he channels.

There is a slow crackling noise heard by all players while he channels, and those 5 meters past it.

The longer he channels, the further the effect, expanding at about 75% Movement (Base), up to his terror radius. Once he releases, the area within his terror radius erupts into flames. While within the fire, survivors have a timer. If they do not get out of the fire before the timer counts down, they are injured. (Can take down) While moving within his Cleansing Fire area, Tony's movement speed increases to 120%, but he himself has a timer, and will get stunned if he spends too much time within his own fires. His timer, however, is longer than the survivors. Fire continues to burn after you have left for a brief few seconds. Tony does not receive the damage over time aspect of his power.

Similar to Legion, Tony has a power bar that needs to be recharged. He can use his power while it is recharging, but that reduces the range proportional to the time he has available.

Tony's perks feed on his hatred of those who have, denying them safe areas, punishing them for taking from him, and punishing them for having items.

You are filled with envy for those who have, and seek to deprive. You gain a token each time you strike someone holding an item, up to 6/7/8. Each totem slows all action speeds of survivors with items by 3/4/5%. This does not apply to healing and repair. (Affects cleansing, vaulting, gate opening, unhooking, etc)

Your possessions are few, and the greed of the survivors raises your ire. Gain a token for each totem destroyed. Gain 1/2/3% movement speed for each token.

Impending Violence
Your rage comes quicker, and spurs you further. Increases the rate at which you gain bloodlust by 10/20/30%, and upon acquiring Bloodlust 3, your attacks auto-down survivors.

Add Ons
Basic Ones, at different ranks:
Accelerants: Decrease burn timers and increases on recharging speeds
Retardants: Decreases Tony's burn timers and stuns.
Fuels: Increase the duration of the Cleansing Fire

Rarer Ones:
Taser: The taser used to subdue the couple. Sets one's doom into motion. Can see the auras of those lit on fire.
Gas Can: The can of gas used to douse the car and couple. Amplifies the suffering of others. Causes the fire over time effect to last longer.
Burnt Flesh: An indistinguishable piece of charred flesh. Being downed by being set on fire causes you to be mangled.
Last Tears: The tears of the couple as they screamed in pain as they thrashed pointlessly. Being downed by being set on fire causes you to be exhausted for 60 seconds after future times you get set on fire.

Counter Play
The purpose of Tony is to counter the looping meta and to be decent at countering stealth. His power can burn areas, making it dangerous to stay in it for extended time. The Arsonist is best beaten by moving between areas, rather than staying in 'safe' zones for as long as possible.

Survivor Upcoming.

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  • Member Posts: 784

    Saw this, so wanted to include it:
    "I saw a man, one I could not avoid seeing. His body crackled and smoked, like a freshly burnt log. In my great fortune, he did not see me, but not far into my departure of him, I heard a horrid screaming pierce the air, slowly followed by the unmistakable scent of burning human flesh."
    ~Benedict Baker

  • Member Posts: 44

    Killer power

    Cleansing Fire
    Basically you create a homefield where the stakes are in your favour. Not bad, I like it. I would increase the Arsonist's movement speed in the firestorm and decrease the base movement speed.

    Killer Perks

    Like it. Would probably make it a Hex, though.

    Good. Maybe less of a bonus?

    Impending Violence
    I think it's a bit too exploitable. If you want to instadown Survivors, you might want to increase the time it takes to gain Bloodlust, not decrease it.

  • Member Posts: 765
    Cleansing Fire
    I like that the killer can’t stay in the fire permanently, but I would increase his speed while he’s in his fire some more. Seems like it would spur him in n some more.

    Seems interesting. Looks like it might be situational, though. If no one brings an item you’ll have to hope they get one out of a toolbox.

    This seems like it was meant to be a Hex perk. If not, it probably should be since it depends on totems to be effective.

    Impending Violence
    Seems like it can shorten a game if you’re having a bad one. I’m betting it will have some interesting uses to n killer’s like Freddy or Pig.
  • Member Posts: 90
    edited February 2019

    I think that the bloodlust speed would be okay if the effect were something other than an instadown, like maybe a hindered effect with a small timer. Cool art by the way.

  • Member Posts: 1,165

    Sorry but when i look at what this killer is supposed to look like, it feels like i am watching some kind of anime that is about to start.

  • Member Posts: 784
    edited February 2019

    @Mockingbird_X said:

    Killer power

    Cleansing Fire
    Basically you create a homefield where the stakes are in your favour. Not bad, I like it. I would increase the Arsonist's movement speed in the firestorm and decrease the base movement speed.

    Killer Perks

    Like it. Would probably make it a Hex, though.

    Good. Maybe less of a bonus?

    Impending Violence
    I think it's a bit too exploitable. If you want to instadown Survivors, you might want to increase the time it takes to gain Bloodlust, not decrease it.

    Thanks for the feedback. I guess nothing says it has to be whole numbers, so Vendetta could be cut in half.

    Disparity works as a hex, and synergizes with Vendetta better if it is one.

    To Tarvesh, it is more about giving the killer something if they have hex focused builds when the hexes get taken down. It wouldn't be a hex itself, as that would be self defeating. Remember, this is a perk that can be denied by simply NOT breaking totems. It is meant to be the vein of Thrill of the Hunt.

    Only thing I disagree with is Impending Violence being too exploitable. Getting stunned or breaking a pallet negates blood lust, so instead of 45 seconds for tier 3 bloodlust, it would take 31.5 seconds of chasing them without getting stunned or stuck behind a pallet to acquire it, and most killers have abilities that negate bloodlust. It would be a good perk for M1 killers, but far less so on others.

    Also to Tarvesh, love your stuff. Amazing ideas on your killers. Read half of them, going through the other half.

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