Hey BHVR, do you have any comment on this case?

A few months after the 6.1.0 update, will we get any comment on the Eruption issue, or will the DBD devs continue to pretend they don't see a problem with this perk on some builds being able to extend the game to its maximum?
Should the game end when every survivor is hooked at least once, or when the first survivor just goes down?
Because at the moment practically 1 in 5 people are using Eruption, mostly in synergy with other perks, and I don't know if enough people have already bought Nemesis, or do we still have to wait a month-two until we finally get any answer about Eruption?
Watch people coming to this thread that Eruption is totally fine and that it is not taking the game hostage or anything to just defend your Gens without attempting to actually chase someone. (Hens himself says "A Killer who is not progressing the game")
I just hope that not many people want to copy that "funny" playstyle.
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It's more the incapacitate effect that's the issue and it's lack of counter. Either remove the effect or provide a counter to it.
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so eruption is strong on knight a killer with so far no counters it needs a nerf?
sure tbh any perk can be strong on strong killers but i wonder if a ghost face or any killer that can't down very quickly use eruption as effectively....hmmm
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I mean, unless you need 90 seconds to down a Survivor (and then it is not the problem of the Character you are playing), you will almost always get value out of Eruption. Especially because you are not only running Eruption, but pairing it with other Perks.
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did you really forget that survivors can finish a gen before a down? and also gens don't just lose progress instantly when kicked, and honestly the only perks you can run with it and are very effective are overcharge and call of brine which are decent i guess?
overcharge can get the survivor off guard, call of brine is mostly info, as if you didn't already know the survivor was already back on the gen
and yea you get will get value out of it and feel like you are actually playing with perks, but is that bad compared to survivors getting extremely good value of every perk they run?
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I love when content creators make these types of vids, that will undoubtedly cause others to try to imitate. Just what solo q needed right now is more knights trying to do a forever 3 gen build.
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Last part is whataboutism.
I will just say this - if people would not get value out of Eruption, you would not see it in so many games. On basically every kind of Killer wether it is a Nurse or a Trapper, the whole range of Killers is using Eruption.
So it is safe to assume that you get value out of it.
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hey im not saying nobody is getting value out of it, but compared to other perks, it feels like you are doing something for once
u use overcharge and call of brine on a gen, oop someone tapped it, there goes all the regression
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Eruption is a skill less crutch perk.
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People have been complaining on these forums about how miserable solo q is for a long time. Mods and devs have undoubtedly read some of the threads and comments. They have just decided that improving solo queue isn’t worth prioritizing resources for. Enough people are still playing the game, so in BHVR’s view there is no urgent issue.
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Ive had matches before that video even came out that resulted in a similar way. Killer holds a 3-gen at the start of the match, and we become gen-locked until the match ends. It's one of the reasons why I stopped playing DBD altogether, Im tired of this meta, it's actually stupid how something like this was allowed to be in the game for as long as it has.
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and survivors don't have those, riiiiighhhhhhhtttttt
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But the ones that have such a game altering effect are maybe dead hard and unbreakable, but DH requires a ton of skill, and unbreakable is so very situational. Eruption just kick and win
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boons, adrenaline, i can go on
and DH requires skill?
in the open maybe, near pallets no
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Yeah, it does.
Evidenced by the fact of how many times I've used DH by a pallet and gotten Endurance and still gone down.
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hit validation is one cruel mistress lol
sometimes it extends to a full second sometimes it doesn't even work
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There need to be a surrender button for both side.
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Adrenaline activate at end game......
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No one said they didn't, but we're talking about Eruption right now.
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It's good because it'll force behavior to do something if more people start doing it. Hens is one of the most rational youtubers/streamers when it comes to discussing game balance while also being ridiculously good at the game.
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Preventing the gens from being done is one of the killer's objectives. I guess according to survivor mains it's 'holding the game hostage' if you decide to defend your 3-gen instead of chasing someone with a styptic, DH and all the other second chances into the opposite end of the map.
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Bestie, what are you talking about.
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I hope the eruption defenders who log into a survivor match once in 2 months face this exact same strategy every single time so they can have a fun and balanced match
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"Watch people coming to this thread that Eruption is totally fine and that it is not ― taking the game hostage ― or anything to just defend your Gens without attempting to actually chase someone‷
First response oomfie.
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As Hens said, he was able to hold the game hostage for an hour until the game time limit ran out. If they hadn't lowered that limit recently it could have been up to 2 hours.
Eruption was the key stone to his build that made it possible. The survivors got close so many times only to get completely shut down by Eruption when Hens got a down.
This is the absolute worst case scenario for Dead by Daylight. Forever Knight is far, far worse than old Forever Freddy, Forever Legion or any other build anyone can think of that could, past or now, attempt to lock down a game indefinitely.
I don't know how anyone in their right mind could defend this.
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Never thought I’d miss pop corrupt but tbh I kinda do
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Fun fact. Almost any slowdown perk can be used in 3 gen situation to hold game hostage. If killer want to hold the game as long as possible - he just won't chase survivors and will afk gen protect.
Eruption in it's own strong perk, but it's not unfair perk. Because it takes killer's time to work. What I am thinking about:
1) Killer needs to go and kick the gen. It's takes less time, but not always killer can do it. For example killer won't kick gen in a middle of the chase, letting survivor go.
2) Killer needs to down a survivors. That can be tricky because if survivor know how to loop and how to break chases - killer will spend a lot of time to down. Or survivors can simply hide, so killer won't be able to start a chase.
Aaaaand finally - there is a counterplay to this lerk even in SoloQ. Eruption it's one of a few perks that encourage survivors to remember how to stealth. If killer can't find anyone - he couldn't down them.
And second thing. If you want to know when killer is going to down survivor - you can run some of survivor information perks. That can be helpful.
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i dunno what you guys are talking about, just listen to the people here! 3 gens are the survivors fault and they are perfectly counterable!
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Hey killer defend gens but surv dont do their main objective.You dont need eruption for 3 gen
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yes it does
now imagine playing against 4 op medkits, resilience, a boon, selfcare and adrenaline and a map offering, and tell me by then how you enjoy the game
and when i say play against those, i mean playing with low tier killers not nurse
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It's not fun and it's not a fact. No other killers are as effective as the Knight in this scenario and even a Knight with lesser perks won't be able to pull off actually holding the game hostage for an hour. If you actually think so, go try it yourself. Remember not to kill anyone! That's against the rules.
Eruption is an unfair perk to SoloQs as it doesn't offer any good counterplay. Go check out my Is Eruption killing the game? thread and read the OP for what I think is wrong with Eruption and how I'd like to see it changed.
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I do played with low tier killers cause im bad with nurse. I don't care for them cause my build is rancor roulette. If it a problem for you then maybe do something about it.
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well i did deal with it, tunnel and slug everyone, like every other killer
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>eruption issue
>shows issue with Knight's power specifically
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They nerfed Awakened Awareness for Nurse specifically.
It's not just an issue with Knight btw.
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Nurse is orders of magnitude stronger and her power has proven to be unfixable.
Not that it matters anyway because like I said the issue is not with Eruption at all here, you can do basically the same thing with Surge.
The issue is that Knight has insane area control with no setup required, though like all territorial killers, he can be easily countered on most maps.
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You definitely can't hold a game hostage with Surge.
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"If both sides play absolutely safe, the game won't end until the time limit" is an interesting question. It's a common feature in so many competitive things over the years--until someone makes a slip-up, it won't finish.
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Eruption needs rework for sure, no doubt about that. Absolutely brutal to face in solo queue, with no counter unless you are on comms.
But this case is pretty specific: a highly skilled player, a build catered to defend a three gen, one of the top 2-3 three gen spots in the game, and a killer with an almost singular ability to defend one (and very little ability to do much else). And still, they came very close to breaking it.
And I will continue to have very little sympathy for surv teams who do gens without thought, three gen themselves, and then expect the killer to get rope-a-doped into a chase that is unnecessary and would only serve to help the opposition. It's really not that hard to avoid a late game three gen by practicing a tiny bit of awareness early in the match; a highly defensible three gen is a result of one of two things:
- Effective calculation and execution by the killer
- A total lack of calculation and/or execution by the surv team.
Either way, it's hard to frame that as being somehow a situation that is unfair.
Expecting the killer to leave what they are supposed to defend because it's your only remaining chance to win is expecting a second chance to win a game that is essentially lost, engaging in such a chase is nothing but an act of pity from the killer.
Personally, I don't try to set up three gens as a killer, but if one materializes and its by best shot at winning, I'm gonna defend it. I'm not going to let the survs out of the corner they painted themselves into just because they feel they should be given another chance.
I play more surv than anything anymore, and I will (and have often) die on a gen I know I can't finish before I would help draw a game out to 60 minutes out of nothing but spite. Accept the L and move on.