Theres no DC penalty or matchmaking.

No idea what's going on, not sure if its turned off or every vet/skilled player isnt on but matchmaking seems completely broken (more than usual)
Back to back games as survivor and killer filled with random skill levels. Some are completely new players unable to look behind or hit even basic skill checks etc.
Something isnt right...
I thought this was just SBMM in general as I have long suspected it very much prioritises faster matchmaking over accuracy. But yeah I do find that my lobbies can have absolute gods and very obvious total babies who drop god pallets at 5 gens the second get within 30 meters of them lol
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I'm not sure, recent days just seem like its non existent.
Like it's never been great but it feels like its non existent atm so I'm wondering what's going on. The no DC penalty is questionable, explains why I'm seeing them so much
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Hmm well I can confirm that for me my lobbies are definitely all over the place as far as skill levels go (unless it is obviously a 4 man SWF).
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Yeah I can say mine is, I escape often and I win often as killer yet seeing completely new players as both roles... makes no sense
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They removed disconnect penalties for console players and SBMM is a total clusterfuck right now.
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In my experience it's somewhat accurate.
As killer, I mostly get decent opponents with my good ones, and newbies with the killers I use once in a blue moon (a.k.a. daily) The map is the biggest factor there.
As survivor, solo, I mostly get decent teammates against OK killers and escape about 60% of the time. (And maps are usually helping, as most are survivor-sided)
As survivor, SWF, I escape a bit less and get from lame* to OK killers and escape about 40% of the time (half of my current teammates are absolute beginners)
It's not perfect, but it's good enough.
*) insta-tunneling + camping that get at most one kill if we simply push the gens and leave.
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Nope, penalty has been on for them since yesterday
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For the most part it use to be tolerable but the past 2 days at least have been the worst matchmaking iv ever experienced as both roles since the games release lol
It's not on though? I assume its be reverted? I wasnt aware they had even turned it off though but it's not giving you a time out on a DC
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The DC penalty is on - I got a 1 min timeout for disconnecting from a game earlier where I hit a survivor at the start of the match and they immediately stood still, gave up and disconnected. Was my first game on and I couldn't be bothered playing a 3v1
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It's certainly on my fellow forum user
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DC penalty is definitely back on. They had only turned it off for playstation because of the cursor error but that was fixed in yesterday's patch so DC penalty is back on.
As for matchmaking - I feel like people are just trying to sabotage their teams on purpose. Not even a skill issue, just a make game unfun for others.
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I mean, maybe.
I've had some pretty horrific games today though. I'd just chuck it up to the matchmaker being unreliable.
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I last played on Tuesday. I'm a low MMR killer as it is, but that night, I was getting MURDERED. SWF after SWF after SWF...I was getting matched up with teams and players I had NO BUSINESS playing against in the first place, and the repeated losses weren't getting me any better matches, just more of the same. Very frustrating.
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SBMM has felt like old ranked matchmaking for a month or two now. Games are all over the place. It's really frustrating as a solo player. I gave it 2 games last night and gave up. Really no point in playing for me. I don't care about queue times at all. I'd rather have a good match.